Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Zero Hour is a fanfiction series by Summerleaf. Please do not read this if you don't like violence. Or skip the prologue, because it has a lot of gruesome stuffs.

This series had been cancelled. I apologies to those who wanted to see more.


Below are the books in arc one!

Our Destiny- Finished: Ultraviolet and Flickergem always were outcasts. But now it has gone too far. The first book of an epic series starts here!

Ruby Spirals- Finished: Flickergem has run away from her home in the SwiftWing kingdom... but she's wondering if it was really worth it. Will Ultraviolet find her, or will she be lost forever?

Sticks and Stones- Finished: Hummingbird has never met another dragonet in her life, and this whole teamwork thing is alien to her. Soon a certain group member becomes jealous and begins to cross the line.

Joy of Understanding- Finished: We now know Spire is an animus and has anger issues. But why exactly is anger his animus punishment? And is there a way to stop it before he breaks completely?

A Misty Wake- Working: So now Torch has been captured by an unknown group of SeaWings. Dun dun dun!

Dead Weight- Not started yet: Skipstone had proved her worth, but the crew doesn't entirely trust her yet. Soon she is judged and seen as dead weight, though she has many clever ideas.

Below are the books in arc two!

Birds of a Feather - Not started yet: The six travel to the AviWing kingdom, where Hummingbird is faced with fears and challenges.

Knock on Wood - Not started yet:

Below are the books in arc three!



Please, please, please, please don't look at this unless you want extreme spoilers. EXTREME.

Are you sure you wanna read this?

Just making sure.

Okay, here it is.

Don't say I didn't warn you!

This is just a place to organize all my thoughts. For this series. This is your last chance! Turn back while you still can!

  • Spire x Flicker?
  • Torch x UV?
  • Light will be in the ending and save Spire as well as take away his animus powers. He is upset at first but then discovers his anger issues have been relieved from him.
  • Flickergem fell asleep when she was flying because of animus magic. SeaWing animus magic.
  • Spire got knocked out when he was kidnapped because a cloth with extremely strong smells was pressed against his mouth and nose. He is very sensitive to smell.
  • UV has a younger brother named Infared.