Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

alright for the purebred pride aesthetic contest 💅


ray • sunny leafwing • agender demi-lesbian • traveling historian • 32 dyo

Ray is an agender sunburned* LeafWing. They originate from a long line of historians and teachers, hoping to explore the world to expand on their family's knowledge. They are 32 (dragon) years old, and are a demi-lesbian. They are currently married to their SeaWing wife, Corsair, and are traveling the skies around the draconic world.


bullet notes for now. will write more in a moment

  • build: normal leafwing build. on the shorter side of height, with round features and smoothed curves. slim but not sickeningly so.
  • coloration: yellows, browns, purples, deep blues. notable wisps on scales and spines.
  • extra: carries various satchels with scrolls and notebooks in them. has a pair of bronze reading glasses.


bullet notes for now

  • pros: very intelligent, knowledgable in most areas of the broad concept of history. social butterfly. self-sufficiant. very eloquent. kind, humorous, wise, understanding, cautious. (they're probably your favorite teacher)
  • neutral: playfully competitive, ambitious. whimsical, and yet reticent. proud.
  • cons: workaholic mindset, very critical of both themselves and of others at times. prone to greediness. assumed to be lazy.


bullet notes for now

  • passive:
  • active:
  • learned:


bullet notes for now

  • family: consists of mother, father, aunts, uncles, a plethora of cousins, and a talonful of grandparents.
  • partner: a lovely seawing pirate who wants to travel the world. the two travel together in a sky ship. the two are married 😌
  • friends: befriended a whole lot of historians and teachers, as well as students theyve taught.


bullet notes for now

  • dragonethood (0-12): a decent upbringing, was a prodigal individual.
  • teaching life (12-25): spent a lot of time teaching others of all ages, and met their sweetheart on a field trip.
  • present time (25-current): currently sailing with their beloved over the continents, hoping to find more neat things on Phlugis.


  • "Ray" was not originally named this, but seeing as their parents had it as a secondary name in case, they chose to go by this one.
    • Ray in this sense also refers to both a ray of sunlight and also narrow flowers that appear as a single petal on members of the Asteraceae (Sunflower) family.


RAY 2020

base cr. Biohazardia
