This is a fanfiction by LunaStar77. Theft will not be tolerated
This fanfic takes place in the FAR future. The Queens are:
- Queen Eostrix of the NightWings and RainWings.
- Queen Amazon of the SeaWings
- Queen June of the HiveWings
- Queen Ra of the SandWings
- Queen Quinkana of the MudWings
- Queen Shikra of the SkyWings (yes, I'm aware it sounds like Shakira. Shikra is a type of bird)
- Queen Adelie Kairuku of the IceWings (don't ask; it's two types of penguin's names smooshed together, I know it sounds like an actual person, or maybe like Adele... I really have to stop making these names sound like singers :/)
- The whole LeafSilk council.
"Morose, you idiot," hissed Clawmentine, whose eyes were ablaze with dark fury. Her RainWing ruff turned red -- an indication of her anger. Her curved, graceful neck, rigid and poised to kill, glimmered shades of azure and fuchsia and ivory, a mixture of displeasure, guilt, and silent pain. Her facade betrayed nothing, though, and her fangs glistened in the moonlight, displaying how little power the other dragon had against her.
"It isn't my fault our sister ran off with that SeaWing." Morose made a displeased noise. "You know, mother will kill us now."
"Mother can't do squat," Clawmentine snapped, with just enough grace to look abashed that her brother didn't know their own mother's weak strength. Her tail curled around her talons and she sighed, a low, angry sound that escaped her nostrils. If she was any of her species' fire-breathing counterparts, she'd be burning Morose's scales until they smoked. But her expression softened, and closed her eyes for a painfully long time before she spoke again. "Morose, look," Clawmentine began, "You know the power inside her blood. You know she was supposed to have eggs within the royal family, with Nightfawn, her betrothed. She was supposed to hatch a possible heir for our Queendom. She's ruined it all! In a couple years, she'll have eggs, passing down her blood. Then, imagine if their dragonet gets the gift. Then our entire Queendom could be in danger! I know what you're thinking: Blueflames do play a significant role in our world, and, yes, they are common comparative to our past history. That's why she shouldn't have run away. She disgraced her family."
"Alright," Morose said uncertainly with a frown. "It's alright if she doesn't hatch an heir for our Queendom, you know. Queen Eostrix cannot be Queen forever, but she certainly does have an heir for the Queendom."
"I don't think Princess Granadilla is a suitable heir," sniped Clawmentine. "Not after the fling she had with Kapok. Who knows what will happen now with that family. Acapella shouldn't have left." Her head dipped down to her sloth, Silky, who climbed up her arm and smiled up at her.
"Look, I'm sorry--" Morose began, but was cut off by the abrupt noise of his sister shushing him. "What?" he snapped, angered, but, as Clawmentine held a claw to her mouth, he knew not to talk.
A noise ripped through the forest, greater than before.
"It appears," said Clawmentine, opening up her wing as a gesture to the sound, "that we have another Blueflame on our talons."
Chapter One:[]
Tramp, squelch, Tramp, Squelch, Tramp, Squelch.
"What was that?"
Tramp, Squelch, Tramp, Squelch.
"Be quiet, they might hear us."
Tramp, Squelch.
"We're well hidden; They'll never find us, Salvinia."
"I wouldn't count a treehouse built into a large tree well hidden."
Tramp, Squelch, Tramp, Tramp, Squelch.
Hyacinth and her siblings held their breath, waiting for the moment a dragon would burst from the undergrowth. They didn't know this strange dragon, nor would they ever, but they certainly didn't want to talk to them. They seemed to be doing a lot of screaming about the Scorpion Den and Diamonds and the Poison Jungle. Usually any dragon, apart from RainWings and SeaWings and MudWings, hated the Rain, a common thing around the border shared by the three Queendoms, where the sibs lived. They were tribrids, their Grandparents grand mixes of all sorts. Their father was purely and solely a MudWing, coming from the Palace of the Queen herself (although not related to the royals whatsoever), and their Mother was half RainWing, half SeaWing, which resulted in some strange, yet beautiful, scale colors. Their RainWing genes made them able to adapt to their surroundings if they tried hard enough, although they'd have to be trying really hard. Their scales would usually just stay the same brilliant colors all the time. Although, most of their features were RainWing features, such as their wing membranes.
"Cinth, do you think the dragon down there is dangerous?" asked the littlest sister of their band of sibs, Iris, her dragonet-esque drawl making all her R sounds sound like W. She shifted from one cream-brown talon to the next, her light purple SeaWing glow stripes flashing with every bound. Her wings, with their naturally pink-to-purple membranes and cream-brown supports, trembled ever so slightly, an indication of her fright. Her soft purple eyes were rimmed with darker brown scales, puffy from all the times she'd cried over the past day (which was a lot; she was like a ticking time-bomb ready to explode at any moment). Her head was more MudWing-SeaWing than RainWing, although, like all her siblings, she had ruff that matched her Wings, horns, SeaWing patterns, and claws.
