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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Content Warning: Mentions of murder, mild gore, and brief descriptions of war crimes.

The Pyrrhia-Pantala Law Enforcement Agency, or PPLEA for short, is an international law enforcement agency working with authorization from all governments of the world on both continents.

This page is owned by Just a stupid idiot. Do not edit without permission. If you would like to join as an officer or get your OC's name on the Most Wanted list, contact Just a stupid idiot either via this page's comments or DMs.

IMPORTANT: If you're going to ask a question via the comments instead of DMs, make sure to ping me, otherwise there's a good chance I won't see it.



The official logo of the PPLEA.

Welcome to the official page of the PPLEA!

We are a highly-effective law enforcement agency operating on both Pyrrhia and Pantala. We write and enforce the Global Dragon Law and make sure that all dragons are obeying it properly. As a public service, we are here to keep the world safe from any and all threats, foreign or domestic. We employ dragons from all over the world and work in conjunction with local militias and armies around the world, protecting and serving the public's best interests. Contact our commissioner if you'd like to join!

PPLEA-Related Pages[]

Wiki Pages[]

External Pages[]


The PPLEA follows a specific organization hierarchy, which is listed below. The list goes from highest to lowest.

  • Commissioner - The Commissioner of the PPLEA is the highest-ranked dragon within the agency. They are responsible for managing the Law and the Most Wanted list, as well as staff. This position is currently held by Just a stupid idiot.
  • Continental Deputy Commissioner - There are two Continental Deputy Commissioners, abbreviated CDC. Each one is responsible for managing all the PPLEA operations within their assigned continent. The positions are currently open. [closed]
  • Police Chief - Police Chiefs are the third tier of command dragonnel. They are responsible for managing a specific police station within the jurisdiction of the CDCs. Their work is typically restricted to local operations. Most Chiefs generally manage one town, village, city, or small region. There is no limit (at least for now) on the amount of Police Chiefs. [ask]
  • Captain - The second-highest rank at a standard station. Captains assist their assigned Chief with operations and staff supervision. [ask]
  • Lieutenant - The first major command position within the police force. [ask]
  • Sergeant - A supervisor of a small squadron of officers, Sergeants typically manage day-to-day operations on a crime scene or team. [ask]
  • Corporal - Essentially a senior Officer. Corporals are a middle rank between Sergeant and Officer. [open]
  • Officer - The lowest rank on the police force. Officers carry out basic duties and make up the bulk of the workforce. [open]


The PPLEA has multiple divisions which are typically designated for a specific, highly specialized task or set of tasks.

Special Dragons and Tactics (SDAT Team)[]

The SDAT Team is the elite fighting force of the organization. SDAT officers wear black armor plates on their chest, legs, and tails. These armor plates are capable of withstanding extreme temperatures and impacts. SDAT officers also can be seen wearing armored helmets, masks, and boots. Special armor sets are often made for individuals to allow them to fit as comfortably as possible. Some of their gear is rumored to be animus-touched, although the majority of the animus-touched equipment is reserved for the Animus Affairs Unit. SDAT officers are extremely disciplined, undergoing intense training at their academy. SDAT teams are able to perform highly dangerous or complicated maneuvers and operations, and they are only deployed in these circumstances. Each police station typically only has a single squadron of officers, but this can vary depending on size and importance of the station.

PPLEA Investigation Division (PID)[]

The PID is the investigative arm of the organization. This team of dragons investigates crimes and other issues to uncover causes, evidence, and other information about criminals and crimes. PID agents can do undercover and plainclothes operations, forensics, research, and a large variety of other jobs. The PID is typically composed of the best minds of the organization, and many of the division's dragonnel are handpicked for the job. PID investigators often serve as prosecutors during trials, as well as other specialized jobs.

Animus Affairs Unit (AAU)[]

The AAU is a small team of highly-specialized dragons. They deal with animus criminals, and have a wide array of equipment for this purpose. This includes animus-proof handcuffs, magic shields, weapons, and other items. If an officer of the PPLEA is discovered to be an animus, they most likely are transferred to the AAU. All other information regarding the AAU is strictly classified.

