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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
― x (x)

Pharaoh was an adult male WorkWing. He served as a commander during the late 4,700s, particularly leading a WorkWing-SilkWing charge against the breath of evil after it attacked a SilkWing village.


Pharaoh had rigid gold scales and dark blue overscales. He is tall and had smoke constantly bellowing from his snout. He had a loud, all reaching voices.


Pharaoh was determined, strict and intimidating. Despite this he had a heart for others and only wanted them to improve or stay safe. He is said to express his love for others by fighting them when they worry him too much.


Pharaoh's lieutenant brought awareness of a surge of the othermind. He brought the news to Dungbeetle's mother who, after a council decided to deal with the matter.

Originally, the WorkWings intended to solve it on their own, putting SilkWings to the side to keep them safe. The attempt was disorganized and mainly thrived off of the demand for the bounty of clearing plants. Pharaoh continously brought up the idea of putting flamesilks and firebreathers together but he was constantly denied, however Princess Dungbeetle took interest in his strive. It was only until the othermind killed 12 dragons did Dungbeetle's mother begin to take the situation seriously. Pharaoh would try to suggest ways to organize the fire wielding dragons though he was ignored by peers.

Eventually, Pharaoh would make his own winglet of WorkWings and SilkWings tired of the issue with Dungbeetle. He'd strategize them, having the fastest clearing of othermind than any other winglet. Eventually he caught the SilkWing queen's attention and brought the news to the Cobalt queen. The Cobalt queen would put her daughter in charge of the issue after an argument, her putting Pharaoh as the commander of the operation. Within a year the issue was completely solved. Pharaoh along with many others would vote to have the Cobalt queen evicted from office and replaced with Dungbeetle, her becoming queen.

Sometime in her ruling, he began to intercept assassination attempts abd letters from the previous queen. He investigated them with the rest of his guard, alerting the queen and suggestion her to challenge her mother. He was there at their battle, cheering at her victory.


Unnamed Amethyst Queen[]

Pharaoh despised the original Amethyst queen and found her lazy and underestimating. He voted from her removal from office, glad to have her daughter rule instead.


Pharaoh saw Dungbeetle as a mutual and was thankful at least one royal cared for his cause. He viewed her as a better queen than her mother would ever be, glad when she won the position.



WorkWing Navigation
Vagues Present: GoldenwhispererRubysnapper

Historical: DiamondslayerDullemeraldCarpenterCrazy • Emeraldsplatter • AshsparkerPearlscrapperMonomoriumOnyxrunnerGarnetcrusher

Lesser Queens Present: CyrogladiatorAzulwashingJadeshovingPharaoh (queen)

Historical: Pebblestepper • Yellow • Peridotslammer • Dungbeetle • Yellow III • Malachitewrestler

Royalty Present: Dungbeetle IIAndesitecarver • Electric (ward)

Historical: Sapphirebolt

Other Dragons Present: Katydid • Ashglarer • Opalstriker • Chafer • Sardonyxchipper • Aphid • Blightclasp • Scarab • Amethyststomper • Junebug • Hercules • [ • Tapinoma • Belohina • Meru • Rubycrusher • Polyrachis • Oakburner • June • Goldbinder • Goldchipper

Historical: Amberscorcher • Violetslasher • SapphirecarverFireflyQuartzseekerScarabPharaoh (commander) • Deathwatch • Birchkiller (multiple)Coalkiller (multiple)MoundMoonrunnerJuneBrecciaslashCrystalburnerRoseWormTopazclawer

Hybrids Present: Asternix • Deathwatcher

Historical: Lapiscarver • Clearsight

Mythical Pannipha
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