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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Marsh is a male MudWing dragonet currently attending Jade Mountain. He is a very cheeky and sometimes sly dragonet. He sometimes likes to play pranks on others. Many times he can be loud and is usually active. Now that doesn’t mean he can’t sit still. He can be silent if he is ordered/asked to. He has flame resistant scales. He likes sweets. He has 3 other siblings and is the son of Pondweed.



He has brown and scattered faded dark olive green scales. His underbelly is an amber color that at times appears to have a gradient of gold. His eyes are an amber-orangey color.

He was born with several abnormalities. First he is smaller than average. And second he has smaller wings than usual. He can still fly like any dragon can, but he will get tired faster and he usually prefers to glide. He also has short horns that end curving downward rather than continuing upward.

Sometimes, he wears a dark grey cape with collar. A shiny golden “piece” joins both parts in the center. It is stained with dirt and tattered at the edges. It has a faded color thanks to years of use.”


He acts like your average toddler. He is cheeky, fun, loving, joking, and well, what else can I say? He is sly. He likes to play pranks on others and he jokes around a lot. He likes to participate in activities with others. He can be active at times and usually prefers to spend time outdoors. Reading and studying aren’t much of his things, but he does have a curious side. He likes to explore. He collects things he deems weird or interesting.

Although he can be hyper, he can be still and silent if he is told to. He tends to follow rules and doesn’t like to get into trouble. He will often fix any mistakes he makes. He can get defensive at times. He will often defend his friends and family.


He doesn’t have any unique abilities other than being resistant to fire. Because he spends a good amount of time gliding (due to his abnormality), he managed to become decent at tree gliding, being one of the few non RainWings to do so. He can also cave glide well.


In the Mud kingdom[]

He was born in the Mud kingdom in W.I.P

At Jade Mountain[]



  • Pondweed
  • W.I.P


  • Elwin - They met while Elwin was traveling through the Mud kingdom. Elwin was heading west towards Acia after heading to the costal city oh Alasanka. Elwin was driving his convertible along the abandoned T-87 highway that ran south of a (32 miles away from the) dragon city. Elwin got a flat and stopped to fix it. Marsh was flying with his family near the area while attending an important event. Marsh as interested in the scavenger and the large metal thing he had with him. While he was flying, he swooped down to have a closer look. Marsh’s mother Pondweed swooped down as well, to attack Elwin, Elwin kneeled and took out a plate of confections he had in his trunk and he raised the plate with both hands as an offering. Marsh, took. A bite from the plate and he decided that he liked it. Pondweed also took a bite and she said it was decent. Marsh then ate everything on the plate. Elwin knew (and still does) how to speak dragon. He then asked Marsh’s mother to spare him, saying that he would bring more if they did. Pondweed agreed, and Elwin did not brake his promise. Three days later, he came back in a truck full of confections. Marsh would eventually begin to visit Elwin. Elwin would drive at times to Jade mountain to visit Marsh. While he was there, he would often share his confections with the other dragons there.


  • T.B.A