Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


WorkWings are a tribe that inhabit Pantala descending from an ancestor of BeetleWings shared with HiveWings. Despite formerly being the most abundant tribe, their existence was wiped from most sources in the early days of the Tree Wars leading them to be unknown to the majority of the public. Pyrrhians don't recognize them and most Pantalans don't remember them, deeming them 'extinct'.

They're currently living in strict isolation, living around Beetle Lake away from the hives. They rule in a tweaked monarchy system with multiple smaller queens under 1 big queen and have multiple large dunes housing many cities, some underground. Before their 'extinction' they were known to other tribes are ferocious, resilient and sometimes a nuisance. They are currently ruled by Vague Goldenwhisperer.


Before their metamorphoses, WorkWings start off as dull colored, stubby dragonets with thin, unusable wings to protect from dust and stubs for their middle legs and huge antennae. After their first metamorphosis (age 3) they begin to grow more saturated, fully developing their middle legs and shortening their antennae. At their final metamorphosis (age 6), they fully grow their stingers, color, and tusks as well as lose their fake wings, only vagues gain real wings after consuming a nectar during their ceremony. If a vague has already reached their second metamorphosis before their coronation, they'll go through a third, shorter one to develop real wings.

WorkWings are small, no larger than a 6 year old HiveWing at age 7 though no smaller than a 4 year old SilkWing. They have 3 crevices along their body to 'split' their head, body, and tail. They have six legs, 3 on each side, the middle two often being folded to their chest, often only being unveiled to carry more or heavy objects. They have curled horns of different shapes and patterns, 4 black eyes, two on each side, 2 tusks, and long flexible tails that usually end in a stinger along with some in their wrists. WorkWings can come in any color under the sun, usually slightly desaturated and dark, with an extreme rarity of white.


WorkWings are omnivorous, feeding mostly off of small critters and berries. While they can take on big game, it usually requires multiple dragons thus done occasionally. They also tend to feed on insects but strictly avoid ants of any kind to respect them. WorkWings can also eat vegetables such as potatoes and many kinds of sweets.


WorkWings are incredibly strong, able to carry objects immensely heavier than their weight, aided by their middle legs. Approximately enough for an elder NightWing yet not an elder MudWing. They're wingless but make up for it by being fast travelers and able to swim, lasting 4 hours underwater until needing air. They can travel rough terrain and climb very high on steep slopes.

WorkWings have multiple stingers, particularly in their wrist and some hidden on their tail. If they're panicked, they can release a poisonous sweat that can stick onto skin causing itchy rashes alike ivy. The only cure is cactus flower pollen. Dull eggs are capable of breathing fire, however these are always killed since the Tree Wars, even the queen's clutch. If necessary.

WorkWings have an outstanding knowledge of instincts, most being taught them in order to avoid eating poisonous ones or being hurt by venomous ones traveling the ground. In addition they have exceptional knowledge of animals, enough to know the difference between lethal, dangerous, and unharmful ones.


Most WorkWings do not have fire or ice, a common defense of dragons. Lack of a projectile leaves them vulnerable from far away. Additionally, they cannot take flight at all. While they're resilient, a high enough drop from the sky could kill a dragon who cannot soften their landing.

They've survived for such a while due to their dexterity, critical thinking, a lot with their co-inhabitants being unable to breathe a projectile.


WorkWings live near Beetle Lake past the hives, the lake often being a event place for the tribe.
Filter with only WorkWing Territory and Multi-Tribe Territory for more specificity.


There are currently 5 dunes, 1 for the Vague Queen, 4 for Dune Queens. Each dune has it's own purpose.


The WorkWing tribe was the most populated, dedicated tribe and was known for their arts and crafts, inventions, and general additions that other tribes use as of today.

Creation (3,065 AS)

WorkWings descended from HornetWings. After the BeetleWings split into the different tribes, SilkWings appear as they are today. However, HiveWings evolved to get to their state. Old HiveWings were known as HornetWings, mutated dragons with 6 limbs, a longer nose horn, curled side horns, and the ability to breathe fire. In addition to many stingers, they otherwise appeared as 4 eyed HiveWings. However, the HornetWings had split again due to the first storm hitting Pantala in around 3,060 AS. In fear, natural selection caused the old tribe to split into WorkWings, who were originally WorkerWings before Vague System was created, and HiveWings. It wasn't long before WorkWings flourished and became a well populated tribe.

