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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Pebble, alternatively known as Meatlug, is a young female human who is a supporting character in How to Train Your Wings of Fire 1.5, an upcoming How to Train Your Dragon and Wings of Fire crossover written by HTTYDPokemonFan under the username ReptileGirl497 on[1].


Pebble is short and pudgy, and has shoulder-length brown hair.


Out of all the members of Bat's friend group, Pebble is noted to be the mellowest. She is also sociable and dislikes being alone for too long.


How to Train Your Wings of Fire[]

Pebble was one of the humans invited by Bat to attend the peace summit on the false brightest night, when the new SandWing queen would be chosen.

How to Train Your Wings of Fire 1.5[]

Pebble first appeared, along with Snake and Lizard, during recess after Bat and Gust had tried to talk to their teacher, Miss Laurel, about their father, Heath. She agreed with them that something about the Dragonslayer's claims didn't add up, and the five of them formed a secret club called the Truth Seekers.

Years later, Pebble became a Wingwatcher along with the other Truth Seekers.


  • A pebble is a small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand.
  • Despite having learned Pebble's real name, Bog still refers to her as Meatlug.
  • Pebble is the scavenger (human) counterpart of Meatlug the Gronckle.