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He/They · Solaris · Sand/Night · Assassin/Spy/Criminal

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"I don't make bloody murder," - Solaris

"All alone I fought the cause"
Beware the sun

Solaris is an adult male SandWing - NightWing hybrid and a main supporting character of Two Sides, One Fate and the main protagonist of A Dark Fate. He attends Jade Mountain Academy to stay hidden and is in no known relationships.

Solaris Headshot
Creator WCU
Artist IndigoxFathom
Coder WCU
Code Base Himmalerin
Attribute Cunning, Handsome, Sly
Element Sun/Fire
Color Gold and Black
Animal Phoenix
Song Devil's in the Detail

The Hoosiers

Age 7 DY 18 HY
Gender Pixel Flag Male
Pronouns He/Him They/Them
Orientation Pixel Flag Bi
Occupation Assassin, Spy, Criminal, Student
Tribe SandWings NightWings
Goal To Kill Assigned Goals, To Kill Sunny and Thorn, To Trick most dragons that he is innocent, To retrieve the Skyfire Amulet
Residence Jade Mountain Academy (Currently), Sandwing Stronghold (Formerly), Scorpion Den (Formerly), Sandwing Market (Formerly)
Relatives Sunstone (father), Spirit (mother), Beetle (sister), Dingo (grandfather), Bristle (grandmother),
Allies Beetle, The Rich Nightwings (formerly)
Enemies SkyWings
Likes Battles, Winning Fights, Training, Scrolls
Dislikes Beetle Injured, Other Dragonets
Powers Fire Breath, Moon Affect, Tail Barb, Dark Magic, Shapeshifting Magic
Weapons Tail Barb, Onyx Stone (Dark magic), Fire Breath, Dragonbite viper-poison Dagger, Multi-headed axe, Three narwhal spears dipped in Acidic Lava
Love Interests Possibly Sanddeath
Quote "Don't underestimate me," - Solaris to Strike, A Dark Fate
"Up against the clock that started me"


Solaris has beautiful gold scales, black wings with golden galaxies marks within the membranes, handsome black eyes with golden slits, and a white underbelly with gold flecks. Running across the side of his scales are white diamonds and small, hidden white flecks. He wears an onyx stone around his neck, while hiding a pouch with all his weapons under his wing. Along his muscular build, he has scars across his underbelly, neck, and tail.

"It's the life anonymous"


Solaris is smart, sly, and cunning. He is determined and won't stop until the thing he started is completed. He isn't the most social dragon and is more distant to strangers. He protects the ones he trusts or cares about and can sometimes be over protective. He is moody and sarcastic from time to time. He never stays around dragons who annoy him, being overwhelmed by their stupid behavior. Having PTSD, dragons similar to the behavior of dragons who've a*used him make it harder to focus and makes him anxious.

"Trusted with the lives of all of us"


Before the hatching of Solaris, Sunstone took his egg and abandoned him at Scorpion Den. Unwillingly, Six-Claws forced himself to raise Solaris.

As Solaris grew older, he stole food, gems, and gold. He stole Sunstone's onyx amulet by mistake, angering him into chasing Solaris around the market. Nearly being killed that day, Solaris realized it wasn't safe at the SandWing Stronghold anymore.

After setting Beetle under the care of Six-Claws, Solaris ventured off. He began killing dragons who tried to steal or threaten him, soon taking an assassin job. For a while, Solaris did assassin jobs for gold, silver, and gems in return. He'd often return to the Scorpion Den to see Beetle, until he discovered himself chasing after a NightWing who took his onyx amulet. After causing an eclipse, the NightWing handed over the amulet to Solaris; who still happened to be cooling off from the 'Moon Affect'. The NightWing revealed himself to be Strike, former NightWing general before the Volcano exploded.

Strike offered peace and riches to hire Solaris. First, unsure, Solaris declined before offering something he couldn't resist. After Solaris accepted, he began more willing to kill while also stealing valuables.

After two years of training and assassinating with Strike his face began covering the "wanted posters". With this, Solaris began realizing more dragons would be coming after him so he choose to hide within Jade Mountain Academy. Strike accepted on "one condition", Strike told Solaris he had to kill Prince Cliff. Within a day news spread that the prince of the SkyWings was dead. Strike and Solaris came to Jade Mountain as father and son, allowing Solaris to be taken in.

"I failed to see the flaws in the details I adored"


Sunstone: Still unaware that Sunstone was the one with the amulet, he believes that one day he'd be able to meet his father.

Spirit: Solaris never knew his mother, only believing Six-Claw's lie that she was a SandWing that died having Beetle's egg.

Beetle: Solaris loves his sister and would do anything to save her, even sacrificing himself. Beetle, though being so young, misses Solaris and wishes he would just come back. Though their relationship is very far, they still love each other as siblings.

Sanddeath: When being sent to kill Cliff, he had seen the female Sand/Night around the castle. Of course, he didn't care and thought she was on the wrong side. Eventually meeting her again, he seemed confused but began feeling things for her every time they met once more. (It is currently unknown if the ship is canon)

Sandstone: Clawmate (WIP)

Firehawk: Clawmate (WIP)

"And played God, I played God, played God"


  • Solaris is WCU's first coded character
  • Unlike most sandwings, Solaris isn't drought resistant.
  • Solaris is in the Jade Winglet
  • His 'Moon Affect' is pressuring it drives him to insane levels depending on the moon's power.
  • Solaris's first design was meant to be a NightWing (mainly for name-to-claim adopt NightWings), but it didn't work so WCU signed up his form (for Two Sides, One Fate) and then just made his page.
"Science lay its heavy head"


"On the cold shoulder of consequence

Rush where angels dare not tread

Forced the hand of nature's accidents

Failed to see the flaws in the details I adored

And played God, I played God

Said, oh, my God, the devil's in the detail

No, Lord, I just didn't look there

We looked so long, we looked so hard

Looked so long, we looked so hard"