The First Pantalan Council (3,120 AS)

There were multiple reports of WorkWing annoyance from multiple delinquents causing trouble for other tribes. Dragons tried to get WorkerWings to do something about it but without an official ruling body, there was nothing to be done. This was the main motivation for the LeafWings attempting to have the WorkWings establish a system in the first council, however the WorkWings denied, leaving the two on bad terms until 3,120 AS. In this year, a group of WorkWings lit up an entire greenhouse, prompting the LeafWing to recognize it was war and sieged the capital. Without an organized army, the WorkWings quickly lost the capital, LeafWings beginning to sprout to other cities. After a few years of LeafWing control, the WorkWings started a rebellion, lead by a WorkWing, Diamondslayer, that lasted until 3,125 AS, the HiveWings eventually agreeing to aid them.

The Second Pantalan Council (3,130 AS)

Being pushed out of the kingdom, Commander Oak was forced to sign a treaty, though required the WorkWings to build a system. The Vague and Queen system was born, Diamondslayer being crowned as a Vague. In addition, on their own accord the WorkWings forfeited some of their large land to make space for other tribes.

First Economic Crash (3,160 AS)

Vague Diamondslayer ended up making a tyranny, labeling those who were aware of her exploits as 'lawbreakers' and sending them to be executed, most officials being too afraid or reaping too much of the benefits to stop her. One of these was her daughter, Sapphirebolt. She challenged Diamondslayer out of hunger for more power, though lost. Dullemerald, her youngest, began to see her corruption and wanted to free the WorkWings from her grip. In 3,158 AS, Dullemerald won the throne after much practice and was crowned, however her action was out of desperation and she'd focused more on the fight than learning to be a ruler. Her inexperience lead to many issues with other tribes and eventually an economic crash, many dying from starvation. After the return of border issues, the LeafWings took it as a breaking of contract and returned, an assassin killing Dullemerald. Without a mate or heirs, a LeafWing ambassador was sent to rule once again. While this eventually leveled out the economy, it brought back old problems.

The Revolt of 153 (3,173-3,177 AS) snd The Reformation (3,178-3,200 AS)

A WorkWing, Carpenter, lost her daughter after two LeafWing officials abused their power and killed her while detained for stealing a small loaf. In rage, Carpenter started a new revolt, aggressively fighting the LeafWings out of the tribe for several years. Eventually it ended in a stalemate, establishing another treaty with better terms. Carpenter was crowned as a vague queen, completing the royalty system establishing dune queens to help in surveillance. Along with a vague dune, supporting dunes were also established over time, 8 in total, 4 near the Poison Jungle (Old Forest, Old Lake, Brush, Ravine), 2 on land (Old Plains) and 2 underground (Old Tunnel, Cave).

Dune queens were dragons Carpenter entrusted with leadership, only one being a peer, while others were those she felt qualified for the job through evaluations. Starting from this point they began to heal their society and began advancing, developing couches, chairs and ladders. Matter of fact, a WorkWing and SilkWing were the first to create permanent lighting in a flamesilk lightbulb.

Lax Time (3,300-3,743 AS)

Dune Queens from this point were stable and there wasn't much difference other than updating and improving. Less toxic medicine was made and schools were excelling. Off-job occupations and activities were especially popular during these times such as art and music. Pantalan tribes were invited to many WorkWing parties along the way, one of which sparked a relationship between Vague Crazy of WorkWings and Prince Conifer of LeafWings. Surprisingly, this relationship was left alone and rather supported but a disagreeing group killed Prince Conifer before the couple could begin to have eggs. Crazy resigned from her position but continued to live in the territory.