Information and Records Division (IRD)[]

Almost nothing is known about the highly secretive Information and Records Division. The IRD is made up of very few dragons who review documents in the PPLEA and redact sensitive information before approving them for record storage or declassification. As such, dragons in the IRD have high security clearances and are highly trusted. IRD agents' identities are also usually classified for security and privacy purposes. Information about the inner workings and operations of the IRD is restricted to higher-ranking dragons.

Involved Dragonnel[]

List of Active Police Stations[]

This section contains a comprehensive list of active PPLEA police stations. Want to add your own to this list? Ask for the Police Chief role!

PPLEA Headquarters[]

The center of all operations of the organization. Located in Pyrrhia on the border between the Mud and Sky Kingdoms, this station is personally overseen by the Commissioner of the PPLEA and manages all operations worldwide. It also houses courthouses, R&D labs, and, perhaps most importantly, the largest prison complex in the whole world. Commanded by Commissioner Seashell.

Grand Service Station #4 "West Branch"[]

Grand Service Station #4, nicknamed "West Branch", is a police station which is jointly-operated by both the Agency and the ChessWing Kingdom Police. Due to rising costs of operating law enforcement agencies, the building was entered into an agreement between the PPLEA and the ChessWings to jointly operate it. West Branch is located on the western side of ChessWing territory (near the Talon Peninsula), in the capital city of Cassïa. The station is multipurpose, but it specializes in forensics and analysis, with multiple ChessWing army specialists working there. The station is often very busy, being a sort of informal regional headquarters for the area. The complex is split into three main buildings: one for offices, meeting rooms, bedrooms, and other infrastructure, a building housing the crime lab and evidence lockup, and a medium-size county jail for holding detainees and suspects awaiting their trial. Most officers at the station are ChessWings, having been trained from their own nearby police academies. Commanded by Chief Coffeehouse (AderitetheOrewing).

Global Dragon Law[]

This section contains a copy of the Global Dragon Law, the supreme law of the globe.

Important Notes[]

Penalties listed for crimes may not be accurate. Depending on the offense, the penalty can be exceeded or lessened. Other punishments, such as community service or probation may be applied as well.

Disclaimer: This section is by no means accurate to real-life legal systems. Some crimes' definitions may be altered and penalties may be heightened or lessened. Some crimes may or may not be present. Do not use this section to help with any real-life legal problems.

THIS SECTION IS NOT COMPLETE! Some crimes may be missing/unfinished.


This includes smaller, minor laws which are not as serious as some others.

Disorderly Conduct[]

This can include minor things, such as disturbing the peace, noise pollution, public intoxication, and other minor issues. Depending on the issue, dragons charged with Disorderly Conduct can be sentenced to up to a $1,000 fine, half a year in prison, half a year of probation, community service, or any combination of these.


Assault is a crime where a dragon attempts to physically harm another dragon with claws, teeth, sharp objects or other weapons, or threatens to do so. Sentences can include up to a $1,000$ fine, up to two years in prison, or both.

Assault with a Deadly Weapon[]

A more severe case of Assault, Assault with a Deadly Weapon includes assaulting a dragon with any sort of breath weapon or other highly dangerous or deadly weapon. Depending on the case, standard Assault charges can double if a deadly weapon is involved.

Assault of a Security Official[]

Committing assault on a soldier, guard, investigator, officer of the PPLEA or other officials. Sentences with this modifier can be multiplied by up to 1.5x.

Assault with Intent to Kill[]

Assaulting a dragon with the intent to kill them. If the dragon had a plan beforehand to carry out the kill, the charge is escalated to Attempted Murder. This modifier can multiply the standard Assault charges by up to 2.5x.


Battery is defined by the GDL as "unlawful physical contact between dragons". In other words, it involves things such as punching, clawing, biting, or otherwise physically fighting with another dragon. If you're caught and charged with battery, you could be sentenced with up to five years in prison, depending on the severity of the crime. Battery differs from Assault in one crucial way: Assault is classified as attempting or threatening to commit Battery, meanwhile Battery is used in the case of actual physical fighting.

