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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
☃ Page by Winter. Do not steal anything.
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This page contains profanity, violence, mild gore, or other forms of content that you may find upsetting.
Author's note: Implications or mentions of cannibalism; filicide; homicide
   "Pride goeth before a fall."

Natter is a male SandWing, and a famous cook known for his experimental dishes. He has written a scroll on cooking and even had a show on television, a fairly new and recently developed thing. He was also a restaurant critic.


Natter is a pretty average looking SandWing with a slender but rough body. His scales are a pale sandy colour, slightly darker on the back. His limbs and tail are significantly darker, a nice brown colour that is close to black. He also has dark oval spots on his back. The poison barb at the tail tip is lighter than the rest of the tail. Natter's horns and claws are a light beige tone. The frill is a golden colour similar to the scales, blending into white at the end. The two front streaks make the frill appear like hair. Natter's eyes are very dark brown. He has a lighter sclera than normal SandWings. Natter has no horn on his snout.

He may often be seen wearing an apron and gloves. Natter wears smooth metal bracelets on each wrist.


Although his cooking skills are superb, his personality never has been, and that is something many dragons were aware of. Those who worked with him quickly got to realize that Natter is as arrogant as he is shown on the magical box, and that whatever they did, they could never live up to his standards. Usually dragons expected that the persona on TV was just played and in fact it might have been for Natter as well, because he is even more insufferable in the real world. Natter is prone to throwing tantrums and yelling at others when things don't go his way. He very much has the traits of a spoiled dragonet, and considering his family, this might have been the case. Not only would they support all his good things, given their moral dubiousness, they also would have supported Natter's wrongdoings. This may also be why Natter believes he is always right. Not many dragons dare to oppose him as saying anything against him or things he doesn't like will surely make Natter mad. In the past getting yelled at was typically the most a dragon had to worry about, but soon the empty threats became more than that. The current Natter is not afraid to act on what he promised.


  • Tribal: Natter has all typical SandWing traits. His fire is a light orange colour.
  • Cooking: After many years of doing it Natter has gained cooking expertise unrivaled in all of Ammos, and possibly even Pyrrhia. Many dragons would spend a lot of money to get to taste some of his meals, some of which he invented himself.
  • Fighting: As a veteran Natter knows how to fight. He is pretty good at handling weapons, which may also be why he is so precise when utilizing kitchen utensils.


Food was never something most SandWings were interested in, and considering how many of them lived in a desert with barely any variety in that regard, it made sense that a lot of specialties from Ammos come from places by the coast. The elite of the Vulture Den was definitely a bit different from other desert inhabitants, indulging in such a variety of food, most of which is imported from outside.

Natter's family was part of that elite, and while that meant that as a dragonet he got to taste quite the variety of stuff, it also meant that Natter's family might actually have been involved in some rather unpleasant business, which was also the source of their wealth. While the common folk in the Vulture Den were pretty decent dragons (for the most part), the ruling class consisted of fraudsters and illegal dealers, using their illegal money to sustain this oasis.

As he became older Natter became involved in his family's business. However, it has never been what he had actually wanted, instead his dreams lied in gastronomy. Already as a dragonet he had enjoyed variety in food, getting bored of eating the same things again and again, and he was sure that this could become a great business in the future. Natter was not wrong, and his parents believed in this as well. It was basically untouched potential. But among SandWings it was also unusual.

Natter started with the business, though it was not well known nor did it serve to many customers. It was a simple small restaurant, and if it didn't had the funding of Natter's family it actually might have shut down sooner. It eventually did close, but not because of business related reasons. The second Pyrrhian war began, and the Vulture Den was affected as well. Natter too became involved in it. Finding food during the war was hard. At least SandWings did not require it as often as other tribes, but Natter still really had the need for some nice prepared dish. In the army he would demonstrate his cooking skills to others, whenever he had the chance to do it. During such harsh conditions the soldiers should get at least a good meal, that was what Natter believed. Maybe Natter had some kindness in him after all or at least some sense of comraderie. His cooking and his actions on the battlefield made him find friends, some of which unfortunately would not get the chance to experience his cooking in a more peaceful setting.

As the war came to an end Natter returned to his home. With him came another SandWing, who would become his wife in the future. The events Natter had experienced in the last few years affected him in so many ways, but he tried to move on with his new restaurant.

The war didn't just affect individual dragons. It took a couple years for the nations to recover, but the result of this all was an era of peace Pyrrhia has not experienced in a century. The relationship between some nations was definitely better. Tourists from beyond Ammos had become more common, and likewise some SandWings left the nation in pursuit of something new. Natter grabbed this opportunity to share his vision with the world.

To be continued...

  • draft to pyrrhian war (ca 50 years ago)
  • rise to cooking star
  • family
  • the fall
  • cronus moment
  • going underground


  • Sunspot
  • Hydra
  • Iris
  • Lightchanger
  • Parents
  • Family


  • Natter had his own cooking show. It was quite popular before its cancelation.
    • His cooking skills were famous even outside of Pyrrhia.
  • Natter is named after the colubridae family of snakes, "natter" being the German translation.
  • He has tried a lot of different eggs.
  • Natter thinks most bugs are disgusting and not serviceable as food.
    • However there are exceptions depending on the type and how they are prepared.
  • He owns a big cook's hat. :]


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The following article is outdated!
Content on this page may be incorrect and not in line with current lore.

This is the joke box. For jokes.

  • he is not based on gordon ramsay! This is just a joke because he happens to be a cook on TV
  • natter is an evil boy
  • his show was cancelled for the forbidden nom noms
