This is a fan-fic by EvDra. This is just something I'm typing while in school, so it'll be stupid and will update every once in a while. This will most likely not update over the summer. If any changes are made to the story, I'll be sure to mention it in one of these boxes. Characters' personalities will also be altered since they are older now. |
Two years after the end of Arc 3, the dragonets of destiny realized that their school is full of adults, so they kicked them all into the streets to fend for themselves and scrambled to find actual children to put in their school. Lucky for them, dragons have lots of babies (except LeafWings, they're practically extinct), so they easily found a new fresh cast for the school. Within the Copper Winglet are the babies of Wings of Fire. And they are not exactly the greatest dragonets...
- Canon Wiki Character List (deosn't include fanon characters): Here
- Fanon Wiki Character List: Here
- Character Refrences: Here
Part 1[]
1 - Copper is TRASH[]
Cliff was sandwiched between two impossibly tall dragons. There was NO way they were his age. The school is still letting letting adults come to this school, he thought, disappointingly. Didn't they learn their lesson with the first time?— I guess not...
Cliff was still excited to be at Jade Mountain Academy, not excited to learn or make dumb friends though. Back at home, He had played every trick and prank he could on his mother and all of the castle staff. The SkyWing was about to terrorize the kingdom, but him mother stopped him and put him in school to "learn" and "grow" (But Cliff knew that was a lie and he had just pissed her off with his latest prank and she didn't want him around anymore). Cliff of course wasn't doing any of that, he could not wait to torment the school.
A choncky MudWing was playfully tossing scrolls at all the students. He pointed his claw at Cliff and tossed one towards him, which he caught perfectly. Unfortunately for a small cream-colored IceWing, he was smacked in the face by the paper and fell backwards into his back with a groan. Cliff barked a laugh, he always found slapstick funny, and flapped towards the dragon.
"You alright?" He asked, giving him his free talon. Before the IceWing could even notice him, he was pushed from the side and landed on the ground by the IceWing.
"Polar Bear, are you okay?" The dragon, who was also an IceWing and the dragon that pushed Cliff, said. Polar Bear groaned.
"What gives!?" Cliff leaped to his feet and barked at the IceWing, fuming from the ears.
"Oh, sorry." She said nervously," I guess I was so worried for my friend I... pushed you into the ground." She finished off the rest of her sentence quickly. Cliff gave her side look, I know who I'm pranking first.
The IceWing on the ground, Polar Bear, finally stood up revealing he had a bit of a bloody nose. The other IceWing gasped at the sight and reached out to him," Does that hurt?" Polar Bear shook his head, sniffed, and wiped the blood off with a black claw. Without a word, he preceded untied the string around his scroll and started reading it.
Both Cliff and the IceWing looked at each other, both surprised that he took on the pain without much of a reaction. The two mimicked Polar Bear and started opening their scrolls too. BOOOOORING, Cliff thought looking at his acceptance scroll that was full of million tiny scribbles. He skipped to the part where he was assigned his Winglet. Cliff knew exactly what was in store, he would most definitely be in the Jade Winglet.
But on the scroll in fancy letters read: COPPER WINGLET.
"Hey, excuse me." Cliff run to the MudWing who had given him the scroll and poked him with a claw," I believe you made a mistake with my scroll." The MudWing took it, read it, and said," No, this correct. You belong in the Copper Winglet. Your room is down the Great Hall."
"I'm SO excited!" Mink said with excitement to her Winglet, the Copper Winglet,"New places, new friends, even new food, all for us!"
Dusky laughed lightly from the silk hammock that hung above the HiveWing," I'm excited too, but not for the new things. I'm mainly excited about learning. I'd like to know the history of this place."
"Boooring," bellowed Bumblebee," I came for the Weapons cave and nothing else!"
"I came here for more than violence," Auklet said in a snarky tone.
"I sarcastic princess," A SandWing in the corner said in a monotone voice, looking up from a scroll," Never seen one of those before." Auklet gave them a look, but Mink intervened," Let's not fight, we're supposed to be friends!"
"Yah!" Peacemaker said in agreement.
