Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

The Intertwined Flight, or simply the Intertwined, is a group of dragons, mostly dragonets, across all tribes together in 1 single group traveling across Pyrrhia.

They are compromised of dragons lost in wars, on Pyrrhia from another continent, or rogues working together to look out for each other and survive.



  • Proclaim and Current (AviWing & SkyWing, left after a year)


  • bigwing leader mud lost all her subs in sand war (f 18 yrs)
  • male firescale sky w/ fireless bro (m 9 yrs)
  • sand spy from blister, wanted by her for having confidential info (m 15 yrs)
  • sea lost in summer palace attack (m 4 yrs)
  • rain abandoned for sleep defect w/ former night island prisoner who escaped (f 7 and m 8 yrs)
  • ice removed from family to remain in 2nd circle (f 9 yrs)
  • night fleer of night island (f 11 yrs)
  • corvid avi (nb 6 yrs)
  • lost death (m 1 yr)
  • wing broken drift from cliff fall (m 6 yrs)
  • light (m 8 yrs)
  • mortar (f 6 yrs)
  • tempest (m 5 yrs)
  • Pigeon (7 yrs)
  • man who dis terra princess (4 yrs)
  • silk caught in wind (f 6 yrs)
  • hive found on shore w poisoned out mom (m 1 month)
  • leaf sapwing and poisonwing lost in fight (f 7 yrs and f 8 yrs)
  • centi lost on shore (m 6 yrs)
  • work firebreather (m 2 yrs)


Bear serves as the leader or bigwing of the group. She sets operations and looks over everyone. Possum and Brightseer are also considered parent figures to younger members and helps keep track of them.

One of the first notably things is that they seem to have many MudWing traits. They all act as 1 sib group with ones closer to each other in age being their sub sib group. While they try to use some of their own abilities, they often fight like MudWings taking a more defensive, blocking approach. Some mix their traits into the style to make their own personal fighting style.

Ones capable of doing so are required to hunt for the herd while many train each other, though mostly in sessions run by Bear. Members without a name are named by Bear personally with the aid of Possum's brief knowledge of naming in unfamiliar tribes.

Dragons don't tend to stray far from the pack, liking to remain rather close to each other. This has been mainly sprouted by the past 19 years in the Succession War.

Everyone loves each other and sees each other as family. Mediators are sprinkled throughout to solve arguments and going against the elder members is considerably taboo.


While many members are spread thorought Pyrrhia for jobs, their homes reside within the Claws of the Cloud Mountains, particularly within a valley lovingly nicknamed Intertwined Ridge for its peaks twisting between eachother in an x-shape.

The area is huge with many individual homes for some dragons, mostly resting in preferred climates or areas of the valley such as Smoke and Flare, as SkyWings, near the peaks while Brightseer, a NightWing, remains in the shadows. The area is protected, dragging away darted invaders, rarely killing trespassers as they grouped together to avoid war.


  • Founded by Bear months after losing her siblings (5,000 AS)
  • Brightseer nearly dies from fortress collapse. Found on shoreline by Bear. (5,000 AS)
  • Proclaim and Current join to seek refuge. (early 5,001 AS)
  • Proclaim, Current and Wallaby leave. (late 5,001 AS)
  • Smoke and Flare are found abandoned on trees in a failed attempt to smash their eggs. They're found by Brightseer and Bear. (5,004 AS)
  • Sing found on border after pushed to kingdom ourtskirts by Brightseer. (5,006 AS)
  • Possum found by Bear fleeing position after Blister killed their mother. (5,007 AS).
  • Firestriker found in desert after abductor was strayedly killed in a Blister-Burn skirmish by Possum. (5,007 AS)
  • Peacock found on shoreline carried away by wind after attempting to escape Tsetse Hive by Brightseer. (5,008 AS)
  • Trance escaped from captivity after tricking the NightWings into believing he was completely mindless. They found Iguana abandoned by her tribe for her sleeping defect. Both eventually join after meeting Bear. (5,009 AS)
  • Stormrider found in valley after fracturing their wing from falling heavily down a cliffside by Peacock. (5,009 AS)
  • Pebble found on beach after being swept away by heavy shore waves by Peacock. (5,009 AS)
  • Doe is saved from her city's guard by Brightseer. (5,009 AS)
  • Tern found on Desert Outskirts after abandoned by family to retain their circle ranking by Possum. (5,010 AS)
  • Thyme joins after losing their last family member trying to return home. (5,011 AS)
  • Shrimp found far from the sea after escaping the Summer Palace Bombing by Tern and Firestriker. (5,011 AS)
  • Quiet Rain found around Jade Mountain having strayed from home due to unknown circumstances by Iguana. (5,011 AS)
  • Maple and Kudzu are found on Pyrrhian shores by Iguana. (5,011 AS)
  • Pigeon appears from fleeing her kingdom. (5,011 AS)
  • Goldchipper found on the beach sent away for their firebreathing ability by Peacock. (5,012 AS)
  • Peace-Mason found lost away from territory. (5,012 AS)
  • Beetle is found on the shoreline with their deceased mother who died from HiveWing venom trying to save their child from the Othermind by Peacock. (5,012 AS)
  • Violet is found on the desert edge by Possum. (5,012 AS)


