Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

In this au

The Night terrors are a group of Nightwings who are mad at Radiance for driving their tribe out. They are led by Pathfinder.


The Night Terrors are a skill group of NightWings. They hate Radiance with a flaming heart. The Terrors have skilled asissians for their cause. The Terrors have scientists too. Basically, a small village who is pissed off that Radiance drove their tribe out



The leader of the group.


They care for the group's kids cuz the parents are too bust half of the time. These dragon are known in the group to be kind and sweet


They kill


They fight for the Terrors and some are high ranked


Soldiers who are more better at fighting then the normal ones


The Night Terrors formed after some disagreed with Radiance taking over as leader of the RainWings. Pathfinder swore to kill Radiance after getting kicked out. Even though that his tribe are okay, he still pissed at Radiance.

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