a duo with him
he has soft white and cream colored waterproof feathers and an average build. he's short even among other aviwing aequorlitornithes. the most striking part about him is his black and bronze-orange feather markings and wings. radiating from the ecru of his face to a rich black. these feathers extend only a little ways down his neck. he has matching black horns and aerodynamic feathers down his back. merots claws are long and surprisingly dainty, black and scuffed from digging through underwater rocks. their hollow bones and every so slightly stocky build make them perfect for diving and swimming.
skills: unnatural luck at pearl diving, how calm they stay under the immense pressure of drowning. very good at soaring/gliding diving really fast, as well as swimming.
disadvantages: a VERY bad long distance flier. takes a break to breathe every 5 minutes. absolutely obnoxious about it too nobody wants to fly with him. is lack of emotional connection a disadvantage lmao. skill issue: you suck
born and raised in the west aviwing kingdom as a middle dragonet, moved to a much more isolated town near the coast when they got older. eventually took up pearl diving and got really good.
one night during an extremely intense storm, a tempestwing fleeing their unjust exile crashed outside his home.
the dragon was almost dead, with broken bones and barely healed injuries from an attack.
merot rarely receives visitors and he helped nurse cirrostratus back to health.
the problem is is that stratus was exiled for questioning military leadership during the war. his fellow soldiers tried to kill him, but he escaped and was framed for treason. aviwings have harsh punishments for criminals so he's hiding there until his broken wing recovers (if it ever does)
there arent many non-aviwings in that town, so stratus would stick out like a sore thumb. and if they ever found out about his past he'd be killed.
merot is falling in love with stratus even if they won't admit it.
aviwing pearl diver living in the southernmost west in the aviwing queendom
inspired by a crested grebe!
a wise businessman and salesman. their pearls are high quality, he even sells to nobility and royalty.

base by nightstrike the dragon

merot and cirrostratus on a cool spring night. his wings are backwards but yknow that adds to the charm. also i did this without looking at their ref.