Battery with a Deadly Weapon[]

A more severe case of Battery, Battery with a Deadly Weapon includes committing Battery on a dragon with any sort of breath weapon or other highly dangerous or deadly weapon. Depending on the case, standard Assault charges can double if a deadly weapon is involved.

Battery on a Security Official[]

Committing battery on a soldier, guard, investigator, officer of the PPLEA or other officials. Sentences with this modifier can be multiplied by up to 1.5x.

Battery with Intent to Kill[]

Committing battery on a dragon with the intent to kill them. If the dragon had a plan beforehand to carry out the kill, the charge is escalated to Attempted Murder. This modifier can multiply the standard Battery charges by up to 2.5x.


Entering a building or other restricted area that you do not have permission to access. Sentences can include up to a $1,000 fine, up to a year in prison, or both. If a dragon used force to enter the restricted area, the charge is escalated to Breaking and Entering.

Trespassing in a Federal Building[]

A more severe form of Trespassing, Trespassing in a Federal Building can include trespassing in palaces or other government buildings. Charges are the same but can be multiplied by up to 1.5x.

Breaking and Entering[]

Breaking and Entering differs from Trespassing, as this crime involves using force to gain access to a restricted area. This could include breaking a window, picking a lock on a door, or other things. Possible sentences include up to a $2,500 fine, up to 3 years in prison, or both.

Breaking and Entering a Federal Building[]

A more severe form of the crime, Breaking and Entering a Federal Building can include breaking and entering but in palaces or other government buildings. Charges are the same but can be multiplied by up to 1.5x.

Reckless Flying[]

The act of flying dangerously. This can include going too fast or flying in a dangerous or highly obstructed area. Charges can include up to a $500 fine or 1/3 year in jail.


Stealing an object(s) from somewhere without force or weaponry. This can include simply stealing food or other items. Depending on the item(s) stolen, criminals can be charged with up to a $5,000 fine and/or five years in prison, although keep in mind this can be exceeded if the stolen items are of great value. If the item(s) stolen are valued above $25,000, the charge is escalated to Grand Larceny.

Petty Theft[]

A lesser version of Theft. Petty Theft involves stealing an item(s) that are typically valued at less than $150. This can also include pickpocketing. Sentences can include up to a $500 and/or half a year in prison.


This includes a dragonet leaving their parent(s) or legal guardian without their consent or knowledge. Runaways must be returned to their parent/guardian, and said parent/guardian will be charged with up to $1,000 in fines.


Causing damage to public or private property. This includes defacement or destruction of property without consent of the owner. Charges can be sentenced with up to a $1,000 fine, half a year in prison, or both.

Resisting Arrest[]

Fleeing from federal authorities, guards, or members of the military, typically to avoid being detained or given a fine. Depending on the crime, sentences can vary. Possible sentences include up to a $1,000 fine and/or half a year in prison.


Negligence is classified by the GDL as failure to exercise caution or proper safety measures/procedures while doing an action. Negligent charges can include fines up to $1,500, depending on the situation.

Criminal Negligence[]

Criminal Negligence is a sub-category of Negligence involving negligent actions so egregious that it can cause harm to life or limb of dragons. Penalties include up to a $5,000 fine, up to three years worth of jail time, or both.


Fraud is a crime where a criminal uses lies or other deceptive practices for personal or financial gain. A broad category, this can include many things. Generally, fraud charges can be up to a $10,000 fine (depending on the case) and/or up to a 5 year prison sentence.

Identity Fraud[]

Identity Fraud is the act of illegally changing your identity or using an illegal alias, especially in a professional setting. Sentences can include up to a $2,000 fine

Identity Theft[]

Identity Theft is a sub-category of Fraud. Identity Theft involves attempting to claim that you are a different dragon than you actually are, especially in a professional setting. Sentences can include up to a $2,000 fine and/or up to three years in jail.

