Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Nocturne belongs to LimeyTheRainwing.

This page was created by Flicker the Overseer with permission from Limey and very little info to go on. I (Flicker) took some creative liberties. Please correct this page if the information is inaccurate.


Most of Nocturne's main scales are a matte black. His underscales are dark grey with just a tiniest hint of forest green. His facial scales are very shiny.

Many dragons never see his face, though, as he's usually doing one of these three things:

  • reading
  • looking at things through a magnifying glass
  • facing away from everybody, watching the night sky.

Nocturne has no jewelry.


Nocturne is mildly interested in basically everything. Whenever someone insults him, he whips out a comeback so snappy and good that the dragon that insulted him just stands, blinking.

Though Nocturne is curious about everything, he is clearly obsessed with the night sky. Whenever he gets a few seconds to himself, he writes in his secret papers stories about what's beyond the sky that ask questions, like if there are real places you can visit in the sky, or if the stars are just more than pinpricks of light, or if the world that he lives in is unique.


First Memories[]

The first thing he remembered was smoke. Awful smoke. And that stench! The scene before him looked like it came straight out of hell. It smelled worse than a dead skunk dunked in sour milk. The heat and the ash stung his eyes like a million daggers. And you can imagine what a shock he had when he was told that it was his home. He resolved to get off this horrid island as quickly as possible.

The NightWing Exodus[]

He had been living on his own for two years when he heard about the NightWing Exodus - well, not heard about it exactly, more like heard it directly. The NightWings were being very loud about it and complaining a lot. He had been living in the rainforest the whole time, and thought that it was at least five times better than that island that tried to eat him alive. He disapproved of the NightWings' behavior, but decided to rejoin them anyway.


  • Innova (positive last witnessed, though it might be damaged)
  • Viper (positive)
  • Selenophilia (positive, though that might be stretching it)


"If you think I'm a cowardly worm, I'm still better off than you." -snappy comeback

"NightWing. Draconis noctis. The average NightWing has maladjusted antisocial tendencies, persistent wheezing afflictions, and an overly complete negligence towards any object or concept that displeases it - and you're worse. You have no idea what I just said, do you?" -an insult
