You are walking across the streets of Possibility, and suddenly you come across a small bake shop, squished in-between two other large buildings. An orange and white banner hangs down from the roof, saying 'Vix's Bakery'
Enchanted by the charming atmosphere of the little bakeshop, you walk in the door. All at once, you are greeted with millions of delicious aromas of sugar and dough. The inside is just as charismatic than the outside. Above your head, colorful fire globes hang, giving the small room a warm, welcoming feel. In the corner, stands a large countertop, covered with platters of cinnamon rolls and cupcake stands.
Behind the counter, stands an attractive, female MudWing, dutifully stirring something in a bowl. You walk around the corner of the countertop and wait patiently, contemplating about what tasty treat you will order.
Vixen is lucky to have so little scars, but not lucky enough to have none.
She has somewhat of an aura that makes her irresistible. Her build is like most MudWings, square, short, but Vixen isn't as stocky. Her neck is quite long, while her abdomen is quite slim.
Vix's wings are pretty large, and because this, she is an exceptional flier. Vixen's horns are very broad and twisted, making them very difficult to break, on Vixen's behalf.
Her talons are surprisingly sharp, which make good use of cutting dough and such. Vix's tail is long and stocky, which can be difficult to drag along in the small space of the bakery, so Vixen usually keeps it held high, curved backwards to keep it out of the way.
Vixen has lovely rusty-orange scales, slightly tinted with amber. Her underbelly is a rich, dark chocolate color, while her horns, and spines are a light brown, resembling the color of hot chocolate with marshmallows.
Vix's talons are pitch-black, kind of like the black tips on a red fox's ears and paws, hence her name, Vixen. Vixen's plating is a dull caramel color, while the little patches of overcalls all around her body are a glossy amber.
Her wing membrane is the same gorgeous amber color, with little flecks of the luscious dark chocolate, which contrast beautifully.
Like most MudWings, Vixen was not hatched from a blood -red egg, so she isn't flame retardant. She has small burn scars on the palms or her forearms from accidentally touching a hot pan before it had cooled. Sometimes they breakout and bleed a bit, so she wraps them in cloth until they heal.
Her voice is soft and high pitched, but not annoyingly so. Some say listening to her talk is like listening to music. Vixen's steps are quick and focused, getting her to where she needs to be, especially if it is in the arms of her beloved.