Tax Fraud[]

Tax Fraud is a category of Fraud in which a dragon attempts to file incorrect tax files to the federal government. Punishments for tax fraud include up to a $7,500 fine (depending on the crime) and up to two years in prison.

Tax Evasion[]

Tax Evasion is the crime of attempting to evade federal taxes by not paying them at all. This is a serious crime that can result in up to a $20,000 fine and up to 5 years of jail time. If the total amount of taxes evaded exceeds $10,000, the charge is escalated to Felony Tax Evasion.


Forgery and Counterfeiting are two similar crimes. Forgery involves creating a fake signature or fake document claiming to be true. Meanwhile, Counterfeiting is the act of creating illegal money, documents, or other papers. They can both be punishable by up to a $5,000 fine and/or five years in jail.


Intimidation, sometimes called "criminal threats", is the act of using threats or other verbal or physical actions to cause a reasonable dragon to become fearful for their life or property. Depending on the situation, Intimidation is punishable by two years in prison and a $1,000 fine.


Rioting is a crime where a group of dragons of at least three or more attempts to start chaos or are presenting a clear danger to life or property in a violent or uncontrolled manner. The penalty for Rioting can be a year in prison and/or a $1,500 fine per dragon.


Bribery is the act of offering money or services (or attempting to) to a civilian or government official in exchange for a specific action. Punishment can vary, including a $5,000 fine and/or two years in prison.


Stalking is the act of repeatedly following or contacting a dragon with the intent to gather personal information, harass, cause fear, or threaten violence against said dragon. Stalking can be punishable by up to a $2,500 fine, six months in jail, and/or a restraining order.

Violation of a Restraining Order[]

Violating a restraining order is a crime where a dragon violates any terms of an existing restraining order with another dragon. Depending on the seriousness and/or terms of the order, penalties for the violation can include up to a $1,000 fine and/or half a year in prison per violation. It can also lead to an extension of the order's duration.

Dragonet Endangerment[]

Dragonet Endangerment is classified as when a parent or legal guardian fails to give their dragonet proper needs. This can include food and water, safe conditions, shelter, and adequate supervision. The penalty for Dragonet Endangerment can be up to a $5,000 fine.

Spousal Abandonment[]

Dragonet Abandonment[]

Dragonet Abandonment Without Intent to Return[]

Dragonet Abuse[]

Dragonet Abuse is the act of harming a dragonet, whether it be physically or mentally. Penalties include up to two years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine.

Criminal Mischief[]

Property Damage[]

Animal Cruelty[]



slanderous accusations

Environmental Crimes[]

Illegal Construction[]

Violation of Construction Regulations[]

Illegal Border Crossing[]


Endangerment is the act of putting a dragon(s) in danger, whether it be by careless actions or a lack of knowledge or will to handle situations properly. Endangerment can be punished by up to five years in jail, plus a fine of $2,500.


This section includes most serious crimes, which can be punishable by extended periods of time in prison.

Administering a Noxious Substance[]

The act of administering a harmful, mind-altering, addictive, or otherwise dangerous substance to another dragon in any way without their knowledge and/or consent. This can include poisoning, illegal drugs, or other substances. Possible penalties can include up to 10 years in prison per dragon.


See categories below.

First-Degree Murder[]

The act of killing a dragon with a plan beforehand to carry it out. Punishable by a life sentence.

Attempted Murder[]

Attempting but failing to commit first-degree murder. If there was no plan to do so, the charge is deescalated to Assault with Intent to Kill or Battery with Intent to Kill, depending on the situation. If convicted, a dragon can face up to 25 years in prison.

Conspiracy to Commit Murder[]

Planning a murder but not actually carrying it out. Punishment can be up to 10 years in prison.

Second-Degree Murder[]

The act of killing a dragon spontaneously, with no plan arranged beforehand. Punishable by up to 30 years in prison.

Third-Degree Murder[]

Also known as dragonslaughter, Third-Degree Murder is the act of killing another dragon accidentally or involuntarily. Depending on the case, this can be punishable by up to 15 years in prison.


