Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

he/him • Reveille • SilkWing • Chef

This oc is for the Purebred Pride Aesthetic Contest.

Creator 🦉
Artist Colored by Coast, base by Wheatley
Coder Me
Code Base Himmalerin
Attribute Wakes up early?
Element Morning
Color Sunset Orange
Animal Kitten
Song Renegades~XAmbassadors
Age 21
Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Chef
Tribe SilkWing
Goal To keep the happy life he has worked so hard for
Residence Jewel Hive
Allies Atlas
Enemies Oak
Likes Morning, kittens, coffee, fairy lights, and food.
Dislikes Storms, and mean peeps >:(
Powers Tribal
Love Interests Atlas
Quote ”Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my daily dose of caffeine.”


Rev has pink horns and antennae, as well as a soft pink face and underbelly. However my he has a reddish-pink top of his head and scales.

His stunning wings are a magnificent swirl of rose-gold and teal, which made him a desirable servant for a while, and he used to get payed a lot of money for to be art. He is also rather tall for a SilkWing, with long elegant horns and tall limbs. Rev usually wears a kind, humorous expression, and is taking good care of himself due to his constant upbeat mood.


Reveille is a very calm and relaxed dragon, who doesn’t sweat the small stuff, and doesn’t give a heck what anyone thinks of him. He is a very humorous and welcoming dragon, but he is slightly territorial and VERY grumpy when he hasn’t had his coffee yet. It’s best not to be around him when he’s like that...

He hates prejudice and grudges, as he is more of a forgive-and forget kind of guy, but some grievances against him he will never, ever forget....

He’s extremely introvert as well, and generally avoids social gatherings, but can be convinced to go to dragged to go to by his boyfriend, Atlas.

Dude‘s a big pacifist. While he hates the HiveWing’s iron fist over the SilkWings, he’d rather politely ask them to stop then join the Chrysalis.

Rev is quite the gentle men too, and never forgets to say ”Please” or “Thank you”: and never chew with his mouth open. Seriously. You could learn a lot from him. Where he learned these manners? No one knows. It’s weird, really.


Reveille had a pretty normal childhood, with two loving parents, and a couple of close friends. When he was younger, he would get bullied a lot in school because of his non-traditional name, but he didn’t really mind. To him, tradition was a suggestion, not always meant to be taken seriously. At one point, he dated one of his friends once, a female SilkWing named Oak, but their relationship slowly dissolveEd after a couple of months.

once he grew his wings, his life changed as he was yanked from his friends, family, and home in Mantis Hive to a small apartment in Jewel Hive. At first, he was devastated to be separated from everything her grew up with, and holed up inside his house. But one day, his neighbor, a male SilkWing named Atlas, invited him to a neighborhood picnic.

Reveille reluctantly accepted, but didn’t regret it once he went. It was the first time he had been outside of his house in weeks, and he relished it. Atlas encouraged Reveille to go outside more and more, and slowly they became good friends. One day, they went on their first date, a visit at the bakery, and Reveille later described it as one of the best days of his life.

The date also made him take up a culinary career, and he slowly mastered the art at his house, usually on a Sunday morning when he had nothing else to do. Do you remember Oak? The girl Reveille used to date? Well, she moved to Jewel Hive too, and was not happy when she saw Atla with him. She started sabotaging the bakery Rev worked at, because apparently she was super Bitter about their relationship, wich eventually blamed him and fired him, leaving him jobless and broke.

Desperate for money, Rev entered a baking competition, which he won, earning him enough scales to both open his own bakery and support himself. From then on, he has worked happily in the shop which he has named “Sugared Serendipty” as it was random but happy luck that he had enough money to earn back his old life, and more. (Once he tried to teach Atlas to bake so he could work at Sugared Serendipty, but it failed...badly, so now Atlas (who is training to be an accountant) is the cashier.)


Atlas: Rev loves his boyfriend, who has always been there for him in the thick and thin, always makes him laugh, and always makes the world look like a brighter place.

Oak: Reveille, upon reflection, realized he never really loved Oak the way he loved Atlas, and realized that their relationship was tainted fro t be start, with constant fights, and little communication. He is quite angry with her for almost messing up his life, but has not seen her since.


- Hahaha, I shall never reveal why I purposely capitalized the word Bitter! Well, maybe someday I will.....

- A reveille is a wake up call for the French Army, please don’t harass me if I’m wrong. I picked it because it sounded pretty, and didn’t care that it wasn’t a traditional SilkWing name.

- Reveille was originally going to be a gay SandWing, but I came across a great SilkWing ref, and I’m like, “I want my lil Rev boi look like that.“

-Check his infobox for what he likes!

