"I'll get back to it later, don't worry!”
- — Sharkbite
Sharkbite is an adult SeaWing/HiveWing hybrid that currently works as a fisher in an unnamed village in the southern curve of the Bay of a Thousand Scales. They are SharkbyteZ’s main Dragonsona.
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Sharkbite is a stout dragon on the shorter side with a body shape that is almost entirely SeaWing, built for swimming rather than flying as their insect-like wings don’t allow them to glide as easily as most other dragons. They have a short spike curving from the tip of their snout and extra barbels on their chin and near their nostrils. Their features are simultaneously sharp and rounded.
Shark has steel blue scales overlapped by several darker shades and a light sky blue underbelly. Their golden bioluminescent scales stand out against their mostly pale shades, as well as their wild-looking yellow eyes that gleam with curiosity. Along the arms of its wings are numerous tiny golden flecks that catch the light of the sun much like the starry scales of a NightWing.
Similar to a stonefish, they have retractable barbs along their spines that can produce a powerful venom that leaves a stung dragon with a burning sensation as they are paralyzed. The paralysis wanes over the course of an hour or so while the burning eventually becomes a tingling numbness.
Shark’s voice is low in tone and somewhat scratchy.
Shark can be a bit standoff-ish to strangers but usually tries to act polite. He can be indecisive, difficult to persuade, and defensive about certain subjects. However, they are often willing to help others in any way they can and believe in trying to leave the world a better place than what it was before. Their demeanor can easily change.
Often they can be found drifting off from a conversation. Despite their excellent hearing, they often have to ask others to repeat what they say, though they never intend to be rude. Shark also tends to forget small things like where they last put something, which usually ends up in them losing said thing but then finding it in the exact spot it was later.
They enjoy learning about many different subjects like marine biology, legends, cooking, drawing, writing, and horror.
Growing up in a small fishing village further west from where they currently reside, Sharkbite was stuck as the middle child between the world's two most insufferable brothers. Though Tiger was the eldest of the three by quite a few years, he did little to stop Shark and Razorback from fighting over just about anything the dragonets could think of. Despite their constant arguments, grudges were never held for more than a week, and they never truly hated each other. Razorback and Shark often joke about things that used to be great points of conflict, such as the "Great Mushroom-on-Spaghetti War of '08" in which both dragonets fought valiantly over whether Shark was allowed to add mushrooms to the seafood spaghetti dinner it liked to make for everyone, as Razorback despised the things. The war lasted all but an hour and in the end they agreed that Shark would prepare Razor's separately and without any mushrooms. These days Sharkbite and their siblings are on good terms.
Their father Rhino Beetle was a construction worker whose experience working in Yellowjacket Hive carried over to designing sturdy buildings that would better withstand the harsh weather of seasonal hurricanes, and their mother Coral managed the town's general store where she would often buy her kids treats and toys from. The family was relatively happy and lived peacefully in their village.
As the years went on, however, Sharkbite began to recognize things weren't always alright. His parents only seemed to argue more and more to the point he would spend most of his days away from the house just to avoid the yelling. Diving, fishing, and drawing became some of the main ways it would occupy itself when it wasn't at school. Shark wanted to move out and find a place of their own, but up to that point they didn't have any real source of income. They couldn't just move to some random underwater cave when half of their possessions would be destroyed in such an environment.
More to be written later.
Sharkbite first met Anthophobia during the healer's travels across the Kingdom of the Sea. Though wary of each other at first, the two became decent friends over their shared interests in horror media and writing, and Phobia taught Shark about floriography and some of the uses of certain plants. In return Sharkbite offered to cook meals for it while it stayed in the village. After Anthophobia left to return to Pantala, Shark found a small blackthorn shrub growing near their house.
Although the two don't speak much, they still consider each other as good friends.
"Placeholder.” - To placeholder
- They currently possess multiple animus enchanted objects, though none of them are particularly dangerous or powerful.