Tide is a female SeaWing and L1quid's OC. She is the main protagonist of Shifting Seas, the (original) first novel in Pern.
Tide has deep blue scales like the water in the profundal zone of the ocean; grey eyes like clouds; and bioluminescent stripes on her body. As a member of the SeaWing royal family, she has spiral markings on her wings that resemble a coral reef.
For accessories, she prefers to wear pearls on her body (horns, neck, torso, wings, tail, etc.).
In parts two and three of Shifting Seas, she received lifelong scars from being caught within the NightWing's war. She has a burn scar the right side of her neck and on the left end of her tail from her escape from the old, rotting Deep Palace. Her right eye is missing, due to it being removed from surgery and bullets from a human gun were found lodged within it. Her left leg is a stump, to prevent the infection in a festering bite wound from spreading and reaching her bloodstream.
Tide is loyal to the SeaWing government, due to years of being surrounded by it. She is also practical, even if it is to test a long-standing theory in a cold case.
Due to her loyalty to the government, it can be hard for Tide to know what is politics and what is reality.
Species Adaptations[]
Tide has normal SeaWing species adaptations - breathing underwater; a thick, powerful tail to create waves or to attack enemies; well-tuned nocturnal sight; and exceptional swimming.
Tide is one of the children of Wave, the SeaWing queen during the events of Pern. The Royal Hatchery in the Deep Palace was heavily guarded during this time, as there was a mysterious assassin going around and killing royalty.
When Wave's first eggs were being killed (this happened years prior to the series), dragons initially thought that Orca's statue had returned via an animus dragon. However, this was quickly debunked when it was found during the autopsy on the dead hatchlings that the eggs weren't being killed (or crushed) by stones - they were being crushed by dragon claws.
Tide was born in 5,205 A.S. to Wave and the SeaWing royal family. Soon after hatching, she was harnessed to Wave for several years being released and given duties to perform around the Deep Palace and the (futuristic) Summer Palace.
Shifting Seas[]
Tide is the main protagonist of Shifting Seas - the first novel in Pern, which occurs two hundred years post-Prophecies (after the main events of Wings of Fire).
The novel opens up the death of one of Tide's unborn siblings, who was destroyed in their egg by the unknown assassin in the Deep Palace's Royal Hatchery. The guards of the hatchery, Turtle and Requiem, had been drugged by the assassin before they entered in and smashed one of the eggs. Tide and Flood take Turtle and Requiem to the Deep Palace's prison, where they are kept until they come out of their drugged state (via excreting the drugs from their bodies).
Tide drowns her sorrows by going to her room and reading The Depths of the Ocean, a murder mystery novel. She comes to a pivotal point in the novel when Riptide, her older brother, says that dinner has not been cancelled in light of the hatchling's murder. She then stops where she is in the book, and dresses herself for dinner before making her way to the Deep Palace's dining hall.
In the dining hall, Tide speaks with Flood, Riptide, Whirlpool, and Rush on current events as and before everyone else files into the hall. When the queen arrives, she tells the waiters to serve them despite her still grieving her dead child.
After dinner, Tide reads more of The Depths of the Ocean before going to bed.
The next morning, Swell wakes Tide up and they talk before Wave beckons them to the Deep Palace dining hall. During breakfast, Wave receives a message that Ruby wants the dragon monarchs to gather in her palace to discuss the future. With that in mind, Wave tells Whitecap, her brother, to choose the SeaWing representatives, which she will approve of later. After breakfast, Wave takes Flood and Tide to the Deep Palace's prison, where Turtle and Requiem are questioned before the queen executes them. Tide then asks her mother to give her an egg to test a long-standing theory in the cold case - that the killer only kills in the Royal Hatchery. Much to her chagrin, Wave allows it, and gets her daughter an egg and a harness to keep it in.
Several days after, the SeaWing representatives - Wave, Swell, Tide, Current, Seaquake, and Whirlpool - fly to the SkyWing palace, heading out in the dead of night. As they fly, they see drones taking samples of "Pern", which avoid them. In the middle of the day, the group temporarily rests on the beaches of the SkyWing-SeaWing border before making their way to the palace.
