Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Peanut was made by Coast the hybrid for the Pallete + Emoji Based OC Contest, hosted by Santas-Reindeer00[]

He is based off these emojis: 🥜🎣[]

And this color pallete:[]




Peanut's Color Pallette

You'd probably expect a dragon named Peanut to be a cute MudWing, with warm golden-brown scales and a round complexion, like their namesake. In Peanut's case however, you'd be wrong. He is three fourths MudWing and has the brown colored scales and bulky frame of one, but his scales are a washed out grey-brown color instead of the generally warmer tones of a pure MudWing. His build is burly and bukly like a usual MudWing, and a bit spikier becuase if is IceWing genes.


Peanut is generally considered gruff and has little toleranc of stupidity. Like a peanut, you have to 'crack' his 'shell' by getting to know him, before he reveals his softer side. Despite his generally gruff perosonality and career choice Peanut is very close with his family, especially his siblings, and often very potective of them.


  • Peanut was born to two farmers in the MudWing Kingdom. His parents, ____ and ____ were nut farmers in the MudWing Kingdom. They were overjoyed when they layed a clutch of eggs, and couldn't wait to raise their dragoents to carry on the family bussiness.
  • Grew up on the family far with his older sister ______, and youngest sibling ______ (also maybe 1-3 more siblings)
  • When (youngest sbilibng) _______ came out as non-binary Peanut was completely supportive of them, and became also became bit more protective of them .
  • Peanut started to realize that nut farming wasn't really what he wanted to do with his life, and after a trip to a coastal town felt drawn to the docks and fishing boats.
  • Peanut tells his family


_______ - Dad - Positive -

_______ - Mom - Positive -

_______ - Older Sister - Positive -

_______ - Youngest sibling - Positive -

Cashew - Cousin - Neutral - Peanut tried to have a good relationship with Cashew, but Chashew's bitter and slightly toxic nature makes their relationship strained, and often leads to them ignoing eahc other at family gatherings

Coconut - Cousin - Neutral/Positive - Peanut has an ok relationship with his huge cousin, though he gets a bit annoyed when Coconut's huge size causes broken objects or stepped on tails. He dislikes how loyal Coconut is to Cashew despite the fact that Cashew picks on him and is often mean


  • Peanuts are not true nuts, they are actually legumes. Maybe that's why Peanut was a bit of the black sheep of the family.
  • Cashew is mean because cashews are naturaly posionous (genius, right?) Also Cashew and Coconut are about 1/8 Rainwing