Note: Radio is my character, do NOT steal her or edit this page without permission, you may add categories, be free to draw SFW fanart of her! ^^[]
Radio has lots of rainbow scales by also some dark ones. Radio's dark scales are her Nightwing parts, and the rest is Rainwing. Radio has red eyes and is normally wearing a flower crown of pinkish red flowers, she also sometimes has a vine tangled around her horn with a miniature red flower on it.
Radio is very good at keeping her scales the same colours, whenever she is happy she doesn't turn pink, she doesn't let her emotions show unless its important. For a ten year old Rainwing, Radio is presumably as tall as Kinkajou, although no dragon has confirmed that as Radio cannot stay still.
Radio has a confusing personality, like a mix of Kinkajou and Glory, Radio can be sassy and cold, meanwhile she can be bubbly and happy at the same time.
Radio is said to never stay still, so its impossible to get a very good look at her. It's also said that Radio will grant any wish if the dragon was to give her enough fruit, or at least enough tribute.
Radio is a talented flier and is very fast, she can get caught in vines very easily though.
Radio was kidnapped by a Nightwing when she was an egg, and lived on the Nightwing island for many years, until she had to leave because of her being a Rainwing and finding out the Nightwing secrets, she moved back to the Rainforest and became queen, many years later she finds out that she was not full Rainwing, and half Nightwing, and also an animus.
She can change the colour of her scales like any Rainwing, and can also shoot venom like a Rainwing, but an Animus because she is half Nightwing.
Flower crown
Vine on horn
Fruit basket
She is too happy to really fight, unless she is in the mood where she is like Glory, she is still quite weak however.
She is always focused on one thing and a terrible listener.
She freaks out over almost everything, unless she is like Glory, then she is the total opposite.
She is always at the sun-time platforms early, and ends up sleeping past the time as well.
- Radio wanted to be queen so she was respected, she also thought it was cool.
- Radio goes crazy whenever someone talks over her.
- Radio thought Nightwings were boring at first, until she found out that the one who stole her and raised her could read minds.
- Radio is very good at ignoring people.
- Radio hates papayas.