Windra Tempest,
the Sightless Healer
You hear the sound of an ocarina deep in the distance and as you wander through the craggy cliffs, the ground suddenly gives way, opening into a deep hole in the ground. The ocarina's melody, so enchanting in its song calls you into the abyss as suddenly lights flare, torches suddenly igniting a seemingly infinite space full of scrolls. The song continues to lure you down and at the end, an elegant petal winged dragon with feathery ears, draped in black silks and a simple white blindfold sits in the center, playing the eerie lullaby. This is Windra, Guardian and Attendant to Lady Clotho, and your only way out of her domain alive.
This page belongs to Jae. Any attempt at stealing of ideas, character plot or anything else no matter how minor will be reported to the mods.
Woo boy... this is hard...
Windra is a kind, quiet, calm, cool and collected dragoness, with a good sense for right and wrong. If she is ever angry at you, you will know more than likely, because you will probably find a small bone broken in a significant place that you never thought about mattering at all. Something about Windra is almost eerie. She will listen without saying anything to you and only speak when you are finished. When you do finish speaking, she will kindly fact check anything wrong even if it's your story. It's almost as if she knows everything about you without being able to see you in any way, shape, or form, almost like she has a more in-depth mindreading than any NightWing ever could. But in reality, she's just very attune to the attitudes and minds, of others with even the most minuscule movements hinting to the shape shifter to a change in attitude.
Windra is a healer. Or she was... her skills at mending bones and closing wounds were unparalled, but sometimes things change. Sometimes fate and the creator changes your current path.
Windra is an average height dragon in all her species, but as a SilkWing she had mainly mahogany colored scales with blue of different shades going down her back from the end of her head at the top of her neck all the way down along her spine out through her tail. She has white, fluffy feathers protruding from where her ears would be, creating a semblance of having avian wings for ears.
Her wing have the look of translucent flower petals, see through and tinted a light blueish-purple. Windra's attenae are fluffy and moth-like with a cheerful buttercup yellow to them. The small spikes trailing down her back have the same shade of yellow. Her horns are a darker brown than the rest of her scales,and she has dark blue scales just under her eyes that give her a sharper looking snout and jawline.
Her Eyes...[]
Her blindfold covers the scars of where her eyes used to be. The scars are jagged and one was eliminated by an explosion, the other was eventually forced to be surgically removed due to glass shards and other bits of shrapnel.
She wears a black neck scarf with a gold pin holding it in place around where her neck meets her shoulders. The pin symbolizes her service to Lady Clotho. Around her eyes is a white blindfold to cover up her blindness and to protect her sight from being turned to stone while attending to the Lady. Gold chains hang from her blindfold that are wound up and around her horns, the base of her attenae, and into her ears. Two plain, silver necklaces loop around the middle of her neck.

Base by Tenebris-Aurea, fill and Accessories by PoppyFlowerr
4 Realms Windra[]
Windra is a member of the Elite Forces Squad, Squad 11, with Jae, Flare, and, occasionally, Eerie. They serve as cross dimensional travelers to right the timelines in different worlds.
She wields a sword rarely as her ability of Bone Manipulation helps her more than any weapon ever could.
Rattle rattle
Bones shake
Law and order
Will break
Break the sins
Of those unjust
Keep the order
Stay in order
Gallery of the Bone Knight[]
Rain (Macanut23): The tribeless dragon looks to Windra as a comforting prescence, saying that she reminds Rain of her Mother.
Gibdo: (M3) A confidant for the hybrid
Oleander: A caretaker for the child, she thinks of her as sort of a daughter to her. Worried about her when she went across the sea.
Misteria: This older dragoness is Windra's beloved teacher and mentor. Misteria taught Windra how to see with her power when Windra went to the Shifted Fortress to learn what to do with her life after losing her sight and her beloved partner. Misteria is the one who helped her to see the light of the world again, seeing in the blind girl a kindred spirit. Misteria had been a formidable warrior, a ninja/shinobi, an assassin if you will. Windra was in training to be a soldier in the Tempest Tribe army. Misteria retired but kept her senbon needles and her power, adapting them to the healers trade, helping Windra do the same with her bone and blood manipulation. When the time came, Windra left.
Firebug and Manticore: These two accepted her shelter and kept Eulogy in line so they don't destroy the stacks.