"Like that's possible. We are different tribes, meaning we can't get along." A NightWing said.
"Of course you'd be saying." Auklet rolled her eyes.
The black dragon hopped to her feet and clenched her dagger-like teeth," What does that mean?"
"Wake up the RainWing and ask her," Auklet replied flicking her wing towards the hammock where a RainWing was snoozing," Your tribe tried to annihilate them."
"Just like the HiveWing?" Dusky asked in whisper, but immediately regretted it, realizing that it made Bumblebee uncomfortable.
"Yep, just like them," A MudWing said with chicken caught in his teeth.
"We had a good reason, HiveWings didn't!" The NightWing barked," HiveWings are clearly worse."
"No we aren't!" Bumblebee exclaimed in defense of her tribe, hopping to her talons.
"Well, you're tribe did kill almost all of the LeafWings," The SandWing once again budded into the conversation," Hence why that is empty." He said nodding to the other side of the room. All of the dragonets eyes drifted towards the bed carved from wood, decorated with leaves on top of it. The LeafWing bed...
Bumblebee's eye looked the most sympathetic of them all, but quickly changed her face," Well, I don't care!" She snapped," My tribe didn't have a say! Wasp as controlling them."
"But you still burned down the trees!" Someone exclaimed. Then Bumbblebee and Dusky quickly started defending the HiveWing tribe even more. Soon enough another tribe was brought into the conversation. Then another and another. Soon the entire room exploded into an all-out argument, all of the dragonets trying to defend their tribes and strike down the others at the same time.
The only thing that stopped them before they could start biting was the door slamming open.
Eyes flew to the doorway and everyone stopped fighting, expecting one of the school's staff to tell them they were in trouble. Instead of a big dragon, there was a big scowl on a small red dragonet. He walked into the frozen fight unfazed, keeping the upset look on his. Once he got to the SkyWing bed he laid down on it, buried his head in the feathers on the bed, and made a sound that sounded like a mix between a growl and a screech.
His Winglet stared at him for a moment, glancing at each other with confused looks. Mink was the first to step up. She walked to the side of the bed and whispered," Hey don't be upset. If it makes you feel better, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
Mink turned to the others and gave them a thumbs up, but they all frantically shook their head," No, that's a boy!" Mink froze in fear, but it was too late, Cliff was already standing on him bed glaring at Mink from behind.
Mink whipped around, saying quickly," You're not beautiful, you're mom's beautiful. But you're not ugly your handsome and—"
"Please stop." Cliff said, looking annoyed. Mink's jaws snapped shut and she nodded silently," I'm angry with the MudWing, not you."
"You mean Clay?" Auklet asked," That fat guy."
"Yes! Him!" Cliff exclaimed, jerking his wings angrily," He put me in STUPID copper Winglet."
"What's wrong with copper?" The MudWing asked.
"It's nasty brown like bird turds." Cliff answered," And brown is grossest color of them all." The MudWing scrunched his snout at Cliff after he looked at his scales," Not like that! You're scales are fine." The red dragonet quickly corrected himself," I mean, there's Gold, Silver, Jade, and Quartz, which are all awesome. And I got copper! That is not fair. I'm an awesome person and I deserve better." He pat his talon on his chest with pride as he said the last sentence.
"And why should we care?" The SandWing asked, with the same emotionless face as before.
"Cause we deserve better!" Cliff raised a fist in the air, hoping they'd cheer in agreement. Instead, Bumblebee went back to snapping at that NightWing. Tough crowd.
The prince rolled his eyes and spoke a little louder," Cause I have an animus!" Suddenly Cliff had the attention of every eye in the room and silence took over.
"Prove it." Auklet said, with disbelief in her face.
"I can't."
"Why not?" The NightWing asked.
"Cause my animus only gave me one enchanted item," Cliff pointed at a small golden hoop earring, which was besides a larger one," If I touch it everyone in this room explodes."
"WHAT!" Dusky exclaimed, looking frantic. Everyone else looked just as bewildered as him.
"That's camal-crap," The SandWing started," Why don't you—"
"Why don't you stop talking?" Bumblebee hissed," I want animus magic."