Return of the Othermind (3,744-3,799 AS)

The Breath of Evil suddenly flared up in intensity, causing some SilkWings living near it to flee and seek refuge in the WorkWing kingdom. To address the issue, Commander Pharaoh and Amethyst (Ravine) Queen Dungbeetle to help rid of it. Due to the infestation being small, it was handleably with coordination of firebreathers and flamesilks, successfully being quelled with no dragons harmed, SilkWings returning back to their homes.

Assassination of Emeraldsplatter (3,800 - 3,802 AS)

Vague Emeraldsplatter was assassinated by a HiveWing in 4,000 AS. In anger, the WorkWings mistook the assassinator for the LeafWings and bent war without a second thought. This war lasted for only 2 years as the LeafWing Ambassador proved the tribe's innocence. Still, tensions between the tribes only had gotten worse since.

LeafWing Redemption (4,524 AS)

WorkWings and LeafWings were faced against the rise of the Breath of Evil in the jungle. The tribes decided to band together to face off the infestation. Due to their combined forces, the Breath of Evil was nearly wiped out again over several years of fighting and the relationship between the tribe was repaired. WorkWings began accepting more LeafWing trades and LeafWings moving into WorkWing cities was more common.

Animus Season (4,875-4,895 AS)

Queen Pearlscrapper hatched in this year along with Monomorium, a WorkWing animus. Monomorium's powers remained undiscovered to his own tribe. Monomorium, from his anger at Pearlscrapper's selfishness, left the tribe to hide in a SilkWing village where he met a female SilkWing-NightWing hybrid. This relationship didn't last long as Pearlscrapper found Monomorium, learned about his magic, and killed the hybrid in order to control her brother. She continued to use Monomorium to assert her authority which went publicly unquestioned.

One day under pressure Monomorium snapped and killed Pearlscrapper, taking the throne as his siblings feared him and fled the kingdom. Ironically his rule initially wasn't terrible until Monomorium began to slowly grow more mad. He'd begin to have a paranoia of other tribes and dragons.

Unfortunate timing an IceWing group washed up on the island near WorkWing territory. They were eventually forwarded to Monomorium where originally he welcomed their company. However, overtime he grew more and more worried and fearful of them. In a council featuring the IceWings, Monomorium went insane and massacred the attendees. He was only stopped and killed by an IceWing animus accompanying the dragons. The youngest sister remaining in the kingdom took over as vague, sent the IceWings home and made multiple apology gifts.

Tree Wars (4,962 AS)

WorkWings, having a history of ruling attempts from outside tribes, immediately denoted Wasp's claims. Despite many attempts of convincing them with their extremely close relations, the queens refused to hand the crown. One firebreather, in an act of anger, burned a greenhouse without any instruction from any official. Despite this, Wasp took it as a reason of war, targeting them first:

After the LeafWing Banishment, WorkWings were limited to their current plain land territory and isolated themselves from the island. Due to being completely out of the war, Wasp had an easier time removing them from history as they no longer posed any threat to keep them in records, calling for any media referencing them to be destroyed.


Worker Age

WorkWings during the worker age didn't have a ruling body, instead living in small groups labeled packs. Packs were named after Pantala's fauna which defined their traits, practices, and general reputation. Most packs were groups of families and rarely of other strangers together unless it is through marriage. Over the years packs began to fuse with each other, these being called herds, such as Lion, Tiger, Jaguar and Leopard eventually fusing into the Panther herd. These herds would eventually over many years develop into small towns. Packs would all meet on Pannipha's Vigil at Pannipha's Right Eye on the right end of the savannah to celebrate and announce things. Despite this, there was no collective control over relations to other tribes, some WorkerWing packs being based in harming other tribes. Eventually this became a big enough of a problem for LeafWings to take aggressive action, eventually ushering the Vague System refined by Vague Carpenter.

Pre-Tree Wars

WorkWings flourished the most at Carpenter's crowning and the finalization of the kingdom system. WorkWings made many advancements that influenced other tribes, one of which being the first permanent lighting, a flamesilk powered lightbulb. They also created many sweets and dishes.

