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Trending on occupant (Scientist) and Nightwing category.
Megamind is a Nightwing- Seawing hybrid the Seawing color is on his head and the Nightwing colors on his body. His head is a Seawing while his body is Nightwing. He usually has a lab coat on his body. He has some scars from when Nebula claws him. He has a ton of lab equipment on him like needles. His eyes glow red. He is usually covered with Nebula’s blood which is violet colored.
He usually works alone on Nebula and Lullaby. They are his favorite subjects. He is very introverted. Does not talk much. He loves blood and will do anything to get it. He is also very sadist. Also very cruel and creative thinking of different ways that he could experiment on Nebula and Lullaby. He likes having Hellfire around and enjoys his company. He also likes experimenting on Lullaby and he enjoys her pain. He has a crush on Hellfire.
He can breath underwater and can breath fire, He is very smart, He has glowing scales like Seawings have and he has night vision
Nebula- Positive. He loves to experiment on her. He was the one that made the chains that are on Nebula's body. But Nebula hates him. He keeps experimenting on her against her will but he doesn’t care. He enjoys her pain and agony.
Lullaby- Positive and Negative. He loves to experiment on her. He was the one that made the chains and her muzzle that are on Lullaby’s body. But Lullaby hates him. He keeps experimenting on her against her will but he doesn’t care. He enjoys her pain
The Voice- Positive
Hellfire- Positive. He is his work friend and his best friend. He loves his company and he has a crush on him
Smokeberry- Negative. He forces her to do experiments on Nebula and he watches her like a hawk.
Other scientists- Positive and Negative. He likes that they give him his tools. He hates that they try to take over the experiments on Nebula.
He made the Nightwing lab where he did experiments. Megamind made a promise to the lab that he would help find and experiment on any young dragons that he found in the rainforest. Then he kidnapped Nebula and he is experimenting on her everyday against her will. He hired Hellfire as his assistant scientist. Hellfire is his best friend. He performs horrible experiments on Nebula ever since she got kidnapped by him. Then he kidnapped Lullaby after and started experimenting on her and trapping her in the lab where he does horrible experiments on her everyday.
"This will hurt a lot" -To Nebula
"Let me do the experiment on her" To the other scientists about Nebula
“Pin her down on the table and put the straps on her head and body so that I can experiment on her” -To the other scientists about putting Nebula on a table
”Yes blood”- To Nebula
“This needle will hopefully will hurt you more” -To Nebula as he sticks a needle into her body
“You’re mine little dragonets forever and there's nothing you can do about it” -To Nebula and Lullaby
- He is kinda based off the movie Megamind
- He is apart of the AU that I made
- He is the cause of the nightmares that Nebula has at night
- He is my little mad scientist bean
- Fanfic link
- He may get a shipping fanfic with Hellfire

Megamind base by prosecutor_Crybaby

Megamind headshot base by Snap Apple