Vaquita is a 20 year old SeaWing. Although she doesn’t have very interesting scale colors she looks quite beautiful. She is mainly a deep blue very similar to a stormy sea, especially because those colors are accompanied by lighter dull blue patterns. Unlike most SeaWings her patterns don’t light up so she was never able to communicate underwater.
She has relatively large dark green eyes. Her face is very slim and she has an elegant snout.
Vaquita is a medium height for a dragon her age although she doesn’t have a great posture it makes her look shorter.
Vaquita is a very shy dragon. She is very dedicated and puts a lot of effort into anything she was asked to do.
She hates messy places and makes sure her house and shop are super neat.
She is very serious and clearheaded. She usually doesn’t get jokes and sarcasm. Vaquita thinks everyone telling a joke is being serious, so she doesn’t really understand them.
According to Vaquita herself she doesn’t have many talents, but the one talent she has she excels at which is baking. Ever since she was young she loved messing around in the kitchen. When she was 10 she even opened up her own bakery which she still runs with the help of her wife and son.
Vaquita’s family are her whole world. She would protect them with her life and always made sure they were content and comfortable.
Many years ago in the SeaWing Kingdom an egg hatched. Wow.
Vaquita soon was welcomed into the world by two loving parents. Both pure SeaWings they were proud of such a beautiful daughter. They raised her well and always took care of her. Vaquita had everything she ever wanted and grew up as kind little dragonet. Her parents taught her to respect and be kind to others and she was always very polite.
They soon found out there was something wrong with their daughter when she was nearly 7 months old. The patterns every SeaWing has are unable to light up. For a while they thought she just didn’t know how to use them but soon they figured out something was wrong.
Unfortunately nobody could do anything about it and Vaquita was unable to communicate underwater. She was very lonely because all the other dragonets would play with each other and leave her out. She grew use to being alone after a while and didn’t really know what it was like to have friends.
When Vaquita was 8 she was allowed to move out of her parents home and decided to go to the main continent. Here she was able to interact with everyone and she found it very odd.
She settled down in a SeaWing town on a small island for a few years where she worked at a small restaurant. Soon Vaquita moved again. This time to the Mud Kingdom where she met a MudWing named Bittern. They instantly became close friends.
To Vaquita, Bittern was her whole world. She soon realized she had a big crush on her. Bittern being very oblivious didn’t noticed this and just show them as friends. Until Vaquita summoned up the courage to finally confess to her after 1 year. To her surprise the MudWing’s feelings were mutual and they were finally girlfriends.
They lived together for sometime and Vaquita opened a very successful bakery in a town in the Mud Kingdom where Bittern’s family lived. After a few years of just the two of them they decided to adopt. The one they choose was only a hatchling who had been deserted by his sibs for being to weak and fragile. Bittern had a soft spot for those kind of dragonets and didn’t want to see him suffer.
They named him Bronze and after living a few months in a welcoming home and with a good diet he soon became very healthy and developed the broad and stocky MudWing build. Vaquita was very content with her home and family and was very loving and caring towards them.
Her life was very peaceful and occasionally she would visit her parents in the Sea Kingdom.