Firebreathers were accepted as well as hybrids. Animi, while rare, existing within the tribe, mainly the royal family. The WorkWings had 8 dunes across the land following the west edge of Pantala, some closer to tribes to make negotiations. WorkWings were a very social. open tribe and the most abundant. They held many parties with tribes

Post-Tree Wars

WorkWings lost many numbers during the wars, dropping out of it entirely after the LeafWing Banishment. They're currently living in isolation, hybrids and firebreathers being heavily looked down upon, the later being killed on sight. WorkWings are currently recovering, yet to make another significant advancement as of late. Their self sustaining system allows them to remain isolated for long, though some worry they may not last without outside connections in some departments like lighting.

Royalty System

WorkWings rule by a Vague system where one, major queen is appointing electing 4 smaller less powerful queens as aids. Usually these other dune queens are relatives but don't have to be related. A vague is responsible for the entire tribe and their own, vague dune. Smaller dune queens look over their own dunes, sending reports to the vague. Every once and a while, the queens and officials meet to discuss issues. A vague must gain support of her dune queens to wage war.

Only a daughter of the vague queen can become the vague ruler. Formerly a heir could fight for the crown, however after concerns of corrupt heirs ruling only for power, a quest was made to be harder to be crowned and ensured the ruler was beneficial. The heir must race against the vague for a specific stone deep inside a ravine near the territory. If the heir succeeds through all of the trials and returns first, they're crowned. If the vague queen died, the heir still needs to go through the trial but will be crowned if they return with the gem.

When being crowned the vague, they're given a specific nectar that allows them to develop wings with a side effect of a grown tail and horns. This nectar is completely restricted from public use and is rumored to only work with the collected stone as it was enchanted by an animus, though this has been unconfirmed and likely another deterrent from possible stealers.


Currency + Exports

WorkWings two currencies. The first is for within the tribe, being 'shells'. The worth of these wielded shell-shaped coins differ on color and size. The second is the universal Pantalan currency to interact with outside dragons. Most if not all dragons had some UPC and was able to convert shells into UPC rather easily. UPC was completely abandoned after the Tree Wars.


WorkWings are named after insects like ants and beetles. Rarely is one named after butterflies, moths, or wasps to avoid confusion with other tribes. A WorkWing can also be named after an, usually brutal, action and a wood, rock, metal or gem. When a dragon becomes a vague queen, they're named after a combination of their greatest skill and a gem, metal or rock.



WorkWing laws are generic, being established after many complaints and reforms. Punishment ranges from community service to jail time and very rarely execution.

Language + Terminology

WorkWings originally spoke the universal Pantalan language which eventually became Dragon. However most have the old Pantalan language known and have recently been regressing to it.


WorkWings believe in a demigod named Pannipha. Pannipha is a Plantalan AllWing said to hold many powers that Pantalans have today and more. She was said to be the one to split the HornetWing tribe, descendants of the BeetleWings specifically for HiveWings and WorkWings. Pannipha is displayed on many garments, painting, and tattoos, almost everywhere, as well as in terminology such as "thank Pannipha" for expressing relief. There is a spring on the rim of the Poison Jungle said to be where she hatched, being full of life and untouched by the Breath of Evil. Every 4 months there's a vigil where, a quarter at a time, officials and queens would leave and rest in for about two hours. It is thought she created the serum nectar that gave vagues mutations.

WorkWings do not believe Clearsight ever existed, seeing the split as Pannipha's work through evolution after the hurricane incident.

The Faithful Tribe

A tale about Pannipha and her creation;

Once a sunrise, a dragon similar to all tribes hatched from an egg left in the poisonous jungle. Even at a young age of 1, Pannipha had a creative mind and an amazing power.

From the piles of lost dragons, she promised them a new life, soon weaving them into LeafWings and BeetleWings. She grew favor in the BeetleWings in particular, seeing them as her favorite. Over the years, as she grew into an elder, watching as HornetWings came into existence along with SilkWings.

She saw her resemblance in the SilkWings leaving them alone, but none of the HornetWings, prompting her to split them more into two, one wingless and one wingful. Time continued and HiveWings soon to grow to be her favorite as they looked like her the most. She gave the tribes guidance, warning and protection, though especially to the HiveWings.

