Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

" i do not believe in consistent capitalization!" - sumac and star's creator
Content Warning
This page contains profanity, violence, mild gore, or other forms of content that you may find upsetting.
Author's note: my spelling and grammar are occasionally crap so feel free to ask to fix it
This page belongs to Willow, please do steal, copy, or edit this page
"come on! we can do it! just you and me!"

sumac is a xenogender, softstaric, deergender, and lesbian leafwing with distant icewing blood. star uses star/star's , doe/doe's, and ste/stel pronouns. Stel is the main character in overgrown, i fanfiction featuring sumac and star's life. star is the dragonsona of willow and should not be used without my permission.

i'm pretty close to being done with star's page but i'll never truly finish it.


"i'm not pretty and i don't think i'll ever be"

Sumac is a small and nimble leafwing with large floppy wings. Sumac tries to be graceful, well as graceful as star can be. Sumac is scrawny and very thin for dragonet star's age. Doe has a small frame and isn't very muscly or strong in most parts of doe. star comes from the leafwings and therefore has the traditional leafwing features such as star's large leaf-like wings, star's leafy scales, and star's leafy sail.

With sumac's colors star's are mostly purple and blue based with some pink and yellow in the mix. Sumac's main color is a blue-purple with sky blue under scales and a lavender sail. Star has leaf like shapes all coming down star's scales in a cloudy blue color going all throughout faer body. doe's wings are large with a pink-purple color speckled with dark blue and small tan paws on their connecting spot. All along stars back touching the lavender sail is a line of salmon colored scales coming down doe's back and ending close to where the sail ends on the tail.

Sumac is delicate and doesn't have the strongest joints in stars arms, legs, and wings. They tend to get dislocated when doe does something too strenuous or tiring and it hurts a ton when they do get dislocated. star also have a short tail not that long compared to others tails but at the end of it star has a large dark blue leaf that shimmers in the sunlight.

Star has large light and glassy eyes giving off a soft warm glow in the night. star's eyes are yellow like a dried sunflower and standout among a crowd of brown and green eyed leafwings. Sumac isn't very good at hiding doe's emotion and so sometimes when star isn't focusing, stars eyes will naturally go to a grumpy stare.

Sumac finds wearing jewelry and small trinkets endearing and loves to try on many little accessories for starself. Though star usually wears three black strings connected to a small four leaf clover jade pin. This usually goes around stars neck but can be tightened to go on star's tail.

Stel's posture is horrible and bent over like a shrimp and makes stel's back hurt like crap. star still doesn't want to put a single ounce of effort to fix star's posture.

Doe's hex codes for coloring ( if you don't want to color pick )

  • Main body color - #7884c0
  • Eyes - #cec8a9
  • Earring - #1a181c
  • Underbelly scales - #bbdaf6
  • Tongue & back scales - #d1a195
  • Wings - #634261
  • Wing specks - #182140
  • Ear ( multiple colors in it ) - #a77592, #9b5c80, #7c365e, #602044
  • Leaf speck stuff - #aab4cf
  • Wing paw - #f1dec8
  • Sail - #9b9bcf
  • Tail tip - #2f305e
  • Jade pin - #83a19c


"oh, there's a mess. well i better get cleaning!"

When star was born stel were always timid and shy when around other dragons and tried stel's best to avoid other dragons at almost all costs. doe was shy, scared, and insecure. Always wondering if others were thinking the worst of stel and trying to appease everyone. star has many doubts about starself and star is quite insecure when not with close friends.

Sumac has many strange habits that are hard to break such as nail biting. star unconsciously bites and chews star's nails all the time, resulting in star having very short nails. Doe also says "I'm sorry" or just "sorry" way way too much. doe doesn't want to get everyone mad at doe and so star just apologises to everyone around star.

Star has mild ocd. Star needs all things to be in order and if something is out of place or is too messy, Sumac is about to fix it. Star obsesses over things being in order and is quite a neat freak at times. Messes bother star and star will go out of star's way to clean them. If star's in a burning building and as star's running out and doe sees a mess; star's stopping and fixing it before getting out. This has gotten star in some crappy problems before and star hates that but can't help starself.

