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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

this page belongs to cin.
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Credits Creator // cin

Code // cin

Attribute ambition
Element amber / diamond
Color gold
Song Yellow Flicker Beat - Lorde

All Things Must Die - RWBY Soundtrack

Age 15 HY
Gender Female
Orientation Asexual Aromantic
Occupation War Criminal
Tribe SkyWing / RainWing / NightWing
Goal Power; freedom
Residence ???? grimm whale??????
Allies type here
Enemies type here
Aura Amber Orange
Semblance Scorching Caress
Quote Even if you know how a game ends, it doesn't make it any less fun to watch.
xiphos is one of cin's dragonsonas, and exists in forge's Wings of Remnant AU. please do not use any of the code or content on this page.
this page is best viewed with the sans serif font gadget enabled. this page contains spoilers for volume 8 of rwby. read at your own risk.
  • spike on her head (i hope youre happy seb) think hivewing but more vicious
  • no left eye, wears an eyepatch
  • bandages around arms, her grimm arm is not very long only up to her elbow/mid bicep area
    • wears extra bandages + a glove over grimm arm
  • gold eyes
  • black earrings
  • deep red scales
  • paler peach underbelly
  • streak of blue separating her underbelly and main scales
  • tattoo between where her wings meet her back
    • her emblem, two glass slippers
  • dark red & oranges, slowly turn black over the years. scales can change color
  • tail is either stubby or the weapon that was once there was cut off, now forms her own weapons out of her maiden powers.

This is not a tragedy. This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians but are in reality nothing more than men.


Xiphos is cruel and ruthless in her search for power. She will let nothing and nobody stand in the way of the power she craves. But simeltaneously, the worst thing to happen to her is her access to power. Power leaves her afraid to lose it.

She is driven entirely by her search for power, because she believes that only through power will she find freedom. As long as there are people more powerful on her with the possibility to turn on her, she's sure they will eventually. Xiphos is extremely driven, willing to go to any extent to achieve her goals. After all, they've already demonized her. They can't do much more. No matter what more she does, she'll always be on the run.

Much of her behavior stems from her need to feel in control--she imitates Salem, the most powerful person she knows, for respect.

  • "Cinder is ruthless and sadistic" okay thank you rwby wiki no one cares
  • power-driven, determined
  • ambitious
  • good leader
  • very controlled
  • unremorseful
  • considered ruthless in the way she treats other people
  • arrogant, self-assured
  • demanding
  • smart, cunning
  • not afraid to cross the lines to get what she wants
  • wants to be admired, will settle for being feared
  • angry and afraid, but hates to show it
  • will not tolerate being thought of as inferior
  • manipulates others to get the to do what she wants by promising them their own goals

They cling to this power in the name of peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil. First, a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honor and mercy, yet I have witnessed neither.

  • Maiden Powers
    • Xiphos holds the title of fall maiden. Although she is one of the newest maidens, she has great control over her abilities. She had great control over fire even with only half the maiden powers, and upon acquiring more she has increased her range of skills over the elements. Her weapons are also created by her maiden power, gathering glass into a variety of different blades. Despite not being a fully realized maiden, she is able to defeat older maidens.
  • Semblance
    • Her semblance Scorching Caress allows her to superheat objects and change their shape. She is able to melt metal to render it useless, turn dirt and sand into glass projectiles, as well as disintegrate her opponents. Xiphos's semblance is useful depending on her environment, as it allows her to use the things around her as weaponry.
  • Grimm Arm
    • After the loss of her left eye, Salem gifted Xiphos with a shadow arm. This arm is able to stretch farther than a normal arm, as well as "steal" maiden powers, although she has never actually gotten the chance to do this. It is able to regrow after being cut off, although it is exceptionally painful for Xiphos. She cannot protect her arm with aura.
  • Various fighting skills
    • Xiphos is very physically powerful, as well as being exceptionally skilled in combat. She has been able to physically overpower two opponents at once.
    • Extremely adaptable, her maiden powers conjure an assortment of different swords and daggers attached to her tail. She is able to use all of them effectively. Her aim is also exceptional, being able to launch many arrows at once.
    • She was trained by Salem herself, meaning that Xiphos is very skilled in combat and combat strategy, and is able to hold her own or even win against opponents older than her were not able to defeat.
    • Xiphos is skilled at using her aura to defend her, being able to absorb gunshots with a single hand by concentrating her aura.
    • She is very fond of using the traditional method of weaving dust into one's clothing

Perhaps Ozpin felt as though defeating Atlas in the tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets. Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces. Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong, but I know that the existence of peace is fragile, and the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves.



  • grew up in a mistral orphanage before being "adopted" by a wealthy hotel owner who treated her more as a slave than a daughter
  • worked as a servant for the madame and her biological daughters, wore a shock collar that allowed the madame to shock her every time she made a mistake, drilled the idea that xiphos was nothing
  • stole a sword from a huntsman to try to kill her "family," the huntsman she stole it from convinced her not to and decided to teach her
  • years later he gave xiphos her own sword that she used to kill madame and the stepsisters, the huntsman turned on her after this which led to her killing him
    • he enabled the chain of abuse by turning a blind eye until she chose to take it into her own hands
  • got psuedo-adopted by salem with promises of gaining power, and thus she believed she would get freedom but instead she's just become trapped into another cycle of abuse
  • recruits a bunch of criminals
  • a bunch of stuff happens but in general she directs the fall of beacon
  • future
    • events of v4-8
    • eventually gets redeemed?

Our kingdoms are at the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left in the dark. So, I ask you, when the first shots are fired, who do you think you can trust?


in-universe - keep in mind that this is not my thoughts on the following characters/people, but instead their role in xiphos's narrative.
xiphos sees attachment as something to be used against her. any other attachments she's had in the past has only resulted in betrayal, and she'd rather not go through it again.

  • EMERALD . negative
    • originally, emerald was one of the few people cinder trusted enough to work with. emerald was one of xiphos's original lackeys, someone who obeyed her without a second thought. she was the one that took emerald in, gave her a shelter and food and a weapon. and all she got for it was emerald's betrayal. if rhodes had taught her that no one would ever love her, emerald was the one who set it in stone.
  • MERCURY . neutral
    • god hes so gosh darn annoying
  • NEO . negative
    • an effective fighter whom xiphos respected, their relationship is solely based on sharing a goal--ruby's death. however, neopolitan oversteps her boundaries often. once upon a time, they fought on the same side. but the minute neo tried to hold something over xiphos's head, they cemented their death by xiphos's hands.
  • RUBY . negative
    • deep loathing. ruby's silver eyes are the main thing standing in the way of xiphos's path to power. she lost her left arm and eye to their silver eyes.
  • WEISS . neutral/negative
    • xiphos stabbed her in the battle of beacon. however, weiss is little to her outside of leverage to get to ruby.
  • YANG . neutral/negative
  • NIKOS . neutral/negative
    • genuinely did admire her skill, but her allegiance to the huntsman academies meant she would just end up another moral-less servant to the law. in another world they might've been friends, but instead she tried to stop xiphos's acquisition of the rest of the fall maiden's powers, leading into a fight in which xiphos killed nikos.
  • takes the place of Cinder Fall in RWBY
  • focuses on fire-based elemental magic
  • she chose the name xiphos, as xiphos was the name that she offered salem. anyone else that knew her given name has died.