Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Content Warning
This page contains profanity, violence, mild gore, or other forms of content that you may find upsetting.
Author's note: some really sad stuff happens here. You have been warned


"I'm appalled. You think I'm useless because I have misshapen wings? You forced me to come here. This is YOUR fault!" --Pastelle


Stop! Stealing or heavily referencing off the Secondary Dragonsona of this fanfic writer is heavily unadvised! Pastelle definitely wants to stay original. She doesn't like thieves (yes, I know what you're thinking, her best friend's kind of a criminal), but she's better now! The criminal now works for the Queen, so you have no dirt against her! Pastelle loves her bestie <3


Pastelle is a character who went to Culprit Academy. She was partially Disabled (she couldn't fly), and a very kind dragon.



I've been hearing symphonies

Before, all I heard was silence

A rhapsody for you and me

And every melody is timeless





Sorry the description is kinda bad. I cant get that nice flowy flow, y'know?

Pastelle has a cute, round head, with yellow-gold main scales, and pastel mint-green over scales on the front of her snout and on the top of her head, the kind you'd find on a SilkWing, with an opalescent dark azure sheen. She has a matching SandWing frill, and odd matching butterfly wings behind each ear, which make you think of a RainWing. The butterfly wings are like aquamarine monarchs with drippy things hanging off the bottom. Her horns, antennas, nose spike, and the HiveWing spike between her eyes are an iridescent dark purple, shining light magenta, as well as her eyebrows, eyes, and the scales next to her eyes. She has been described as cute.

All along her body are HiveWing stripes, spotted and browned on the edges, and the same SandWing frill. Her underbelly matches her frill, and the SilkWing accents on her scales are a shade of purple that matches her horns. She has a long, graceful tail, and four large wings, patterned in shades that match her two accent colors (aquamarine and purple, of course!). At first glance, you'd think these wings are perfectly normal for any SilkWing. But no, her two back wings are bent out of shape, and her front wing membranes are so oddly shaped that she is unable to fly on them. She has to wear a special type of brace to keep them in place, with covers overtop so that she can fly short distances.

She is petite, lithe, athletic, with an unmistakable kindness in her eyes. Her accent is soft American, middle-pitched.


Life was stringing me along

Then you came and you cut me loose

Was solo, singing on my own

Now I can't find the key without you






Pastelle has been described as kind, understanding, mature, and calm. She is always open to helping her friends, and, no matter what, tells them the truth, not necessarily what they want to hear. She is a compassionate friend, loyal at heart, and is a great listener. She is able to understand different situations and react to them appropriately. She uses different forms of body language to communicate that she is passive, non-aggressive, and wants to understand the other dragon. These forms include: touch, body language, wing flicks, less shady positions, and a warmth in her eyes. She also has a great sense of humor.


Unfortunately, some could say that her kindness makes her weak. It could make her gullible, trusting, and easy to manipulate. Although Pastelle knows how to protect herself, other dragons would see her kindness as a weakness and think that they have to protect her.




And now your song is on repeat

And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat

And when you're gone, I feel incomplete

So, if you want the truth







I just wanna be part of your symphony

Will you hold me tight and not let go?


Like a love song on the radio

Will you hold me tight and not let go?



Fighting Techniques:[]




I'm sorry if it's all too much

Every day you're here, I'm healing

And I was runnin' out of luck

I never thought I'd find this feeling







'Cause I've been hearing symphonies

Before all I heard was silence

A rhapsody for you and me

And every melody is timeless







And now your song is on repeat

And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat

And when you're gone, I feel incomplete

So, if you want the truth







I just wanna be part of your symphony

Will you hold me tight and not let go?


Like a love song on the radio

Will you hold me tight and not let go?



Art Pieces:[]




And now your song is on repeat

And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat

And when you're gone, I feel incomplete

So, if you want the truth (oh)







I just wanna be part of your symphony

Will you hold me tight and not let go?


Like a love song on the radio








Will you hold me tight and not let go?


Like a love song on the radio





art made by me:

mood boards:

art made by ppl other than me:♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣♦♣


Will you hold me tight and not let go?


Like a love song on the radio

Will you hold me tight and not let go?





