Last updated 03/29/2024
Due to the limited nature of wiki pages, we provide a system for claiming the names of pages belonging to inactive users. In order for a page name to be eligible for this, the owner of the page cannot have made any edits, comments, or posts on the wiki within the past 6 months.
If the page meets this requirement, the user may contact a content moderator, administrator, or bureaucrat with a request to claim the page's name. The moderator will move the original contents of the page to a new location and let the user know that they may now use the name.
You may claim the names of redirect pages at any time, regardless of whether they meet the above requirement.
- How many page names can I claim? How often can I claim page names?
We don't have a strict limit for name claims. However, name-claimed pages should be fully utilized and not just meet the minimum requirements. Moderators may refuse future name claims at their discretion if they feel that previously claimed pages are not being sufficiently developed. - Is the content from a page I name-claimed mine now?
No—the original content belongs to its author, and we cannot transfer copyright. Consider looking into our adoptable pages instead. - What if the page owner's account is globally disabled or they are indefinitely blocked on the wiki?
If the page owner is permanently unable to access the wiki for either of the above reasons, the 6 month inactivity requirement for name claims does not apply. - Can the original page owner take back their page name if they become active again?
No—once a page name is claimed, the original page owner will need to follow the same criteria in order to reclaim the name.