When the six approach the palace, they are surrounded by the the advance guard until Vent, the SkyWing assigned to be their servant, takes them inside the palace. They take the "arena route", which begins in the SkyWing arena and end at the throne room. In the throne room, Swell scampers to Reed, a MudWing whose the author of the popular series Skies of Fires, but Wave calls him back. Reed says she would never physically harm the dragonet, but Marsh, the MudWing queen, says she would harm him psychologically. Ruby, despite her old age, booms at the dragons to not get political and everyone fights over what the SkyWing monarch's message was about when she said "it's about the future" when Vulcan, the NightWing leader, steps into the throne room.
After Vulcan and his assistant find their places, Ruby then shows everyone a destroyed drone that her soldiers have found and have everyone study it. Once the "study circle" is over, she orders the servants to take the guests to their quarters. Vent takes the SeaWings to their guest chambers and leaves them until dinnertime. In the cave, everyone stakes their sleeping spots, creates their nests, and adorns themselves before Vent takes them to dinner.
In the SkyWing dining hall, Ruby prays to the SkyWing god, much to the confusion of the guests, before she and Vulcan get into a heated discussion about religion, which then shifts to the NightWing's empire. Angered by their conversations, Vulcan and Ashes retire to their quarters for the night.
After that, Tide doesn't feel hungry anymore and excuses herself to watch the night out of the rocks.
More coming soon...
Shifting Storms[]
Tide is a minor character in Shifting Storms - the (original) second novel in Pern, which occurs two hundred years post-Prophecies (after the main events of Wings of Fire).
Shifting Stars[]
Tide is a deuteragonist in Shifting Stars - the (original/final) third/final novel in Pern, which occurs two hundred years post-Prophecies (after the main events of Wings of Fire).
(Not to be confused with the canon Anemone.)
Anemone is a female SeaWing and the sister of Coral, the leader of the Undercurrents, the SeaWing resistance.
Argil is a male MudWing, whom Tide met during Ruby's ill-fated intertribal meeting.
Ashes is a female NightWing whom Tide initially trusted, but now despises since she betrayed her and her allies to the NightWings.
Coral (Pern)[]
(Not to be confused with the canon Coral.)
Coral is a female SeaWing and the leader of the Undercurrents, the SeaWing resistance.
Coral (WoF)[]
Coral is a female SeaWing and Tsunami's mother, and the SeaWing queen before her daughter challenged her. She is one of Tide's ancestors.
(Not to be confused with the canon Droplet.)
Droplet is a female SeaWing part of the SeaWing council.
Eagre is a female SeaWing and the younger sister of Wave, making her Tide's aunt.
Tide's father is an unknown male SeaWing, who is assumed to be Wave's late husband.
Flood is a female SeaWing and one of Tide's older sisters. She is also Riptide's hatchmate sister.
Flow is a female SeaWing part of the SeaWing council.
Gill is a male SeaWing and Coral's mate, before he was tragically killed in the SkyWing arena by Tsunami, his second-eldest daughter.
Lizard is a female proto-dragon, and one of Tide's distant ancestors.
Riptide (Pern)[]
Riptide is a male SeaWing and one of Tide's older brothers. He is also Flood's hatchmate brother and the current ruler of the SeaWings.
Riptide (WoF)[]
Riptide is a male SeaWing and Tsunami's mate. He is one of Tide's ancestors.
River is a female SeaWing and the daughter of Waterfall, making her Tsunami's granddaughter. She is one of Tide's ancestors.
Ruby is a female SkyWing and the queen of the SkyWings during Pern (series).
She is also known as the oldest dragon queen in recent Pernese history during the series.
Rush is a male SeaWing part of the SeaWing council. He is also Whirlpool's son.
Tide has a large number of siblings, which were all killed by a mysterious assassin (not a magic statue) before they could hatch.
SeaWing royal family[]
Tide is a member of the SeaWing royal family, descended from Coral, Gill, Webs, Tsunami, and Riptide.
Skipping Stones[]
Skipping Stones is a male SeaWing, the father of River, and Waterfall's mate. He is one of Tide's ancestors.
(Not to be confused with the canon Splash.)
Splash is a female SeaWing part of the SeaWing council.
Stream is a female SeaWing part of the SeaWing council.