"Iris, this dragon has been pacing there forever," Hyacinth said calmly, careful not to anger or frighten Iris. As their BigWings (which she really was; her wings were much bigger than any of her other siblings'), it was her duty not to make Iris cry. "I'm sure they're not dangerous," Hyacinth said, slightly more firmly now, but still with infinite kindness. "They'll go away soon, I'm sure."
Salvinia, the know-it-all, pushed her gold-rimmed glasses up her RainWing-ish snout. "Well, actually my statistics show..." she trailed off, perhaps realizing that making Iris grumpy probably wasn't the best decision. She clamped her mouth shut with a subdued expression, her deep brown scales offset by the bright blues and greens of her ruff, wing membranes, talons, horns, and bioluminescent stripes.
"Sal, please." Hyacinth was growing impatient; this dragon hadn't left at all for the past few days. She was beginning to get worried. What if they were dangerous? Should the band of sibs attack the unknown wanderer? What would the safest option be? Although... looking at her siblings, Hyacinth knew none of them were ready for battle. Azalea and Milkweed, maybe. But Iris, Salvinia, and Mallow... they were better off here, safely tucked away in the foliage of the Treehouse.
"Sal, don't be such a know-it-all," snapped Milkweed. "Just shut up and maybe the stupid dragon will leave."
Iris, like the ticking time-bomb she was, exploded in a fit of wailing and tears that notified the dragon below that a troupe of dragonets was watching. Abruptly, the dragon fled, not daring to cast a look back at the crybaby of a dragonet that was Iris. Hyacinth winced; maybe Milkweed really wasn't ready for battle. After all, he really didn't know when to shut his snout.
"Iris, come on, don't be such a baby," Milkweed sniped. That was not the way to speak to a teensy-weensy dragonet who didn't yet understand that crying wasn't the way to solve the world's problems. Milkweed frowned and turned away, his faded mauve-toned wings tucked in at his sides. His matching gaze sparked with indignation.
"Don't say that to Iris!" Azalea flared, her pink-to-white wings splayed out angrily. Her sparkling aquamarine eyes landed on the small dragonet. She wrapped her wings around her younger sister and smiled. "Don't worry, you're okay."
"He be mean to me," sniffled Iris, to which Milkweed rolled his eyes.
"Actually, it's 'he is mean to me'..." Salvinia paused. "You really need a lesson on Dragon."
Hyacinth sighed, a slow, rumbling sound as all her siblings began arguing. As usual, Mallow took Milkweed's side, cheering for him as he argued with Azalea, who wrapped her wings protectively around Iris, all the while Salvinia was correcting them on their insults. Hyacinth began to get a pounding headache. She spread her magenta-to-orange-to-lime colored wings (which earned her the nickname of Mango) on their fluffy pantherskin mat and colorful silk pillows, staring up at the wooden ceiling covered in brilliant flowers and vines that crawled all around the latticed beams and supports. She rubbed her temples with her talons, trying to listen to the gentle pitter-patter of rain falling on leaves through all the arguing.
"Just because she's littler doesn't mean she isn't smart! Don't put her down like that!"
"She's an idiot! If all the trees in the Rainforest represented her brain cells, we wouldn't be able to breathe!"
"As MudWings, we can hold our breath for up to an hour, Milkweed, so, theoretically, we would be able to survive at least until we get to a place populated by trees. Also, the wind would carry along all the oxygen from tree-populated areas, so we should survive--"
"Can it, Salvinia! No one needs your boring input!"
"Ha, look who's talking."
"Just because I'm not interested doesn't mean--"
Everyone was stunned into shocked silence. Hyacinth had never shouted at her sibs before; it seemed so unlike her that even she was taken aback, surprised the words had come out of her mouth. Iris, who would be crying by now, just stared at her older sibling, her purple eyes as wide as moons. This was probably the most quiet they'd been in months. No arguing, no headaches, blissful silence... if Hyacinth didn't feel guilty about yelling at them, she'd be enjoying the few moments of peace she had.
"Now come on, let's go. Pitaya and Cinnamon will be expecting us." She got up and stretched out her wings. The rain outside their treehouse had slowed and was now nearly gone, but she didn't want it to go. The sound of rain was therapeutic, and would help subdue her aching thoughts. Pitaya was one of the snarkiest RainWings around, but a helpful one, and Hyacinth's best friend, courting Cinnamon. Cinnamon in question was a pale MudWing with quiet siblings who didn't have the strange array of personalities that Hyacinth's did. Although she wasn't the BigWings of her sibs, she still had a big role. At least she was having better luck than Hyacinth.