Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki



Appearance (or what the little her victims will see)[]

She's a very dark NightWing, with a smil build, and sharp points. She has small glimmers of purple around the edges of her scales, and mini dots of lilac on her wings, mixed in with the 'stars'. On her face, she has dots of white around her eyes, spreading down the ridge of her nose. Her eyes are a dark black, making the whites startling against her scales. One eye is light, giving a disconnecting effect. Her talons and spikes are possibly a shade of midnight blue, or just appear so in the correct lighting. Her wings are dark purple-black around her body, fading to a lighter purple around the edges. Her underbelly is a light black than her topscales,and her horns are straight with pale black streaks in them. No one knows why. 

Personality (Not that anybody really knows her)[]

She appears to be cruel, quick, and violent, often ripping out a victims guts or heart to let others know just who killed their friend. She doesn't shirk from killing, often welcomes it, loving a chance to take a life. Which is probably why she's an assassin.

She's mentally unstable, but she knows it, in a way that makes her stable. She doesn't have any friends, and kills to escape emotion. She hates every dragon with a firery passion, despite knowing them or not. Is very introverted, and doesn't know how to socialize.

Steals instead of buys, as she is very poor. At this point, marketkeepers set out food for her, as she's going to take it somehow anyways. That's her best attempt at socializing.

Backstory (As best guessed)[]

When she was young, it's supposed that she wandered off one day, and came back to see her home burning and other types of dragons laughing outside of it, as wails and screams came from inside. 

She had a very large family, with many siblings. It was torture for her to her their screams as all she loved died in front of her.

Unbeknowest to her, some of her siblings were taken from the scene, badly burned later. Nebula, Bellatrix, Altair, Sipha, Rigel, Algol, and Alniam were all retrieved. It appears that they were attempted to be kidnapped earlier, but the attempt failed, leading to the burning.

Both Sirius and Deneb were killed, despite Deneb surviving the fire. It is estimated that she was slaughtered after being found in the wreckage later. Sirius' charred corpse was found buried under what was formerly a post, inches away from the bodies of three of her siblings, Gamma, who was 8, Denebola, who was 12, and Galaxy, Nebula's twin, who was heart-breakingly only 2.
