Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

The deadline for this contest is September 1, 2023, at 11:59 PM UTC (midnight).

Edits to tribe content beyond that point will result in disqualification. You may continue to make minor edits such as grammar or spelling corrections.

Contest Rules[]

  • Users are limited to one entry. If you co-own a tribe, this counts as your singular submission.
  • Submissions must fill out the Tribe infobox and place it at the top of the page.
  • You may use the default tribe sigil or create your own with our template image.
  • Tribe pages must have sections for appearance, abilities, territory, culture, society, and history. We recommend an additional section for diplomatic relationships with other tribes.
  • Submissions require at least one original fullbody drawing that functions as a base. The base can be drawn by you or someone else, but it must be created with your tribe in mind.
  • Being rude towards other contestants or their tribes will result in disqualification. Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
    • Insulting other tribes, including categorizing submissions as “good” or “bad”
    • Insulting other contestants, including their art or creative choices
    • Blatantly advertising your tribe during discussions about other users' tribes

Guidelines for Tribe Creation[]

  • Tribes may have a range of unique features and adaptations.

    Consider what adaptive traits to give your tribe that would let them thrive in their specific environment and complement their overall theme. These may be known as abilities, powers, or adaptations interchangeably; they can be as mundane or fantastical as you see fit.

    Abilities from canon include breath weapons, underwater breathing, silk production, night vision, faster-than-average flight, armored scales, and serrated claws.

    There is no limit to the number of abilities your tribe can have.

  • Tribes may have subtypes and subspecies.

    There may be subtypes within a tribe that demonstrate significant and notable difference to other members of their tribe, commonly through an additional major power. Subtypes from canon include firescales, moonborn, and flamesilk.

    While very similar, a subspecies typically displays different visible traits from the tribe’s average appearance, and may have developed different adaptations to thrive in a different environment. While none of these exist in canon, a familiar fanon example is deep-sea and freshwater SeaWings.

    There is no defined quota for subtypes or subspecies this year. Your tribe can have as many or as few as you desire, or none.

  • All character creation will be permitted, unless expressly prohibited.

    In accordance with our updated fantribe system, character creation is no longer regulated; an ordinary dragon or a ‘special’ dragon, such as an animus, subtype, or hybrid, may be created by anyone at any time. If the tribe is incapable of hybridization or inheriting the animus trait, please integrate that clearly into your lore.

Extra Note on Permissions[]

As the wiki moves away from a bottleneck model for the fantribe system, most permissions will be granted upfront to allow for the organic development of characters. We invite you, as writers, to share in this communal philosophy and construct your tribe with the user base in mind – this involves mutual trust and a willingness to accept all sorts of ideas based on your project.

Moderators will work with the owners to uphold their vision and give notice to any users that breach the tribe's restrictions. This will hopefully lighten the workload for owners and bring us closer to integrating fantribes into our community.


  • December 17, 2022: Initial announcement
  • August 24, 2023: Notice to finish up any development within the week
  • September 1, 2023: Tribe development halts; any major edits afterward will warrant disqualification
  • September 3, 2023: Preliminary voting begins
  • September 11, 2023: Preliminary voting ends
  • September 14, 2023: Final voting begins
  • September 21, 2023: Final voting ends
  • September 22, 2023: Contest winner announced

Map Details[]

Pyrrhian Territory 2021
Territory Closeup

The territory for this contest contains a forested area, mixed with what could be grasslands with a small lake, east-facing coastline, and the Diamond Spray River cutting through. There is plenty of room for interpretation with the climate and landscape – will it be a chilly cliffside where the continent slips above the comfort of the equator? Do the borders encompass a more temperate zone, sharing a stretch of terrain with the wetlands below? Can you find alpine meadows or rocky steppes amidst the trees? You decide!

How to Enter[]

  • Make sure your tribe follows the contest and wiki rules! If you have any questions, you can comment on this post or message Himmalerin.
  • Add [[User blog:Himmalerin/2023 Tribe Contest]] to your submission in source mode to qualify; entries will show up on this page.

Ultimately, we ask for contestants to please be respectful toward each other, and hope you have fun in the process! We look forward to seeing what you create – thank you for participating!

In the near future, we will update this blog with some guiding questions which you may use for inspiration when writing. They are not criteria, but instead should be regarded as an optional resource to assist in your tribe's development, should you need them.

Note: If you comment leave a comment below asking for help, be sure to ping me! I don't get notified about new comments and I don't check the comments section very often. Leaving a message on my wall or pinging me in your comment is the best way to reach me.