(Not to be confused with Sunny from the Wings of Fire canon.)
Sunny is a female SandWing hatchling that Tide found as an egg while she was stranded on Pantala.
Surge is a male SeaWing part of the SeaWing council.
Surf is a male SeaWing dragonet and one of Tide's younger brothers.
Swell is a male SeaWing dragonet and one of Tide's younger brothers.
Tsunami is a female SeaWing, and was the SeaWing queen after Coral. She is one of Tide's ancestors.
Waterfall is a female SeaWing and the daughter of Tsunami and Riptide. She is also the mother of River.
Wave is a female SeaWing and the current monarch of the species. She is the mother of Flood, Riptide, Surf, Swell, Tide, Wrack, and several unknown SeaWings. She is also the older sister of Eagre and the hatchmate sister of Whitecap.
Webs is a male SeaWing and the father of Riptide. He is one of Tide's ancestors.
(Not to be confused with the canon Whirlpool.)
Whirlpool is a male SeaWing part of the SeaWing council. He is also Rush's father.
Whitecap is a male SeaWing and Wave's hatchmate brother, making him Tide's uncle.
Wrack is a female SeaWing hatchling and one of Tide's younger sisters.
- Tide (SeaWing) is the Wings of Fire adaptation of Tide (OceanWing) from L1quid's These Alien Dragons trilogy.
- Tide's name was chosen because of how the tides change on Earth, which is caused by the Moon.
- L1quid purposely chosen names for protagonists whose names refer to something changing in nature, to symbolize their transformation throughout the novel.
- Tide is a reboot of Marine, a BayWing that appeared in "FeatherWings", the pre-final version of These Alien Dragons. In the pre-final version, Marine was a civilian in a forbidden relationship with an outside dragon. In the final version, Tide is an heir to draconic leadership that is hated by commoners due to her ancestry.
- Tide was also based off of the Wings of Fire "what if....?": "What if Tsunami was raised in the SeaWing palaces instead of by the Talons of Peace?"
- Tide's initial personality is supposed to resemble Anemone's personality from Wings of Fire: The Lost Heir (2013). Throughout the book, she gradually turns into a hybrid of Tsunami and Anemone.
- Tide's name was chosen because of how the tides change on Earth, which is caused by the Moon.
- On the part of L1quid, most of Tide's siblings are dead. This was done on purpose, as L1quid wants to distinguish their murder mystery from the one seen in Wings of Fire: The Lost Heir (2013) and because the crime shows and films have many victims in them (per episode or novel).
- Unlike Wings of Fire: The Lost Heir (2013), the killer of the royal family is an unknown dragon, not a magic statue.
- When wrapping up the outline, L1quid decided that the killer should be a someone close (but not related) to the royal family. (The killer was revealed in the epilogue, since L1quid intentionally left the murder mystery unsolved in the main plot so they could focus on Tide.)
- Unlike Wings of Fire: The Lost Heir (2013), the killer of the royal family is an unknown dragon, not a magic statue.
- Tide's original theme song was No Surprises - Radiohead (due to the lyrics). It was later changed to Gagging Order, another song by Radiohead, because it reflected her character a bit more better.
- Tide has an alternate theme song: Ships + Tides by OneRepublic, whose lyrics fit Tide's personal arc perfectly.
On 01/28/2023, because Shifting Storms does go through some graphic content (including gore) which Tide goes through (both in the original novel and the WoF adaptation), a Mature Warning will be placed onto the page.
From 01/25/2023-01/27/2023, the novel's content was not added to the page. But because L1quid is starting to flesh out the adaptation (as they're wrapping up outlining the original novel), the content will be added. (The content will be added slowly as L1quid edits each chapter of the original novel and its subsequent WoF adaptation.)
On 05/16/2023, L1quid started updating the character pages of Tide and Ashes with spoilers from the WoF adaptation of These Alien Dragons, depending on where they are in writing the final product of the original series.
So beware of spoilers!
External Links[]
- Tide - These Alien Dragons wiki
- Tide - FeatherWings wiki (character info placed here so L1quid doesn't update the official wiki prematurely)
- Tide - Wings of Fire fanon tribes wiki
- Turning Tides (TAD bk.1) - Wattpad