Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Wonder is Sanskrit's OC, who has now been adopted by Wolfy. Please don't use/edit without her permission. Thank you.

image goes here
Background Information
Artist Base by NS, coloured by Sanskrit.
Creator Sanskrit
Main Attribute Kindness
Elemental Attribute Water
Theme Animal Crow
Theme Color Black, Blue, Purple and Green
Theme Song Birds - Imagine Dragons
MBTI Personality ENFP
Character Information
Age 14
Gender Female
Orientation HAsE nO idEa
Occupation Artist/writer/student/wandered/
Tribe AviWings
Goal To save the earth from this foul human race. (I'm sorry)
Residence //wanderer//
Relatives Hope (Sister), Dream (Sister)
Allies Animals, her friends and family
Enemies Doesn't hate people, just hates the human race
Likes Peace and quiet, nature, places that haven't been touched by humans, natural beauty, ferns, animals, rain, sun, warmth, swimming, water, the ocean, the sky, the night sky, her family, love, drawing, writing, the imperfect perfection of nature.
Dislikes Unnatural sounds, loud noises, humans, man-made things, distressed animals, unnatural light, unnatural beauty, negative people, those who think the world is perfect, those who take what they have for granted without a second thought.
Powers and abilities Normal AviWing abilities
Weapons Tail spines, teeth, claws.
Quote "Our world is precious. Can you not see that? See, you say 'oh, i'll do it tomorrow.' One day, there will be no tomorrow. Because of us, because of what we do. Our world is dying, and soon it will be to late. Soon, there will be no tomorrow. The future is in our hands, and if we don't do something soon, we will have no future."

"//insert ship face here//"

Wonder is a young female AviWing. She has no set location, and loves to travel. She loves animals and plants, and has a pet Wedge-tail eagle named Soaring Spirit, or Spirit for short. Wonder's favourite place in Pyrrhia is the Sky palace and the claws of the clouds mountains.


"Ugh. MATHS."

Wonder is just below the average height for AviWings her age. She is fairly short, and her friends like to tease her about it. She likes to look at it as; she's not short, she's just vertically challenged.

Her main scales are a dark purpley-grey, with lighter blue-green undertones and highlights. (wip)


"You need to be more positive"



"Animals are beautiful."



"Humans can die in a hole. I'm sorry."










"Huh, i totally knew that..."

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"Everyone's beautiful. Just in different ways."

Feel free to contribute gallery, please don't edit anything else.
