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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

this is just a theory and I don't read tui's blogs or anything like that.

I think that originally there were only 3 tribes; sandwings, seawings, and icewings. these 3 tribes all originally had animus. rainwings are sand/seawings, so are mudwings, nightwings are ice/sandwings, and skywings were the last tribe to evolve, as they are sand/rainwings. 

my theory is that every dragon has a little animus power. it is what allows dragons to fly without hollow bones, what allows fire-breathing tribes to breathe fire, what allows icewings to breathe frostbreath, gives rainwings the ability to camo without seeing surroundings (proven by tamarin) and shoot venom, gives seawings the ability to light up certain scales/be able to breathe both in air and water, gives sandwings the ability to survive w/o water for a long time, gives mudwings the ability to hold their breath for over an hour, and what gives nightwings mindreading and future visions.

since we know that nightwing powers come from the moons, I think that that is what the little bit of animus power that all dragons have comes from. (which is why the moons are worshipped like dieties)

animus power and firescales are also described as being the same.

therefore, I have  come to the conclusion that, animus power is like firescales in that they are dragons born with too much of something all dragons have.