The act of stealing an item(s) from a dragon or building by using force, threats or intimidation. Sentences vary from case to case, but usually the sentence can be around a $10,000 fine, 7 years in prison, or both, although this can vary or be exceeded.

Armed Robbery[]

The act of committing Robbery with any sort of breath weapon or other highly dangerous weapon. Charges are the same as Robbery, except multiplied by 1.5x.

Grand Larceny[]

The most severe form of stealing. Grand Larceny is classified as Robbery or Theft when the item(s) stolen exceeds a $25,000 value. Punishable by up to 25 years in prison, up to a $50,000 fine, or both.

Illegal Hitman[]

The act of working as a private assassin or hitman for a dragon/group of dragons. Depending on the amount of murders, the penalty can be around 50 years or more in prison.

Absent Without Leave (AWoL)[]

The act of a soldier or other military employee leaving their post while on-duty without permission. AWOL soldiers can be charged with up to a $1,000 fine, formal reprimand, or even imprisonment for up to a year, although this can change depending on the length of time gone and the kingdom they are serving for. If the soldier has no intent to return to their post or is AWOL for over two weeks, the charge is escalated to Desertion.


The act of a soldier or other military employee leaving their post while on-duty without a formal discharge or intent to return. Punishments vary from kingdom to kingdom, but generally, the punishment can be up to a $3,000 fine, five years' imprisonment, and/or discharge from the army.

Trafficking of Illegal Goods[]

Buying or selling stolen items. A serious crime, the punishment can vary depending on the amount of goods trafficked over a specific period of time. Punishment can include up to a $200,000 fine and 25 years in prison, although these can be exceeded for specific reasons.


The act of taking an adult dragon away from somewhere and confining them without their consent. Punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Dragonet Abduction[]

The act of stealing a dragonet from their parent or legal guardian for any reason without their consent. Dragonet Abduction is a serious crime, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. This law applies to eggs, too.

False Imprisonment[]

Felony Tax Evasion[]


Willingly hurting a dragon, perhaps fatally, in an attempt to gain information, money, or other things. Torture is punishable by up to 20 years in jail.

Taking a Hostage[]

Taking a Hostage is defined as physically confining another dragon without their consent. This can include threats involving execution of said hostage, typically to gain money, information, services, or other items. Punishment varies depending on how serious it is, but it typically is punished by up to 20 years in jail.


Animus Coercion[]

Inciting a Riot[]

Inciting a Riot is a crime where a dragon causes multiple other dragons to riot. See the section on Rioting for more information. Inciting a Riot can be punished by up to five years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.

Possession of Illegal Substances[]

Manufacturing Illegal Substances[]
Manufacturing Illegal Substances with Intent to Supply[]

Property Destruction[]

Possession of Illegal Explosives[]

Usage of Illegal Explosives[]




Dismemberment is the act of destroying or cutting another dragon's limbs off. This can be penalized by up to 15 years in prison. This law applies to corpses, too.


Jailbreak is the act of escaping lawful custody by government or police officials. Punishable by up to 20 years in prison depending on the situation.

Assisting a Jailbreak[]
Attempted Jailbreak[]




Assisting a Fugitive[]

Harboring a Fugitive[]

Supreme Crimes[]

The most serious crimes on the GDL. Break one of these, and it's almost certain you will be given the death penalty.

War Crimes[]

See categories below.

Unethical Treatment of Prisoners of War[]

Treating POWs unethically. This can include depriving them of basic dragon rights, forcing them into military service or fights, or torturing them for information. This will give the criminal a death sentence.

Taking Civilian Hostages[]
Intentional Civilian Attacks[]
Use of Dragonet Soldiers[]
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction[]

Crimes Against Dragonkind[]


Terrorism is the act of causing or threatening to cause mass damage or loss of life to public or private property. A serious crime, this can result in a life sentence in prison.

Member of a Terrorist Organization[]

Any dragon who is a member of a known terrorist organization automatically receives this charge. Being a member of a terrorist organization is a serious crime which can result in life in prison. It could also possibly result in a death sentence, depending on the situation.

