Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


Northstar was born with albinism, which made her very bright in light, also born to be very beautiful. Her great-grandmother DeathStrike was very supportive of her and wanted to arrange a marriage for Northstar with a perfect husband, until she found out Northstar was lesbian and was in love with Kingslayer, her best friend, Deathstrike would show disown to Northstar every moment she was around her, Kingslayer would comfort her and tell her that she's perfect the way she is no matter who she is such as Kingslayer also telling Northstar she's transgender and lesbian. Northstar and Kingslayer fell in love at the age of 9 (Northstar) and 8 (Kingslayer), they both loved each other unconditionally. Until Kingslayer went missing for 7 years and Northstar was left horribly heartbroken thinking Kingslayer was dead. Northstar applied for being an assassin job to forget and get over her lost lover, 2 years after King's disappearance. Between those 7 years she got attacked and had a bloody nearly blind eye by Ripper. Kingslayer bumped into Northstar, who was on an assassin mission and Northstar was angered and heartbroken that she left without saying anything, she was mostly angry when around Kingslayer and sometimes mischievous around her. KIngslayer told her about her friend, Venombringer and Northstar was a bit alarmed that Venom would follow Kingslayer everywhere she went no matter what. during the Ripper War, when Kingslayer got kidnapped, Northstar was furious at Venombringer for doing this, knowing the rainwing's intentions and tried to do anything to help King escape, luckily King found a way to escape. After the Ripper War she made King promise to never leave her again. DeathStrike after years of not accepting Northstar soon accepts Northstar remembering no matter what, Northstar will always be her beautiful and kind granddaughter.


Northstar is very beautiful and very slim for a Nightwing, she has beautiful scales and a sail that stops to her neck and starts on the top of her head like hair instead of spikes, she has a mechanical attachment to her tail that are mechanical spines that were a bit painful to attach to her tail, her wings are marked with long and big V's. Northstar also has thin and three long scars over her left eye, Kingslayer has taken a deep liking for it.


  • Supportive
  • Loving
  • Quick-thinker
  • Brave
  • Communicative
  • Fierce
  • Considerate



Kingslayer and Northstar often get along due to how they relate with one of their relatives not approving of their sexualities/orientation, also having almost the exact same mentalities and how well they both would play together from back when they were dragonets. They clicked like magnets when they first met. when King returned, Northstar was furious and disappointed when Kingslayer left her behind, Northstar nearly attacked King for the pain she had for 7 years. When Kingslayer saw her scar, she kinda felt lured to Northstar more than before, Kingslayer thinking of scars were "scars are a reminder of how strong you were when you gotten them and that it shouldn't be called ugly in fact, you are one of the strongest dragons there was when this scar appeared." When being told this, Northstar nearly cried. After The Ripper War, Northstar forgave Kingslayer's mistake of leaving without a word and makes KIng promise her to never leave her again.


Her and Crow met after Northstar found Kingslayer, Crow and Northstar do get along in the right terms of fights and The Ripper War, other than that they are pretty relaxed with each other either way.


Northstar and Taurus relate a lot about being a better dragon with them both killing dragons in the past and often would play random games with the hatchings and dragonets back at The Tribrids' Rain Camp.


Heather does not like Northstar for loving Kingslayer, her first love and to this day does not like Northstar but she doesn't hate her. Northstar, she finds Heather a little weird but ok to be around.


Beetle finds interest in Northstar, despite loving a different dragon. Northstar does not like Beetle and preferably wants to stay away from her.


Northstar's grandmother, at first was loving and very supportive of Northstar but after Northstar came out as lesbian, Deathstrike had despised her granddaughter. For years Deathstrike didn't accept Northstar's sexuality until one day she finally realizes she can't be like this anymore and must accept her granddaughter for who she is no matter the cost.


She thinks of Venombringer to be some creepy, obsessed stalker of Kingslayer. When she found out King got kidnapped by Venom, she was furious and tried every way to save Kingslayer but she got herself free. Northstar feels paranoia not knowing where the stalker is at.


Northstar! Northstar!!Northstar being cool