On the outside and the part of star that is shown to everyone is star's bright and cheery side. Star can be a bursting ball of energy, cracking jokes and smiling along with everyone with a naughty grin spread wide across star's face and a glint in star's eyes.

Doe can't help it but get in trouble. Star always has something other than what star's supposed to do and will go ahead and do whatever star planned instead of whatever star was told to do. That has gotten star into heaps of trouble but doe enjoys doing doe's own thing and doesn't like to be told what to do.

When star's feeling pretty and wanting to be glamorous today, star will put some glitter under star's eyes and on star's snout. It helps star feel and look pretty and boosts star's confidence.

Sumac does have a stubborn side of star. usually it comes from the desire to not do things such as doe saying " i'll do it tomorrow" or star agrees to do it but never actually does. Sumac also HATES being told to do something when star's feeling lazy. usually star will throw a temper tantrum or just curl up and not do anything.

Star's a generally chill dragon to hang out with but star does have an angry streak in star. Sumac has little to no patience for non living things and will scream in frustration at toasters, glitchy games, slow working things, and more. Star very much dose not put up with losing and often rage quits at things in the middle of it when it starts to get frustrating. And a few "AAARRGGH" and "F**KING THING, JUST WORK!" will usually follow star's rage quitting.

Likes & Dislikes[]

"oh ewwww"


  • running
  • cello
  • baking
  • baked goods
  • harmless pranks
  • doing the opposite of what star was told to do
  • rainy days
  • digging in the dirt for bugs
  • eating dirt
  • lanterns
  • music
  • b u n n i e s
  • snakes
  • saying meaningless things for no reason


  • really hot or sunny days
  • overly pessimistic people
  • dragons talking back with rudeness or sarcasm
  • blood
  • swimming
  • most sports
  • needles
  • peanut butter ( it's sweet in an icky way )
  • classical music


" hah! my beauty surpasses everyone else. take that!"



"this sucks"

Sumac was born among the upper class of leafwings with star's parents. Star's family loved to travel all across pantala and pyrrhia and would bring their two dragonets along with them and their fancy trips. Star always thought it was fun and cool to go to new places and explore the world, or at least until they made a trip to possibility.

As always, Sumac's parents would get an apartment or hotel to stay at and leave their dragonets while they went off exploring. It was always boring and mind-numbing for star.

Planning on writing a fanfic abt star so this will stay as a wip for now!

Playlist ( not me adding every song i love )[]

" i never get into trouble.... never.... hehe"

Bold = closer to star ( most of them are )

  • Pink Pony Club - chappell roan
  • Coincidence - Sabrina Carpenter
  • Little Girl Gone - CHINCHILLA (explicit)
  • the song with five names (explicit) - will wood and the tapeworms
  • I'll die anyways - girl in red
  • HOT TO GO! - chappell roan
  • my boy - billie eilish
  • billie bossa nova - billie eilish
  • good luck babe! - chappell roan
  • looking at me - Sabrina carpenter
  • tag you're it - Melanie martinez
  • bubble gum b**ch - marina (explicit)
  • Kermit the frog - marina
  • primadonna - marina (explicit)
  • the contortionist - melanie martinez (explicit)
  • how to be a heartbreaker - marina


"there's nothing like the smell of freshly baked goods!"


Sumac loves to bake. Star's not entirely sure why but star just does. Maybe it's the smell. When you bake your cookies or muffins just right, the smell can be one of the best things you'll smell. Or maybe it's the taste. Nothing's more satisfying than biting down and eating your well made cakes and treats. either way, baking is a passion of star's.

cello playing

Sumac greatly enjoys playing the cello. When sumac met Lyra, she introduced music into doe's life. Now sumac's been playing cello for over 3 years and never want to quit. cello is star's favorite thing to do.


even though sports had never been one of the things star was ever good at ( star will never be good at running ) doe still enjoys it a ton. Sumac likes to push starself to get better at running and physical things.

Abilities and weaknesses[]

Slight leafspeak | With sumac's slight leafspeak star can talk to the plants around star and manipulate them just the slightest within a four foot radius around star. it's relativly weak and can be stopped if star isn't concentrating

thing | text


"oh yeah, everyone thinks i'm awesome"


Lyra | Positive/girlfriend | Lyra and Sumac both love each other so much <3 Lyra was the first one to teach sumac how to bake and gave star the matching green jade four leaf clover.

