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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Seatide is a female SeaWing who spends time roaming the dessert, looking to sell her various goods, which are items gathered from the sea. She isn’t alone however, and runs an entire business, although she still participates on the “front lines” rather than sitting behind in a comfortable office filing paperwork. She has grown used to and is quite comfortable with the scorching desert heat.



  • Body
    • Average, medium sized height.
    • Scuffed, scratched up scales and rough horns and talons. Wings also have some small tears here and there, with square cloth patches sowed on covering up some larger holes scattered around.
    • Some scratches and scars hear and there. A medium sized burn mark up the right side of her neck.
    • Main scales are blueberry blur, underbelly scales are pale cornflower blue and back scales are smalt.
    • Gills are dodger blue, webbing is aero blue and glow-scales are pale blue lily.
    • Eyes are seaweed green.
    • Can Be filthy and dirty at times
  • Accessories
    • Golden ring with emerald on middle left claw.
    • Golden chain necklace with ruby.
    • Pearl necklace.
    • Golden circlet with sapphire in center.
    • Silver veils hang off her wings held in place by golden plates that connect to her wings.
    • White silk scarf, face wrappings and face veil (sometimes) to protect from the dessert heat and sand.
  • Items
    • Wears a leather backpack and side/leg pouches/bags connected by a leather strap that meets in her middle
    • Carries a telescope, compass, maps, flint and steel, water flask and some preserved food
    • Carries a golden dagger with ruby pommel and dark oak handle, pen secretly filled with poison and hunting knife.
    • She has a long polished stick with a brass top with scratches that she uses to walk. Not that she needs it, but she likes it. Plus, serves as another weapon to aid in self defense.
    • Also carries a white tent and blanket.
    • Also carries various items to sell, like the good old days.


  • Nice charming demeanor.
  • Kind, open hearted and caring.
  • Guilt tripped easily (somewhat) and feels pity for others.
  • Tough as nails.
  • Has severe PTSD, but manages to overcome it many times.
  • Still feels a little bit weird socially.
  • Not the best when it comes to ultra formal or fancy settings; doesn’t have the best etiquette or manners and embarrasses herself somewhat easily.



  • Being active and moving
  • Bread & pastries
  • Cinnamon
  • Coffee
  • Milk
  • Spicy and savory foods
  • Stargazing at night
  • The desert heat and sand
  • The smell of vanilla (particularly in candles)
  • Traveling


  • Being confined to small paces for long periods
  • Cocky dragons
  • Con artists
  • Loud annoying and obnoxious dragons
  • Sour foods
  • Tea
  • Thieves
  • The taste of herbs in drinks
  • The tundra

Upsides and downsides[]


  • Tribal abilities (glow in the dark scales, can speak aquatic, can make big waves, etc).
  • Quite clever.
  • Can tell apart the liars and conners from the genuine and sincere folks.
  • Good at solving puzzles.
  • Above average endurance, strength and stamina.
  • Can tolerate heat much better than the average SeaWing.


  • Again, not the best for formal or fancy settings.
  • PTSD means she has a tendency to react when it is considered unnecessary or even dangerous.
  • Can get aggressive at times.
  • Always in a conflict between acting and planning. This leads to some undesirable consequences and behavior.
  • Overwhelmed by certain more subtle things you wouldn’t expect, such as taking care of dragonets.



  • Challenger
  • Mokotra - She gets along decently well with the SandWing dragonet. She thinks she’s extremely mature for her age, and enjoys seeing her play the flute. She understands her when it comes to feelings and emotions. She also introduces her to new perfumes and things.
  • Onyx - Seatide encounters her many times while in the dessert. She likes to trade with her in the scorpion den. She enjoys spending time with her, along with going on walks through the dessert sands. She gives her many foods, some of them exotic.
  • Rain - She met her while attending a small meeting in Possibility one day. She’s come to regard her as a decent dragon. Being the merchant she is, she helps supply Rain with various items for her to sell. They’re friendly, but not the best of buds. They’re just the two friends who chat to each other here and there.
  • Riverine - She gets along well with him. But she isn’t just friends with him, she is, they are in love and enjoy a nice romantic relationship. She finds his pinkish color and deep blue glow scales quite a nice match and is intrigued by his winglessness. She helps him travel, and feels connected to him. A connection she has never experienced before.
  • Starship


  • Work In Progress


Further reading: Seatide’s Traveling Diaries

Seatide was born in 5002 A.S (this year can vary depending on the circumstance) in a small sea poor village in the outskirts of the Sea Kingdom known as Brine. It was located on an island. She was born to Sunfish an Seasalt. She had four siblings, an older brother and sister, known as Precipitation, and Tidalwave and two younger siblings, known as Breeze and Deep.

As stated, she lived in a poor village, and like everyone else, she and her family lived in constant poverty. Her father worked a gruesome construction job on the mainland, and her mother was disabled; she was born without her back left leg. Her and her siblings (apart from her brother) were too young to work the only available jobs, most of which were dangerous and labor intensive. The eldest sibling (her older brother) stayed home to help out around.

They lived in a small ramshackle hut made of bamboo, mud, leaves and rope. It wasn’t the most comfortable of spaces, but it was something. Her and her family’s diet consisted mainly of eel, and clams, with fish, namely sardines here and there. They also harvested wild bananas, coconuts and small berries. Many times, they would go underneath the waves to pick seaweed, kelp and algae, which made up a substantial part of their (and the villages) diet.

Most of her time was spent wandering and exploring with her siblings, and sometimes her neighbor’s dragonets. They would spend most of their days picking and catching food. During her free time, Seatide would play with the others, or by herself. Life was rough, and they didn’t have access to much, but all in all, she came through.

There was a larger town nearby. When Seatide turned 3, she, along with two siblings and other dragonets would take some locally produced items from their village and sell the at the market place. It wasn’t the safest of fares, and as a result, they all usually traveled in a caravan or caravan style, for protection and defense against wild animals or thieves and bandits.

But alas, her semi-rough life would take a turn for a the worst. She grew up during the later and closing states of the warm< bit that wouldn’t prevent her family from being affected. During one of the last drafts, her father would be conscripted. It was a sad moment, but it only got worse as her father would die during a particularly bloody battle.

Once the war had ended, with their only working dragon gone, her mother would try to work, but being disabled, would have a lot of trouble. So the eldest brother went instead. But he would tragically be killed in a major accident, when the structure he was working on collapsed; he was brutally crushed.

After this event, their mother got ill. Even so, she worked. She only learned a fraction karats a day. Seatide, having grown depressed and disillusioned decided to… run away…