However one day the HiveWings betrayed her, ignoring her and refusing to thank her until they've completely broken her from their lives, watching the other tribes do so. She grew increasingly upset, pulling her support of the tribes. On that night, a WorkWing dragonet scaled the tallest mountain to give her a gift. Amused, Pannipha accepted it, focused on the tribe for years to come.


WorkWings play many sports and hold many contests from stone stacking, rock climbing, river swimming, tree swinging, carving, painting, and more. In particularly they play a game, 'Stoneball' where a team has to move a heavy rock over to a lifted goal on a hill through many obstacles without losing it whether its from the other team pushing it off or dropping it. Occasionally there will be huge tournaments dedicated to these games.

There are many holidays usually celebrating certain figures. Specifically, there's a holiday for Pannipha's awakening which is similar to Christmas, showing appreciation to the demigod by showing appreciation to others in gifts. Scorching Day celebrates new years, Hatching Days are birthdays with Second Molt day being like sweet 16s. Originally there was a Beetle Day where HiveWings and WorkWings would celebrate their heritage by giving treats and partying, alike Halloween. Many bug-like decoration were hung and many dressed up in bug themed clothing.

Accessories + Fashion

WorkWings tend to wear bright colors in fashion, wearing many garnets and cloths. Saddle-like dresses are common and sometimes embedded with jewels. Regular jewelry is available, most wearing gems that compliment their colors such as a blue WorkWing adorning orange topaz jewels.


WorkWings have many assortments of armory and weaponry. Armor is usually silver with only usually more expensive armor having specific engravings. Weaponry includes things from swords and spears to sickles and axes. Hammers are not uncommon and for a while were a war staple from how easy they were to use for WorkWings.

Education + Training

WorkWings are trained from a young age, fighting classes being a core class in the educational system along with biology, critical thinking, reading and social studies. After the required years of school, a dragon could learn more extra subjects such as further into science, and rarely math.


WorkWings have an assortment of pets. Reptiles such as iguanas, snakes (excluding dragonbite ones), geckos and caimans. Felines such as bobcats and tigers. Canines such as wolves and a large assortment of birds from parrots to sometimes peacocks. Bugs are also kept in small enclosures.

Want to here short stories or excepts from the kingdom, check out the tribes' A Guide to the Fanon World Page by clicking the dragon above!


WorkWings are unwilling to make alliances in present day, having been betrayed multiple times. Despite this, many worry that without a slight connection the tribe may fall.


WorkWings originally had the most mediocre relation to SilkWings. They aided them when they needed help, especially with the Othermind, though otherwise the two didn't interact a lot.


WorkWings and HiveWings used to be the closest tribes in Pantala, sharing the closest ancestor with many overlaps in traits. The HiveWings aided in their historic defense against LeafWings and they've provided a multitude of resources. They had a specific annual festival on the beach to celebrate their ancestry. Before the Tree Wars, the queens of each kingdom had intended for the tribes to become further intertwined, Garnetcrusher and Wasp's relationship being an attempt to fulfill such a wish. Though after realizing Wasp's intentions in the war they completely diverged, WorkWings shunning them and HiveWings feeling betrayed.


WorkWings and LeafWings used to be mortal enemies. After twice trying to register the WorkWings under their tribe they grew aggressive towards them and loathed each other. It was only after years of cooling down and defending themselves from the Othermind did they reconcile. At one point they were close enough for a queen and prince to be engaged. At the Tree Wars WorkWings especially grew close to LeafWings, the vague trusting their queen and trying to support them in their fight against Wasp. They worked together to try to stop Wasp for good. However the LeafWings assumed the WorkWings' precense near the Poison Jungle were leading HiveWings to be more aggressive towards them and rushed them out of the area. WorkWings, feeling betrayed, would grow to hate LeafWings.



Hybrids as of currently are almost taboo in the tribe. Originally they were widely accept, though after the Tree Wars many hybrids are shunned. Pyrrhian hybrids are largely more rare than Pantalan ones. In addition, WorkWings inherit weaker version of abilities and very dulled version of extra abilities. For example; a firescale would just be remotely warm, foresight will be weakened, color changing will be minimal, etc. It requires the non-WorkWing part of a hybrid to be able to have wings as WorkWing dominance in genes disallows wings to form.

