Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Starwings, also known as star dragons or Space dragons to humans, are a cosmic dragontribe that reside in the moon, Oracle. They are currently ruled by Queen Nebula


  • Please read Hybridization before making a hybrid!
  • Starwings cannot naturally produce animus.


Starwings are considered short in height with long, compact bodies and short legs. They have curved purple horns, a slender, curved snout and stray purple, white, green or blue speckles on their scales and wings. Their tongues are forked and black. They have spines along the backs of their necks to the tips of their tails. Starwings have webbed talons with hooked claws, as well as long, powerful tails that are useful for gliding through space. They have gills on the sides of their necks that allow photosynthesise and turn light into energy and oxygen.

StarWings commonly have scale colours in the ranges of blues, blacks, greens and purples. Although rare, dragons may have pink scales, wings, or horns. Some Starewings can also have black spiraling patterns along their wings. Starwings can have eyes of any colour.

Starwings have glowing stripes along their faces, bodies, and wings that shine extremely bright on full moons.

Starwing eggs are usually black or purple with white speckles.

Glowing scales[]

The Starwings glowing scales are very similar to seawings. They light up and various patterns can make different words in the space version of Aquatic. This language is called Cosmic and it is used by all Starwings. On full moons their scales shine extremely bright to attract mates. Every full moon their is a law that states ‘Every full moon if you are available to have eggs, mate now.’ This law is so they can get as many dragons as possible so they can start expanding their kingdom to other moons.


Starwings get most of their food from photosynthesising sunlight but occasionally they eat onyx rock and other space rocks. When the troops go down to the dragon planet they bring back prey, usually Cows, pigs and sheep.

When starewings reach the age of 5 they are taken on a trip to the asteroid belt to hunt asteroids. There they learn how to hunt, dodge and cook asteroids.



Starwings have gills that transform sunlight into energy, food and oxygen, powerful tails for gliding across space, and exceptional night vision. These abilities help them survive the environment of space. They can survive the vaccine of space and can use it to gain incredible speed.

Their claws are curved like fishhooks to help them grip onto rocks and avoid floating off, and their tails can be used to batter opponents. Starwings can travel at astonishing speed about 100 times the speed of SkyWings makimg them the absolute fastest tribe.

The bioluminescent stripes on a StarWing's body are used to converse across space, as well as to attract partners. They can control when the stripes on their bodies glow and can light up each one individually to make up a language called cosmic. These dragons can also see in the dark so they may see when there is no sunlight available or when they are in the palaces because they have no fire.

Dark matter:[]

Starwings have an unusual control over dark matter. This power makes them be able to expand substances and chemicals. This power also allows them to have almost unlimited resources and energy. Dark matter can make them almost invisible and slow objects and even other dragons down.



Unlike all the other tribes the Starwings do not live on the dragon planet. Instead the live on one of the moons. The moon the live on (Oracle) is the second smallest moon and is home to 95% of the Starwings. The Starwings have two palaces on the moon, the Southern Moon Palace and the Northern Moon Palace.

The southern moon palace is the luxury palace including hotels, restaurants, shops and other public facilities for the society. The Northern Moon palace is where Queen Nebula spends most of her time for it is where all the farming, education, army program and other important functions for the nation.

If a dragon is exiled from the kingdom they will get sent to however many years they were sentenced for on the moon Imperial. Imperial (the largest moon) is only inhabited by 2% of the starwing population. The other 3% being on Pyrrha and Pantala. Currently no Starwings live on the moon, Perception due to it being low on minerals and very hot.

The Northern Moon Palace[]

the northern moon palace is the working palace. It’s where all the jobs get done. It is home to the queen on weekdays and the council meets there three times a week, once on Monday, once of Wednesday and once of Fridays. The palace has the best school and education systems moon and world-wide.

The Southern Moon Palace[]

the southern moon palace is the luxury palace. On weekends the queen lives there and rests. It is home to malls, hotels, restaurants, bars, shops, gyms and other public facilities for the society.


Full moon recruits[]

Every full moon, the Queen chooses 50 Starwings to go down to the dragon planet and scout changes, get allies, gather food and resources , study other tribes, sell moon minerals and tell tribes about incoming space data.

Brightest night festival[]

Every hundred years on the brightest night, an animus gift allows dragons from any tribe to come to the moon and be able to breathe for a special celebration. This includes a party, fair, feast, and tournament.

