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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Sanddeath is a SandWing-NightWing Hybrid assassin. Her scales are the color of deep, dark yellow with a black sail, tail barb, and eyes. She has marks on her neck that are also black. Black stars cover her wings, but bright white stars are on her sail.

Sanddeath is never seen without her two pet snakes, a Black Mamba named Deatheater and a Dragonbite Viper named Venomsnap, but nicknamed Venom. She carries around a pouch with her, and is usually either holding a bottle full of poison for her dagger, or something else that is sharp, like Deathbringer’s discs, for example.


Sanddeath is mostly selfish, arrogant, and takes care of herself without allowing or asking for help. She likes to kill others, but only for her satisfying hobby and for payment, leading to the possibility that she likes treasure. Nonetheless, she has a side where she is tortured by her parents death, and she only has Sandstone left.


Sanddeath was hatched with Sandstone in a cave to Sandsnake and Shadowkiller. Their family was found before the two had hatched by a group of SandWings guards who forced their parents to fight on Blister’s side in The Great War. Sanddeath and Sandstone, still in the egg, were dragged into the fight with them, afraid. Their parents tried to protect them, but Shadowkiller was killed in front of them because he had betrayed a SandWing. Sandsnake ran with the dragonets, scared, but she was followed by SandWings. She ran to the cave where they lived before, but was caught in the end and taken away. The only thing their parents succeed at was keeping them safe. She had hidden them, and the two were not found by Blister’s SandWings.

Sanddeath never forgot those memories, having many flash-backs of the moments. She wanted revenge, so she started to kill. She worked in the Scorpion Den, Sky Kingdom, the Desert, even Jade academy, she was paid to assassinate other dragons.



Shadowkiller is the father of Sanddeath and Sandstone. He tried to hide his dragonets and keep them safe, but failed. He was killed in front of them by another SandWing he had betrayed, an event that was traumatizing to Sanddeath and Sandstone.


Sandsnake was the mother of Sanddeath and Sandstone. She initially refused to fight, but did anyways to protect her dragonets. She wept after Shadowkiller’s untimely death.


Sandstone is the twin brother of Sanddeath. He is also her only sibling. They grew up together and spent most of their early life with one another. However, when Sanddeath killed her first dragon, he ran away from her out of fear. They met a few times after that, but often got into arguments or simply avoided each other.


Sanddeath met Constellation by accident when Constellation bumped into her in a forest and started a small conversation. Sanddeath flew away before the conversation continued for long.


Sanddeath has known Azure ever since Sandstone told her about his twin sister. She also pushed Azure into a rushing river, but Sandstone and Constellation saved her from drowning.

Queen Ruby[]

Queen Ruby told Sanddeath which dragons to assassinate and paid her more when requesting a kill multiple dragons.


Icarus was a SkyWing that Sanddeath didn’t like, but she eventually warmed up to him. She often calmed down when she was around him and even smiled once.