"Your voice is getting aggravating anyways." Auklet added. The SandWing puffed smoke from his nostrils and turned to his scroll without a sound.
Bumblebee hopped onto Cliff's bed and stared him in the eye," What exactly are you offering?"
Cliff smirked," One enchantment each, but you don't get to see the animus."
"I don't want an enchantment," Bumblebee reached a talon towards Cliff's enchanted earring," I want that. I know a very mean wasp I need to destroy." The prince grabbed her talon and moved it away," Once you help me get my revenge on the MudWing."
Bumblebee gave Cliff a similar smirk," I'm in." She turned to the others," Who else is with us?" Everyone once again went silent.
"You can't be serious! Bumblebee!" Dusky whined from on top of his silk hammock," You promised Cricket, Sundew, AND my mom that you wouldn't get into any trouble."
"Forget that!" Bumblebee exclaimed," I'm gonna be a GOD!" She crackled manically. Cliff suddenly was regreting the deal he made with her. Dusky made a face. It was the same exact face Cliff's mom, Ruby, would make at him whenever she found out about another one of his pranks. It was a face of disappointment.
Dusky sighed," I guess I'm coming with you, but I'm not helping." He flutter into the ground," I can't believe I'm doing this." He whispered to himself.
"Anyone else?" Cliff asked.
"I will!" Mink said, hopping up," I want to make the perfect gift for my love, Polar Bear. His hatching day is coming soon."
Cliff leaped off his bed and his companions followed him to the door. Cliff placed a talon on the door of their room and said," Let's give that MudWing what he deserves." With a quick push of the door the group left, leaving their Winglet.
"Why does everyone hate us?" The MudWing said, frown at the door.
"Cause you all are boring." Auklet flicked a talon," Nothing ever happens in your kingdom."
"Wait, guys! I just realized." The MudWing exclaimed, throwing his wings up," If that NightWing is our NightWing and that hybrid is our 'RainWing', then who is that?" He said pointing at the RainWing in the RainWing hammock.
A sweat ran down the RainWing's face," Oh no! My cover is blown!" Then she leaped through the leaf-tinted window and flew into the horizon.
"Should we tell someone about that?" Peacemaker asked, staring at the window along with everyone else.
The school halls were booming with dragonets. The small team had to push and shove their way through countless morons.
"Where are we going?" Bumblebee asked, kicking someone's tail out of her way.
"We're going to..." Cliff stopped in his tracks, realizing that he had no idea where to even start looking for Clay,"Umm..."
"To the Healing cave," Mink answered, trailing behind Bumblebee. Dusky was behind her, trying his best not to step on her spiked tail," That's where Clay teaches."
"Exactly," Cliff said with a nod," Why don't you come show us the way?" The IceWing smiled as she slipped between Bumblebee and Cliff. The two dragonets winced in slight pain when her spikes' points scratched their scales.
Mink lead the team to a cave carved into the side of a hall. Inside was Cliff's soon-to-be victim, Clay. Cliff moved past Mink and walked confidently towards him.
"Hi, Cliff!" Suddenly blazing scales stood in front of him and blue eyes were staring at him.
"Peril?" Cliff said, confused," What are you doing here?"
Memories came back to him. Not memories of Peril. Memories of Scarlet. She was a horrible person and the worst grandmother in the world. She had held him captive, threw Ruby in the dungeon, and even got Peril to help her (but Peril soon changed sides). He had never felt so relived when he saw Scarlet dead on the ground beneath his mother.
"I work here."
"No you don't." Tsunami said from the other side of the cave beside the rest of the dragonets of destiny.
"mmh— I mean I don't exactly have a job here yet. Clay asked his friends, the school staff, if I could work here," She said, giving Clay a smile, which he returned. She turned back to Cliff," But anyways, I'm glad to see you again."
"Yeah..." Cliff's eye drifted away from her. He honestly wasn't exactly 'glad' to see Peril. Cliff liked her a little when he first met her, but as time went by he had changed his mind. Peril had killed hundreds of innocent dragons in Scarlet's arena. She had kept him hostage on Scarlet's commands. Peril had burned his mother's earring and made her turn to an entirely different dragon (Cliff, to this day, was still trying to make scene of what happened that night.)