The party[]

The party includes dancing, singing, chatting and having loads of fun!

The fair[]

The fair includes games, prizes, rides, activities, art competitions, beauty contest cooking competitions and live performances.

The tournament.[]

The tournament includes, races sport games, athletics events and wit and intelligence contests.

The feast[]

The feast includes delicacies from all over the planet and moons! These dishes include animals, fruit, plants, stones, juices, fried food, ice creams and so many delicious foods


StarWings are an isolated tribe. They rarely wander off their moon (without being on full moon recruit) to the Pyrrhian or Pantala mainland, therefore hybrids are few and far inbetween. Starwings are usually tired after landing so were ever they land they probably won’t leave that kingdom. So it is possible for hybrids between Andy tribes but the most uncommon are underground tribes. This tribe is most commonly found being a hybrid with nightwings and seawings.

DeathWing hybrids almost always are born with an enamel exocranium, but lack the corrosive vapor of their respective parent. Corrosive vapor in hybrids is very uncommon, as the vapor is highly incompatible with the other tribes, although it has been seen in hybrids with a fire-breathing parent (like a SkyWing or MudWing).


Starwings believe in the moons and in particular they believe in the moon gods. Oraculum, Perceptio and Imperiale are the three gods. Oraculum, the god of the moon Oracle, provides love. Perceptio, god of luck, grants good fortune. And Imperiale, god of answers, gives answers to those who need them.


StarWings are regarded as intelligent and Nobel. Citizen duties include astronomy work and enlistment in the army. Most SeaWings work at the moon palaces with jobs such as astroid prediction dragons, hunters, Architects, troops, servants, and caretakers for dragonets.

Queen Nebula runs astronomy programs across the solar system and her programs are considered universe wide extraordinary. Guards have been shown to salute to her, and most of her subjects regard her as a good queen.

The southern moon palace is the luxury palace including hotels, restaurants, shops and other public facilities for the society. The Northern Moon palace is where Queen Nebula spends most of her time for it is where all the farming, education, army program and other important functions for the nation.

The tribe is led by Queen Nebula and her council. Her council all have important roles in the kingdom such as Army Commander, Education commander, Hunter Commander, Communication commander and Health commander.


The Starwings believe that they were made from animus magic around 1000 years after the scorching.

The Spacewings[]

They believe that the seawing attempted to live on the moon so they made a dragon for space exploration. Originally these dragons were simply called Spacewings and when they saw the moons powers they upgraded the spacewing again and again so it was powerful and could survive in space properly. When more dragons became spacewings, the seawings needed to make enough so that these dragons could also be a power ally. At certain time, the seawings were helping the NightWings win the great mountain war against the SandWings. So the seawings used the spacewings to attack the sandwings, winning the war and asking lots of nightwings to become spacewings. And of coarse the nightwings wanted to be even more powerful so they were transformed into spacewings and lived on the moon until there was enough to call a full tribe.

How the Starwings got their name.[]

About 500 years after spacewing were officially a tribe, the tribe had an uproar of criminals who got their talons on a legendary piece of animus magic that could do anything. They changed their scales to another tribe and claimed that in 24 hours they would erase space wings forever. The whole kingdom was in total panic. No one knew what to do! Until one critical tinker had the amazing idea of changing the tibe’s name. A few small debates secretly went on until the name Starwings was decided. So they changed their name to Starwings and that gave them enough time to sneak up on the criminals, kill them, take the object and destroy it forever.

The great extinction[]

Once upon a time, there were Starwing living on two of the moons. The moon Iperial had a whole palace and city on its northern point. About half of the population lived on that moon… until it rained death.

no one knew exactly what was in the rain that poured down for 4 days straight on the moon imperial. Later studies showed that it contained formaldehyde, furan, and isoprene. So the rain continued to pour and the dragon on the moon started getting extremely sick. They went down with boils, hives, rashes, coughing up blood and even cancer. In less than a week, half of the Starwing population died.


Starwings may be named after space-related objects, examples being Comet, Asteroid, Onyx, Meteor, Plasma, Mercury and Planet. Some share the names of things that happen in space, such as Nebula and Eclipse, and they may also have names relating to Space in general, like Cosmic and Galaxy. And some times they have names like of things describing space such as Void and Abyss

click here for a list of all known Starwings.
