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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
― x (x)

Pearlscrapper was an adult female WorkWing and the former Vague of WorkWings during the late 4,800s. She was killed by Monomorium after driving him insane with abuse and enchantments.


Pearlscrapper was tall and lithe. She had a graceful flight that was barely audible. She had silvery pale pink and blue scales that were enchanted to be Iridescent at day and glow at night. She wore an abundance of jewelry also enchanted to shine. She was pointed out to be scar-less and had a authoritative, obnoxious air to her. She often wore a shrewd, confident expression when in the presence of Monomorium.


Pearlscrapper was spoiled, envious and power-hungry. While she can be nice to others, it was always for a certain gain. She never completely believed in building relationships otherwise, noted when she sent her partner to execution after he revealed he lied about his supposed noble ancestry. She didn't like being scrutinized and would glare at those she didn't like. She wanted to be the prettiest, best dragon of Pantala, making tension between her and the SilkWings as she was visibly envious of the SilkWing queen's appearance. She can plot other's downfall but is too lazy to act on them, having on of killing the SilkWing queen and earlier Monomorium but never wanting to do them.

She believed everyone was made to serve her and anyone who refused to was evil or insane. She didn't often take no as an answer and felt entitled to whatever she wanted. It is to the point that she didn't expect Monomorium to kill her, her first reaction being surprise than hatred. She was stated by the animus as being dumb and empty minded.


Pearlscrapper hatched to her mother, being an instant favorite. She was pampered and spoiled, chosen as the successor for the kingdom. Many tended to love and serve her, being punished if they didn't. She joined in her family's plight of abusing Monomorium, personally attacking him multiple times.

On a night where she led a public humiliation of her younger brother, she found his fleeing cowardly and was upset he'd leave so soon, wanting to pick with him more.

She bided for mother's death, taking the crown after she died from poison set by her former fiancé. She was liked by the public, mostly from her mother's impressions as well as giving positions to anyone who appeased her which was simple to do. A year after her crowning she killed her partner for lying about his lineage after an advisor brought it up.

Pearl would hear about Monomorium's exploits in a SilkWing village. Wanting his magic for herself, she arrived to the village with guards, burning the place in an attempt to retrieve him. She eventually caught on to his relationship with Swallowtail and ordered a guard to killer her, stunning Monomorium long enough for him to be captured.

She tortured him until he complied with her demands. Originally she tested his magic, soon using it to enhance dunes and weaponry. She even had some personal requests such as making her scales Iridescent at day and glow at night and her jewelry to shine.

Monomorium's warning of his soul was ignored, Pearlscrapper slashing him when he suggested stopping. This would lead to an event during a festival. Pearlscrapper requested Monomorium to duplicate a duller version of her pearls to the queen guests to demonstrate what she believed to be her power. Though instead Monomorium enchanted her pearls to strangle her as he impaled her with a spear.


Unnamed Vague WorkWing[]

Pearlscrapper loves her mother as she spoiled her. She is the only dragon Pearl respects, wanting to continue her legacy.


Pearlscrapper originally loathed her brother and didn't want anything to do with him. His animus magic was the only thing she valued of him, using him as a tool. She would abuse and manipulate Monomorium into doing what she wanted and was rather surprised when he snapped and killed her.


Pearl found Onyx unamusing and her least favorite sister. She only liked her for being submissive to her but wishes Onyx 'dappled a bit of admiration and pleading galore' to her behavior.


  • Pearlscrapper's original name was Opalslicer.
    • Despite her suffix being unfit, Pearlscrapper gained her name after pleading.
    • Her name would've been Pearldawner otherwise.


WorkWing Navigation
Vagues Present: GoldenwhispererRubysnapper

Historical: DiamondslayerDullemeraldCarpenterCrazy • Emeraldsplatter • AshsparkerPearlscrapperMonomoriumOnyxrunnerGarnetcrusher

Lesser Queens Present: CyrogladiatorAzulwashingJadeshovingPharaoh (queen)

Historical: Pebblestepper • Yellow • Peridotslammer • Dungbeetle • Yellow III • Malachitewrestler

Royalty Present: Dungbeetle IIAndesitecarver • Electric (ward)

Historical: Sapphirebolt

Other Dragons Present: Katydid • Ashglarer • Opalstriker • Chafer • Sardonyxchipper • Aphid • Blightclasp • Scarab • Amethyststomper • Junebug • Hercules • [ • Tapinoma • Belohina • Meru • Rubycrusher • Polyrachis • Oakburner • June • Goldbinder • Goldchipper

Historical: Amberscorcher • Violetslasher • SapphirecarverFireflyQuartzseekerScarabPharaoh (commander) • Deathwatch • Birchkiller (multiple)Coalkiller (multiple)MoundMoonrunnerJuneBrecciaslashCrystalburnerRoseWormTopazclawer

Hybrids Present: Asternix • Deathwatcher

Historical: Lapiscarver • Clearsight

Mythical Pannipha
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