Golden Bloom | positive | blah

Luca | Neutral | Sumac really likes luca's company wip


Klaus | neutral-positive | One day when sumac was walking down the street very much not paying attention to anything, doe crashed straight into Klaus. Klaus would have probably attacked star if star didn't start randomly talking about bunnies. Miraculously star didn't;t get attacked and they bonded together about bunnies <3

Wintress | neutral | Wintress and Sumac don't really get along, sumac isn't the biggest fan of huge pessimists and grumps and both of those are what star would describe wintress as. Though sumac hates disappointing/angering dragons so star's just going to try to be friendly. hopefully.

Vaporwave | neutral | Vaporwave and Sumac get along fine, Sumac greatly admires his art and thinks that they're a really friendly dragon. But, they haven't really casually chatted much and so star doesn't really know them much. Still a great dragon to hang out with.


"betcha you know this!"

  • cello player
  • is one of the deepest sleepers around
  • star's stomach is a bottomless pit.
  • perfectionist and hates hate hates when things turn out lesser than what star expected
  • tried playing violin for a while. it was okay but it never really suited star and star decided to quit it.
  • will randomly go up to a person and start talking to them about literally anything
  • B U N N I E S <333 if you dare hurt a bunny sumac is coming for you and it won't be pretty.
  • cannot sit still for over five minutes
  • coffee is bitter and BLEGH. Star does occasianally drink it when star's stayed up all night
  • always seems tired yet full of bubbling energy
  • doesn't do things halfway
  • to star, star's wings look like a blackberry smoothie. A dark pink with "black berry seed" speckles. This often makes star hungry when star stares at star's wings for too long
  • watching sports is one of the most boring, mind numbing things a dragon can do according to sumac
  • likes to completely finish something before moving onto the next thing. that way everything star commits to gets finished without any mistakes
  • has high standards for starself
  • finds snails interesting
  • one of the fastest fliers that they know ( who's not a skywing )
  • likes cloudwatching
  • likes avocados
  • everytime i find a song i really vibe to i go and add it to star's playlist
  • Favorite chappell roan song changes from day to day
  • hates showers and finds them annoying
  • Loves chamomile tea
  • Likes to dress up
  • Has a cottage
  • Loves being warm and cozy(like me haha)
  • Loves picking up pretty leaves
  • Makes friends with everyone
  • Enjoys collecting weird jewlery
  • Has 50+ pairs of earrings
  • Likes bunny’s and has one
  • Feeds all and any stray cats
  • Really likes reading romance novels
  • Has a favorite purple armchair that they spend a ton of time in


most code by me

stats by wheatproduct

art in infobox by radar


awesome fanart by radar!

Chibi sumac

messy chibi sumac doodle!

Sumac head drawing

art by me!


Lovely fanart by Station 154

Sumac ref

Fanart by me

Sumac by gemstone

awesome fanart by gemstone!


fanart by radar

Lineless sumac

lineless fanart by me

Serenity garden

fanart by radar! aaa thank you so much, it looks beautiful <33

Sumac basefill

base by northstar99 fill by finchthefireless

Overgrown cover

sumac on the cover of overgrown!


Fanart by Darklight's Cavern!

Yay sumac

very tiring fanart by me

Sumac fanart by plutofalls

fanart by plutofalls

Lynx fanart of Sumac!

wonderful fanart drawing by LynxStar980!

Sumac by TW1ST

Fanart by TW1ST3D M4G1K

Sumac by leona xadia

fanart by leona xadia!

Sumac pagedoll

made a little lineless bust of sumac for fanart of star!

Sumac sketch fanart by katheesbp

fanart by katheesbp

Basefill Of Sumac!

Base by CarnivorousRuse, fill by XOnyxXsandwingX!

Sumac gif
Sumac Bunny

Sumac fanart by my bestie MrsBunny3!

Sumac headshot

lemme find credit-


"big thanks to all these artists!"

base by Albluu

Sumac pagedoll