Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

S O L O N A []

Solona is another NightWing/IceWing made by me. Please do not steal. She is still a work in progress.

coding by pokeball

Please note that Solona is in a modern timeline.

Artist Verglas!
Background Information
Creator droplet
Code pokeball
Infobox verglas
Main Attribute killing
Elemental Attribute death
Theme Animal shark
Theme Color ice blue
Theme Song type here
MBTI Personality type here
Character Information
Age 9 dy / 27 hy
Gender female
Orientation pansexual
Occupation assassin, spy, student of rubrum academy
Tribe icewing-nightwing
Goal to exterminate the dod
Residence a deserted lighthouse
Relatives unknown
Allies Citrus
Enemies aurora
Likes killing, roses, fire, daggers, flying, being creepy
Dislikes happiness, nosy dragons, incomplete fights to the death, being defied
Powers and abilities incredibly fast and agile, frostbreath, can survive subzero tempertures, can withstand bright light
Weapons two automated balls that are connected to her mind
Quote "Let's show them that I'm a god."

A P P E A R A N C E []

Solona is tall and thin, but obviously strong. Her scales are primarily pastel cornflower blue, except around her pure black eyes, where her scales look like a pale blue mask of sorts. Her horns are black as coal, and the curve slightly upward. her claws are navy blue, but she always wears gloves over them. She has a long tail that ends in a whip-thin point, and has eight very sharp IceWing spikes. Her spines are a silver color, and are slightly longer than a typical NightWing's. She has gorgeous wings. The membranes are pure black, with silver scales that spray inward. Solona holds herself with a certain elegant grace, like a tiger waiting to pounce.

Her body is mainly NightWing. She has NightWing scales, and NightWing wings. She has the head of an IceWing, a long snout that is quite angular. Her wing membranes are not attached to her body.

P E R S O N A L I T Y []

Solona is silent but deadly, putting it simply. She is very good at masking her emotions, and is almost impossible to read. But in the circumstance she opens up, she is a sassy, rude dragon who always speaks her mind. She doesn't care for others, but would die for her leader. She is most certainly not the best friend choice, unless you are good in a fight.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S []

C I T R U S[]


Solona respects Citrus, but she sometimes wishes she could throw her down a well. They aren't friends, but respect is mutual.

R E E D[]


Solona finds Reed incredibly irritating, but she wouldn't kill her. Though Reed is rather petty in her eyes, she does respect her a tiny bit.

H I S T O R Y []


T R I V I A []

  • text

G A L L E R Y []