He didn't hate Peril, though. He just didn't now what to think about her.
"What I was trying to say was that we are getting a MILLION applications for a job here." Tsunami said in a more understanding voice.
"Oh right," Peril said giving her a smile.
"We need to choose the perfect candidates for the job." Starflight continued.
"You won't want to waste a spot on someone." Peril said with a light, heartbroken chuckle. The entire room's energy changed slightly," You can always stay here, Peril." Clay said, touching wings with her," Me and my friends will always welcome you with open wings."
Peril gave him a slight smile and whispered," Thanks."
"Anyways," Tsunami interrupted the moment between the two," Lets continue talking about what we need to sort out for the self defense class."
"Not to mention who is teaching the band, art, math, reading, and the possible swimming class." Sunny pitched in.
"See lots of things to take about." Tsunami said. She paused noticing Cliff," Hey, got a question or something?"
He quickly shook his head and scurried away back to where his group was.
"Can't get him right now." He said to them," He's around to many dragons." Dusky looked reliefed, but Auklet and Bumblebee looked disappointed.
"We'll try later than." Bmbblebee said.
"Of course we will," Cliff exclaimed," and next time we'll really get him."
"Dragonets!" An older dragon called," Pray time! Prey time! Everyone to the Prey Center!" An old-looking SeaWing was walking through the hall directing the kids where to go. As he walked Cliff noticed a sick scar on his side.
The dragonets together went to the prey center. There they found the rest of their winglet and grouped together.
"Did you guys get Clay?" Auklet asked, raising an eyebrow," or did you lizard out and run away?" She teased.
"We need a new plan to get revenge on Clay." Cliff ignored her and stamped his talon on the ground," Anyone got any ideas?" He asked his winglet. They shook their heads with no idea what to do.
The night-hybrid gulped the strawberries he was eating and said," I know something! Back at my home, in the rainforest, a whole bunch of NightWing dragonets ate these smokeberry-things that gave them nasty hallucinations. It lasted a good couple of hours."
"Phht. That's it?" Bumblebee exclaimed, looking unimpressed," Back in the Poison Jungle, plants eat dragons for breakfeast. And they favorite food is dragonets." She added when Peacemaker whimpered in fear.
"No its perfect." Cliff corrected her. He perked up a little," We don't need to kill him, we just need to get back at him."
"Yeah but we don't have smokeberries." Dusky pointed out," So I guess we can't do something horrible or get that earring of yours to kill a certain bad queen." He said with relief.
"What no way!" Bumblebee exclaimed," I need to kill her!"
"And I need Polar Bear's gift."
"And I'm trying to keep everyone safe!"
"Shut up all of you!" Cliff commanded, spreading his wings and lashing his tail. He caught the attention of everyone," We need to make a plan. Huddle up." Dusky, Mink, and Bumblebee moved closer to Cliff with their wings slightly open to create a dome out of their wings.
"We are getting smokeberries, okay." Cliff made clear," It sounds like a perfect revenge. Plus he loves food, He'd eat anything we give him even if it had bad berries in it."
"But we're still not in the rainforest," Dusky reminded Cliff.
"But we do have a healing center with all those herbs." Bumblebee made a mischievous expression. Dusky looked at her with worry in his eyes," I'm sure I could make some kind of distraction to sneak in."
"Great idea," Cliff nodded towards her," You― and Dusky— will retrieve the smokeberries as me and Mink will get a scrumptious prey," He explained," Then we meet here once we're done with our mission to put the berries in the meat, feed it to Clay—"
"And kill a Wasp!" Bublebee exclaimed, flicking her tail dangerously in excitement. Cliff laughed lightly," Everyone in agreeance?" Mink quickly nodded, but Dusky, on the other talon, hesitated. It took a moment for him to finally nod too," Good lets move out!"
It didn't take long for Cliff to spot a stray goat, which Mink killed quickly with a frostbreath to the head.