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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
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Valkyrie's entry for this contest.

Sigrún is the current leader of New Asgard and the erstwhile leader of Valkyrja (plural Valkyrjur), which are the shield maidens who are sworn to defend the throne.

"My name's Sigrún. It's the rune of victory. Ha! get it?! I'm the only one who survived the Hela's attack on the Valkyjur. Ha ha ha! I guess there is some irony in this world."

— Sigrún


Sigrun colour palatte

Sigrún is a tall dragoness with a narrow but muscular frame and a long neck. Her face is beautiful but pale and her eyes are clear azure blue. Her main scales are a gunmetal blue with sapphire underscales and teal highlights on her legs. Her wings are feathered like a Spark TempestWing and her feathers are varrying shades of light metalic blue. (#3D868E, 50ADB3, #51B1C0, #7ABFC8, #8ECDD9) Art by DuskRose42


Sigrún embodied all that the Valkyrja were renowned for; she was selfless, brave, noble, loyal and dedicated to her people, to her Valkyrja sisters, and to her allies. Sadly, the Massacre of the Valkyrjur by Hela inflicted deep psychological scars on Sigrún, traumatizing her greatly. The final blow came as she witnessed a fellow Valkyrja sacrifice herself to save her from Hela's attack. With the overwhelming grief combined with anger against Odin for sending them against Hela, and with the shame of being the only survivor, Sigrún abandoned Asgard and fled into exile to the Sky Kingdom.


Sigrún sept most of her early years outside the ranks of the Valkyrjur, and didn't join she was in her early twenties. She was greatly respected by the her sheild sisters and was quickly promoted to Valkyja Captain.

Sigrún served the Valkryjur for hundreds of years until Hela, crown princess to the Asgardian throne of Valaskjalf, rebelled against her father and tried to take over the Kingdom and conquer the rest of the world. Odin prevented the mass genocide that would have followed and trapped his daughter in Niflheim, where she would eventually go on to be the Goddess of Death and Queen of the Underworld. Hela tried to escape on multiple occasions and eventually Odin sent the Legion of Valkryja to stop her.

However, Hela was able to take out the entire legion out as they decended on her. Sigrún was able to survive the inital attack and charged Hela from the ground. Hela then began to attack the Valkryjur who'd survived the fall, throwing swords at her advancing enemies. Sigrún would have been killed by an oncoming sword if one of her sisters hadn't shoved her out of the way and taken it for her.

Being all that remained of the Valkyrjur, Sigrún exiled herself for years until she was evuntually hired by Queen Scarlet to capture dragons for her violent arena.

Sigrún lived in the Sky Kingdom where she planned to live out the rest of her life. She spent a lot of time drinking trying to forget her awful past and fight with Hela.


Queen Scarlet[]

Former Ally

Scarlet never saw Sigrún as anything more than a guard who brought her contenders for her violent SkyWing arena. Sigrún respected Scarlet and never did anything to get on her bad side.

Aesir Royal Family[]


Former King

Sigrún dislikes Odin for sending the Valkryja into a hopeless battle against the power Aesir Goddess Hela. However, before the Valkyrjur were massacred, Sigrún had a lot of respect and loyalty towards the Aesir king and was willing to die to protect the throne.


Former Enemy, Friend, Former Teammate and Predecessor

Sigrún captured the Aesir prince and brought him to Scarlet for her arena. She showed inital dislike towards him and never took any time to listen to him when he asked for her help until she heard that Hela had returned.


Temporary Enemy and Former Teammate

Loki was briefly under Scarlet's command but was quick to turn on her. She and Loki fought after they'd been tasked with finding Thor and Hulk. Sigrún then ended up chaining him in her chambers.


Attempted Killer and Attempted Victim


  • Based off of Valkyrie from the Marvel Cinamatic Universe
    • Her relationship with Queen Scarlet is similar to the one that Valkyrie had with the Grandmaster on Saakar
  • I want her to be based on mythology more than the MCU...
    • Sigrún (Old Norse "victory rune") is a valkyrie in Norse mythology. Her story is related in Helgakviða Hundingsbana I and Helgakviða Hundingsbana II, in the Poetic Edda. The original editor annotated that she was Sváfa reborn
  • Despite being a Spark, Sigrún lacks all of their abilities
  • The word valkyrja is the Old Norse name for the valkyries, (singular valkyrie), which means “chooser of the slain”
  • Sigrún is bisexual, and it has been implied that she had more than a friendship with the valkryja who took Hela's blade for her
  • Sigrún suffers Survivors Guilt, which is a mental condition that occurs when a person believes they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic or tragic event when others did not, often feeling self-guilt.