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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Peri is an adult RainWing-SkyWing hybrid currently working as a semi-legitimate realtor in the Sky Queendom. Being raised to defy expectations of a RainWing hybrid by a very controlling RainWing mother, Peri's life was basically under complete control of their parents until they finished secondary school. Itching to break free of her constraints, Peri enrolled in a theatre program at the farthest college she could find which has helped them discover themselves apart from their mother's strict regime.

However, Peri's job isn't really legitimate as all of the land in the Sky Queendom technically belongs to the Queen. The only thing their clients pay them for is finding a nice little area perfect for their needs, which is pretty easy to find in an area as vast as the Sky Queendom.

peri is ... a somewhat obvious hybrid. although she seems to be mostly rainwing at first glance thanks to her bright colors and ruff, she cannot change her scale color in meaningful ways. she's more like a mood ring- although her scales don't change with her mood, they change with her internal body temperature. her cool teal becomes a more purplish indigo in the heat and becomes more cool blue-green in the cold.

although very dry and sarcastic, peri seems to carry a weird sort of charisma around themselves. while not naturally charismatic or anything, peri knows exactly what to say to get people to hang on to their every word and believe every claim of theirs.

  • peri's rainwing mom, pantera, hated the communal dragonet raising system growing up
  • often felt alone, isolated, and forgotten. having OCD didn't help with this either, and almost no one understood her compulsions or even what they were
  • left the rain kingdom as soon as she could and got a teaching degree
  • while working as an assistant teacher she met a skywing doofus
  • he wasn't the brightest, as he had previously worked as a guard in queen scarlet's palace, but he was always willing to listen to her and help- something that pantera had never experienced before.
  • they got married and had peri. after a few years of teaching, pantera opened up a furniture store with her husband
  • started as more of a repair shop but expanded enough to selling their own products
  • pantera would manage finances and literally everything but creating/repairing furniture
  • peri was an odd dragonet growing up. dragons were quick to start assuming things about her once she told them she was part rainwing, i.e. that she was dumb and lazy
  • she was far from that though, tbh. peri was very perceptive and intelligent for her young age. she soaked up new concepts quickly, and stuff like reading and writing was easy for her
  • she had this strange inner need for completion, and that manifested in wanting to just. know everything. read up on a lot of material and was extremely academically gifted during school
  • pantera saw this and sought to exploit it in some way- give peri the opportunities she never had in a way, being a rainwing.
  • pantera pushed peri to her limits academically and would make her take lots of outside advanced courses and enter many scholastic olympiads and such. peri also learned how to play several instruments and other random but impressive talents such as doing two digit times tables in her head.
  • balefire, peri's dad, although never stopping pantera, acted as a quiet source of comfort for peri. he loved her more than anything else in the world and always supported her
  • peri was very sheltered and only had a few friends, chosen by her mom. found making friends hard as others just.. weren't on the same wavelength as her
  • didn’t really realize the freedom she was missing out on until secondary school (high school equivalent)
  • peri hated school. it wasn't even like, her classmates being mean to her or anything it was so just so boring.
  • however, she had a sandwing mjtt classmate named glaze who liked her and they tentatively started dating
  • peri’s mom would not let her go ANYWHERE with glaze and peri herself didn’t really know how to handle a relationship. romance was the least of her worries most of the time.
  • glaze eventually broke up with peri because ze felt they were growing apart because they didn’t spend enough time together
  • only then did peri realize just how controlling and overprotective her mom was, and this brief brush with freedom thanks to glaze was enough for peri to start rebelling against her mother
  • peri started with the small things. more accessories, ones that her mother barely approved of. would wear heavy silver chains and put on layers of black makeup, a far cry from pantera's preferred delicate flower crowns and bracelets.
  • these small defiances eventually turned into peri quitting many of her extracurriculars and joining new clubs at school
  • cont. (im tired)
  • is a realtor right now, selling properties in the sky kingdom
  • doesn't particularly enjoy lying about the greatness of the properties but understands it's part of the job, unfortunately
  • hopes to get back in touch with glaze as she wants to see where ze ended up and how ze is doing

peri does not like thinking about her mother.

peri wishes she could spend more time with her father.

peri misses glaze, surprisingly.

peri thinks aquaria is similar to her and admires her passion.

  • peri has autism and OCD, but they don't really realize that they have OCD as theirs is vastly different from their mother's form of OCD.
  • peri is based off of some of my struggles in school and just general struggles of gifted kids suffering from burnout with ambitious but not always supportive parents.
  • pantera, peri's mom, is actually named after the metal band. my thought process was this: i need a rainwing name -> hey what about some sort of big cat -> how bout a panther? -> thats kinda lame though -> pantera is panther in spanish... and is also a groove metal band!! perfect.
  • while developing peri i realized she was a bit too similar to another oc of mine, aquaria, in the way that they both have bad relationships with their parents both were initially planned to be easily influenced sad guys.
