Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Well Bronze 2025 isn't until another-too bad, it's my blog, I do what I wanna. It's been about a whole year since the last one, so...


What did I actually get done this year, using the 2024 plans.

  1. Mutiny was not finished, but it will hopefully be by January, and I do mean it this time.
  2. Lost Sea was deleted so no expansion applies.
  3. ❌ Ha. Revamping fantribes is going to be a while. I did, however, start revamping the SpurWings.
  4. ❌ I didn't finish Mutiny so I couldn't write more pre-Scorching stories.
  5. Again, Lost Sea deleted so Lost Sea stories doesn't apply.
  6. ❌ Paradox nor Mooseblight were discussed because of Mutiny delays.
  7. ❌ Same as the above with Aeolis.
  8. ❌ I don't believe any characters were modernized, although a couple new character pages were made.

Wow, Mutiny is really holding everything back.


Let's be a bit more realistic with college and all.

  1. Finish that diggity darn Mutiny story at last—it's been clogging up my priorities for over a year by now.
  2. Commence the timeline move.
    1. Talk with Bees and see if I can "split" the ArboresqueWings to be in the Bronze AU officially.
    2. If this happens, make the split page here.
  3. At least start the next part with Mooseblight, or start Paradox's story.
  4. Start refurbishing my fantribes so we can actually make fanfictions late in 2025 or starting 2026 hopefully. Current priorities are the SpurWings, VeiledWings, and Perantherol.