2 Tails

Two tails is a very rare mutation. There are different types of mutations with varying rarity. Specifically, a fork mutation is when the tip is split into two. From this the mutation gets deeper and rarer, a Y mutation being when the middle of the tail is split and finally a V mutation when the entire tail is split into two.


Firebreathers are extremely rare inheritors of firebreath from Clearsight. They're noted by their eggs being very dull and dark. After their hatching, they have an orange glow around their chest until their first metamorphosis. Firebreathers are banned, all being killed on sight. While there's evidence of some existing, they mostly either isolate themselves or have fled to live on their own.


There has been WorkWing animi in the past. WorkWings can only receive this gene through NightWings, BeetleWings, HiveWings and SilkWings due to having already been relatives of them. Animi are also banned, though there hasn't been a animi for several years since Monomorium and he had no descendants.


WorkWings is an open tribe any can make a character from, though some require permission. A summary of the wanted to be made character must be included. After you get a greenlight go head, though try to stay within the lore you presented.

You require permission from the owner to make a:

  • Queen*
    • All queens must be in the past between these specific zones: (3,300-3,236 AS), (3,240-3,743 AS), (3,810-4,520 AS)
    • The mother of certain queens are open, though must be genetically, biography, and in personality accurate.
      • The mother of Pearlscrapper, Monomorium and Onyxrunner
        • ex: gray, not white, scales present to produce Pearlscrapper and Monomorium or dark scales to produce Monomorium and Onyxrunner.
        • Snobbish and heavily biased, etc.
        • Killed by daughter's fiance.
      • Mother of Dungbeetle
      • Mother of Garnetcrusher
  • Heirs
    • With the exception of Diamondslayer, Sapphirebolt, Dullemerald, Carpenter, Crazy, Pearlscrapper, Onyxrunner, Garnetcrusher, Rubysnapper, Goldenwhisperer, and Cyrogladiator.
  • Animus

You cannot make a:

  • Current day queen or heir

Small note, while it's not required, if you make a WorkWing oc let me know so I can add them to the character list and navbox!





WorkWing Navigation
Vagues Present: GoldenwhispererRubysnapper

Historical: DiamondslayerDullemeraldCarpenterCrazy • Emeraldsplatter • AshsparkerPearlscrapperMonomoriumOnyxrunnerGarnetcrusher

Lesser Queens Present: CyrogladiatorAzulwashingJadeshovingPharaoh (queen)

Historical: Pebblestepper • Yellow • Peridotslammer • Dungbeetle • Yellow III • Malachitewrestler

Royalty Present: Dungbeetle IIAndesitecarver • Electric (ward)

Historical: Sapphirebolt

Other Dragons Present: Katydid • Ashglarer • Opalstriker • Chafer • Sardonyxchipper • Aphid • Blightclasp • Scarab • Amethyststomper • Junebug • Hercules • [ • Tapinoma • Belohina • Meru • Rubycrusher • Polyrachis • Oakburner • June • Goldbinder • Goldchipper

Historical: Amberscorcher • Violetslasher • SapphirecarverFireflyQuartzseekerScarabPharaoh (commander) • Deathwatch • Birchkiller (multiple)Coalkiller (multiple)MoundMoonrunnerJuneBrecciaslashCrystalburnerRoseWormTopazclawer

Hybrids Present: Asternix • Deathwatcher

Historical: Lapiscarver • Clearsight

Mythical Pannipha
Credit to the Wings of Fire Wiki


  • WorkWings are the ant dragons of Pantalans
  • WorkWings and HiveWings used to occasionally live on each others' territory from their close bond. From this many cross-tribe dragonets were born, creating lineages of descent from the other tribe.
    • Particularly the Moonshells are a clan-like family of WorkWings who have HiveWing ancestry and are often shunned upon in recent times.
  • Pyrrhian WorkWings are mostly impossible as it's unlikely a WorkWing would arrive there in the first place and often are killed on the spot as the closest territory to them is the arctic where the weather or IceWings would kill them.
  • Firebreathers often incorporate synonyms of 'flame' or 'burn' as a suffix.




