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Melting away
X'ek Ramaodan

nightwing • he/xe • professional cook

Candlecore (fixed)
base by wyrmsprout

slowly melting away, i say, death knocks on my door... not today.

Waxed feathers
Art by me
Creator roaff
Attributes -
Element melting candles
Animal -
Color air force blue
Alignment -
Strength ● ● ○ ○ ○
Intelligence ● ● ● ○ ○
Stamina ● ● ● ○ ○
Endurance ● ● ● ○ ○
Status alive
Age 24 hy
Gender non-binary
Pronouns he/xe
Orientation pans
Occupation professional cook
Tribe (nightwing) nightwing

for a nightwing, he carries an intriguing appearance. unlike his tribe, he is not confined to the simple blacks and blues and purples that are seen on most, but rather, he has much more to be beheld. his appearance is a bit disheveled while still maintaining a professional face, though he has no problem with keeping a permanent sour expression. he does somewhat care about looking good, so xe keeps his feathers in good shape and is sure to bathe. his efforts, however, are quickly gone to waste to do the melting substance that always drips down him.

just one glance is all it takes to say that he's a lot shorter than most dragons. he blames it that the mass of his body is melting and he lost height over it, but he shows no proof to back up his claim that he was once tall and much more... "mighty." he's a bit thin, only by a little, but other than that he's mostly about average. one of the main things that sticks out about him is the fact that xe doesn't have the average bat-like wings of most dragons, but rather, feathery bird-like wings.

another thing is that he was cursed to melt eternally, until he dies, like a candle. anywhere on his body could randomly started melting, and x'ek can do... quite literally nothing about it. he's learned to ignore it the best he can, but it's clear from his body language that it gets on his nerves sometimes. he also has trouble keeping his face the way he wants it, and it automatically shows his real emotions off to the entire world.










  • definitely would preen his feathers in his spare time, though he'd have a bit of trouble.