Waging a War of Aggression[]
Unlawful Deportation[]
Unethical Experimentation[]
Extrajudicial Punishment[]
Summary Execution[]


PPLEA Most Wanted List[]

This list contains the most wanted dragons of the PPLEA. They must be arrested at all costs.

NOTE: Some crimes may be inaccurate due to recent updates to their stories. Contact the commissioner if you'd like a reevaluation of their record.

  • Mindslayer: Sentenced to 1,145 years jail time + $50,000 fine + death sentence
    • Second-Degree Murder (38x)
    • Felony Tax Evasion
    • Multiple war crimes against the Mud Kingdom
    • Mass Dragonslaughter
  • Blueberry: Sentenced to 30 years jail time + return to legal guardian
    • Runaway
    • Torture
  • Violence: Sentenced to 186.5 years jail time + $14,000 fine
    • Property Damage
    • Assault (5x)
    • Attempted Murder (6x)
    • Intimidation
    • Coercion
    • Violation of a Restraining Order
    • Taking a Hostage
  • Queen Bloodstone: Sentenced to 3 death sentences.
    • Unethical Treatment of Prisoners of War (3x)
  • Darkfighter: Sentenced to 60 years jail time + $100,000 fine + 169 life sentences
    • First-Degree Murder (169x)
    • Breaking and Entering (5x)
    • Property Damage (5x)
  • Scar: Sentenced to $264,000 fine + 1,261.5 years jail time + 3 years probation + life sentence
    • First-Degree Murder
    • Second-Degree Murder (37x)
    • Conspiracy to Commit Murder
    • Robbery
    • Trespassing in a Federal Building
    • Trafficking of Illegal Goods
    • Grand Larceny
    • Illegal Hitman (2x)
    • Battery with Intent to Kill
    • Spousal Abandonment
  • Freedomstar: Sentenced to 32.3 years jail time + $14,500 fine + return to legal guardian
    • Intimidation (2x)
    • Runaway
    • Reckless Flying
    • Battery
    • Assault (2x)
    • Endangerment (4x)
  • Anuke: Sentenced to 2,002.5 years jail time + 4 life sentences + $1,398,500 fine + return to legal guardian
    • Second-Degree Murder (30x)
    • Administering a Noxious Substance (14x)
    • Terrorism (4x)
    • Dismemberment (5x)
    • Inciting a Riot (4x)
    • Torture (6x)
    • Taking a Hostage (5x)
    • Dragonnapping (5x)
    • Robbery (6x)
    • Intimidation (6x)
    • Negligence (4x)
    • Runaway
    • Breaking and Entering (6x)
    • Battery (6x)
    • Assault with a Deadly Weapon (23x)
    • Assault of a Security Official (22x)
    • Trespassing in a Federal Building (6x)
    • Theft (6x)
    • Petty Theft (5x)
    • Resisting Arrest (6x)
    • Fraud (6x)
    • Bribery (4x)
    • Endangerment (6x)
    • Grand Larceny (5x)
    • Trafficking of Illegal Goods (4x)
  • Thoughtseer: Sentenced to 15 years jail time + life sentence
    • First-Degree Murder
    • Dragonet Abduction
  • Obsidiansilk: Sentenced to $90,750 fine + 452.5 years jail time + 29 life sentences
    • Runaway (statute of limitations exceeded, no penalty)
    • Breaking and Entering in a Federal Building (2x)
    • Reckless Flying (3x)
    • Forgery (3x)
    • Assault with Intent to Kill (4x)
    • Breaking and Entering (9x)
    • Intimidation (12x)
    • Second-Degree Murder (12x)
    • Identity Theft (13x)
    • First-Degree Murder (29x)


  • A favorite method of entry into a suspect’s location by officers is by smashing through the nearest window. It is currently unknown why this occurs.
  • Most PPLEA officers adore donuts and other pastries. There have been several incidents where criminals have bribed PPLEA agents with donuts, allowing them to escape custody.

