Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Shrike is a fortunate dragon who won the lottery in his profession. His build, appearance, muscles, they all aligned for the purpose of being an excellent racer, at least to him. He reached infamy in Pyrrhia after beating a former champion, though with attention also brought a strengthened ego. For now, it hasn't caused much trouble, though with so many years ahead of him it is only a matter of time.


SHRIKE appears mostly as a TempestWing with a semi-sleek body and long spikes. His head is like a helmet, the two side horns curving forward besides his mouth as a horn on his head extends outwards. He is sharp from his claws, wings, and spine to even his scale armor.

SHRIKE is compromised of dark green scales with a lighter underbelly and black wings that grow lighter near the tips covered in mirror spots that glow a neon yellow in heavy light. His eyes match the spots in bright yellow with white pupils. SHRIKE often wears very light armor to protect against hitting obstacles at high speeds, though has a natural tendency to roll out of them and reduce any possible damage.


Despite his outward confident and snarky demeanor, Shrike is really reserved and distant. His cover reflects less of flamboyance and more of his obsession with his work, viewing many as slow or weak. He believes the mundane simply haven't pushed themselves to be great and thinks that him doing so makes him better than them.

Ironically he doesn't tend to brag a lot, only coldly judge others without a word. He dislikes when others underestimate him or minimize his work, comments easily getting under his skin. Though he pretends he can shake them off, that he's only trying harder in races just to improve instead of to prove.


  • one day school
  • caught falling dragonet at high speed
  • considered for racing
  • entered racing yippie
  • art first was trash and ran into stuff often
  • learned to control his speed and move around obstacles
  • grew to be an excellent and infamous racer in his 12th race
  • since ego developed



  • Shrike sometimes makes a "siren like" noise when reaching a certain speed.


think boxie[]

  • tempest/light
  • racer
  • shine spots appear to "glow" in sunlight
  • mostly tempest like otherwise
  • single horn at top
  • very fast