Needle is a female IceWing, a former soldier in the SandWing war. She lived alone, the quiet intimidating dragon of the town. To others, nothing more than another unapproachable dragon, with thin disingenuous smiles. The loss she suffered years ago still sting her today, but perhaps she has found a way to move past.
Chilling eyes, perfect posture and an icy exterior. Needle was sculpted to intimidate. She stood tall, her steps purposeful. Her face tight, purple eyes that were nothing more than hollow echoes of anger. They've grown softer now, edged with the creases of gentle smiles.
Needle has always been sharp edges and thin angles, as her name suggests. Her scales are silver so pale it seems almost white, almost blue, cold and prone to glittering in bright light. Her underbelly is a softer white, with a hint of gray. The ruff of icicle horns behind her ear takes on a purple tinge. Her horns and claws gleam white.
Her wings are pale purple flecked with white. The colors are expressed in far softer tones than the rest of her, a sanctuary of peace in the blizzard. The same purple paints a ragged star on her chest, dipping into darker hues in the center like a bleeding heart.
No one can see it, for its no longer there. Even for her, it manifests only as brief flashes of painful memories, but her talons are still stained red.
Need to rewrite this.
Empty. Hollow, tired eyes are Needle's most noted feature. She seems passive, avoiding most interactions and nearly unnoticed. She doesn't seem to do much at all, pushed along by the flow of a crowd. All her words are reactions, responding to stimuli instead of foraging out on her own.
Needle is notable that way. Her most prominent trait being her lack of traits. She's desensitized to strong emotions. The spoils of war, a destructive loss. The war was such an emotional turmoil for her, it seems to have left nothing behind.
However, it's obvious to any viewer that she tries. If eye contact is made, she attempts to smile in response, to be friendly. Her movements are awkward, mechanical. Twisted into odd disarray by the expectations of discipline.
Needle is lost, without a sense of direction for what to do. She wanders, her emotions barely disturbed, nothing to fill the hole in her heart. She yearns to feel something, anything.
She's yet to find it.
Born in the Fifth Circle, Needle was near destined to be a soldier. With the war raging around her, her first few years were the bare minimum of survival. The Ice Kingdom were running low on soldiers. The nobles shoved younger dragonets into the battlefield every month, even the nobles.
It was always clear to Needle's parents that she would have to fight as well. They never invested much in here, giving her shelter and food, and not much out. She was left out to play with the other dragonets. Her parents never considered her much, she was simply a burden until the war whisked her away.
Thus, she grew loud. Without the constant lash of discipline, Needle grew wilder. She acted like her friends, similar dragonets who developed a loose culture. One of teasing and casual looseness, actions that most in the IceWing society would sneer down upon.
However, soon, at just two years, she was brought into the war. Needle was soon struck by a completely different reality. Here, she was expected to work hard, to be perfect. She often lashed out, and was punished. Singled out for being the most rebellious, the worst of the troops. She received special treatment from the general.
This might have brought anger. Anger Needle was taught to tamp down on, to hold and let it pent up before releasing it in battle. She continued training for three years. She learned to distill and remove her rebelliousness, her pride, for the sake of the war. She learned to be like everyone else.
I think with her I'll have her lose a significant other to the war, and do the IceWing thing of channeling sorrow into anger.
Needle makes it through the rest of the war, bloodthirsty and constantly lashing out at others. She does it for the SO she lost, but after everything calms down she realizes that she doesn't... feel anything. She was empty except for that rage, and with all the tribes at peace even that has quieted.
So she's trying to reintegrate into society, overcome prejudices, generally have a more hopeful ending.