Posidonia is a Leafwing Nightwing hybrid (Distantly a Seawing tribrid) who is the sona of LynxStar980.They are more commonly known as Pos. They own a tea shop in the leaf-silk kingdom but they do travel sometimes to write.
They have blueish green scales with splotches of black. They also have small blue or purple scales most prominent on their wings which glow in the dark. Their eyes are a greenish yellow. Their webbing has a fluffy texture and is a similar colour to their scales. They have the wings, snout and neck of a nightwing but are otherwise leafwing in appearance. They lack the teardrop scale most empaths and mind readers have
They wear a black choker with spikes in it similar to a dog's collar as well as a sodalite pendant. Their most obvious accessory is a pair of goggles with rainbow lenses worn purely as decoration due to being impossible to see out of.
(being the creator's sona the first two paragraphs of backstory are based on their creator's life)
Posidonia was born and raised in a town on the coast of the sea kingdom by a Leafwing mother and Nightwing seawing hybrid father.The early years of her life were fairly uneventful she would visit pantala to see her leafwing family frequently and she'd see her nightwing family as well but not as much.
In school and at home they were noticed to be a slight bit of an odd dragonet and eventually her mother figured out she had ADHD and she was later diagnosed.He enjoyed art and found other school work easy.Once they were four after talking with a group of friends Pos realised they weren't straight not sure what but they liked girls as well as boys and eventually settled with being pan.A little bit later after going through possibilities like being a demigirl they realised they were genderfluid and began identifying as such.
Once they were old enough to leave school they moved to pantala and set up a tea shop.Owning the tea shop was nice but boring so when he could get the chance they went out and travelled around the continents finding out about the culture and legends of every tribe and compiling them into their book 'Posidonia's guide to dragon myths and legends' .
They have no leafwing abilities whatsoever and actively struggle with gardening. They cannot breathe fire, They can produce a small amount of steam from their mouth but doing so causes breathing issues. They have the abilities on a nightwing empath due to being born under a full moon allowing them to sense other dragon's emotions. They are a slightly better swimmer than other nightwings or leafwings due to their distant seawing heritage.
They are skilled at creating tea blends, writing and drawing though not so much at physical activities.
Silly extras[]
- They glow in the dark!
- Their favourite tea is Blackcurrant tea
- ADHD icon
- They're basically just their creator but dragon