Wears a dark purple horn ring out of an meteorite he recieved from a friend. Wears a neckpouch, colored like his scales, barely noticeable
"Cardinal has helped me out so much, that I can't thank him enough. I would do anything that I can to pay him back, I owe him atleast that much."
"The last few nights in my dreams, I only saw Cardinal and he seemed different.... He isn't the one I've known for so long.... what does it mean? I have to tell him as soon as I'm back in the Sky kingdom!"
"Raven... I don't really know what to think about him, something seems odd about that Skywing. He seems to be close to Cardinal, I can tell that... but i'ts hard to assess him."
"I grew up as every other Nightwing, but as I grew older, I noticed that the other Nightwings were nothing like me, or rather, I wasnt like them, their views, their convictions.
So I decided to leave them. The decision was easy, since I was rather shy and thus had hardly any friends. The only thing that I had in common with them was that I loved reading scrolls.
I ventured out into Pyrrhia. I arrived in the Sky kingdom where one of the first dragons I met was Cardinal. He emitted such amounts of self-confidence, which I have never seen before.
He asked me if I had any plans on what to do, I told him that I currently don't really had any plans and am searching somewhere I can stay. He was so nice and showed me around in the Skywing Kingdom and showed me a place were I could stay for awhile. As I asked him if he had any plans, he told me that he was aspiring to become a General in the army, because of his great understanding of strategy. I had no idea about his understanding of strategy, but he definetly had the confidence to lead an army. He suggested that i could work for the sky kingdom as a spy or even assasin. After that he said something like: "I mean, you seem like the right dragon for something like that."
Did he alluded to the fact that I'm a nightwing?
I told him that im going to think about his offer, but as of now, I had to decline.
The idea had made me curious. After many nights of considereding it, I came to the conclusion that I could atleast try it. He introduced me the ones who trained him, when he joined the guards. Probaly captains of the Skywing army or even higher ranked. They trained me in gathering information, staying unnoticed, wich was the easiest, and fighting which was a pain because I'm quite bad at it. I'm not really the right choice for close combat or any kind of combat, I can't even breath fire. After my training was complete, I was send onto my first mission.
I was send into the sandwing territory. Even though the sand- and skywings are allies,the skywings didnt seem to trust em much or even at all, I probably was send there so I would be in less danger for my first real mission and get confortable sneaking around behind "enemy" lines everythink went according to plan even though i couldent get as much usefull information as I would have liked to get. The skywings seemed pleased with my results and told me were my next mission is going to be in the seawing territory I should scout out the seawing patrols and see if they have gaps were noone is patrolling. It was boring I have to admit it was just a mission wereIi had to lay down and spectate them for several days, but it was worth it. I found two times were no patrols were around for a good 30 minutes, around midnight and at noon.
Over the years, Cardinal and I became close friends, he also introduced me to Raven who was an excellent fighter, he wasnt like someother sky wings who seemed to have more muscle than brain. He was kind, smart, optimistic and courageous atleast thats how I assess him, we didnt spend as much time together as I did with Cardinal. Cardinal once came to me with a shining new armor, which he said was made out of an meteorite he found on patrol, it suited him. He made a horn ring for me out of the remainings, even though I'm not a dragon for accessories, I wear it as a reminder of my best friend and as a lucky charm for my missions. I owe him so much, so I will payback everything he had ever done for me!"