Short description[]
Night shade is a deep green leaf wing with a light lime green underbelly and wings. She has very dark and dark red colored plates and has lime green eyes.
she suffers a clawed wing, demoting her to only gliding. She also has a dragon bite viper bite in her tail, followed by what seems to be plant acid to burn the venom out.
she is extremely knowledgeable in poisonous, acidic or exotic plants and sells plant acid, poison or traps for a living. She has a daughter named sycamore that she is very devoted into raising her well.
Nightshade possesses a thick leather necklace with multiple bottles and vials strapped to them, filled with bubbling acid or poisons. She has leaf wristlets and another thin shoulder band with herbs attached to it. She also wears a vine horn band.
Back story[]
night shade was born in the poison wings village, but soon ran away because of her abusive father and mother. She wandered around the jungle for days narrowly avoiding poisonous and acidic plant traps. In this time, she learnt a lot about plants and their nature.she finally found her way out, and saw these large, hive structures. She was young and had never been outside the village, and thought: “hey, more dragons! Maybe they’ll take me in.” She wandered to the entrance of the wasp hive and was captured swiftly by the guards and placed into holding. She spent three days there until a chrysalis member fleeing the dungeon freed all of the prisoners. The freindly silk wing looked at the dragonet with sympathy in his eyes and picked her up. The silk wing was beautiful, he had white fades and green to cyan fades along his wings and antennae. The silk wing was around night shades age, but he was very muscular and tall for a silk wing. They escaped the hive together and the silk wing dropped her off at the edge of the poison jungle where she was picked up by sap wings. She was raised by a very kind and caring sap wing family and left when she was 17 (in human years). After a month of living in the outskirts of the sap wings portion of the poison jungle by herself, she felt lonely and entered the village, only to be paired with another leafspeaker. She had one egg and called it sycamore. night shade found her passion of creating poisons and acids out of natural material. She passed her knowledge and skills down to sycamore, and now makes a living out of selling toxins, poisons and acids.
Burning of the heart of salvation[]
due to night shade and sycamore living on the outskirts of the jungle, they ere not affected by the heart of salvation and were forgotten by all the leaf wings. One day, a beautiful silk wing adorned with a silver necklace and wings veils, turned up at their door. Night shade recognized this silk wing, but couldn’t put her talon on it. The silk wing announced himself as Adonis, the silk wing that had freed night shade earlier in her life. Adonis now lives with night shade and sycamore. Adonis and nightshade are roomates/friends currently. They all live away from the rest of the infected tribe and survive on fish, the occasional Jaguar and fruits. Night shade has armed their hut with acid traps and has established an emergency procedure.
This OC was created by ColderSnap way back in 2020, The page was created in 2021. Please do not steal it.