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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Unknown Origins ⟡ She/Her/Fae ⟡ Deity/Inventor/Singer

It's always darkest before the dawn

Marble Rosetail
Marble Rosetail (Athena)
Artist Luna
Background Information
Creator Luna
Coder roaff, some small edits by Luna (but mainly Roaff okay guys I'm not that good at coding)
Main Attribute Marble
Elemental Attribute Statues/Marble
Theme Animal Marble Rosetail Betta fish
Theme Color light pink/rose gold
Character Information
Status Alive; Deity
Age 7-8 DY
Gender Female/Female aligned gender
Pronouns She/her, Fae/faer
Orientation Doesn't know/Doesn't care
Occupation Deity/Inventor/Singer/Artist
Tribe Unknown/Tribeless
Allies Zephyros, mother, father, Cassie, cousins
Enemies Jake, Cheshire
Powers See: Abilities
Weaknesses See: Personality & abilities
Loves See: Personality
Quote -

Sitting coiled like a snake, you might hear Marble's body rattle oddly or make clicking noises. Why does this happen? Well, her smooth, polished pale pink scales aren't scales at all -- they're marble rocks, cracking at the seams, golden blood clotting in between.

Let's begin with her face; it is mostly uncracked, mainly because it's a vital part of her body. Cracks appear on her cheeks, and on her curved horns, filled with a beautiful rose gold. Her left eye is a bright golden color, burning from within like a brilliant, angry fire. Above her eyes are golden lines, so beautiful it might as well be makeup, although she doesn't believe in makeup, saying that makeup is for the weak and insecure. Her eyebrows and nose horn are both a bright pink, a color reserved for most dragonets, but she thinks it's quite elegant. So are her butterfly-shaped ears, which have been adorned with twining gold earrings, and an optional hanging aquamarine-to-purple four-pointed star crystal. Perhaps the most worrying part of her face -- and the part that stands out the most -- is the outburst of bright turquoise-blue-purple flowers pouring out from the right side of her face, covering a matching blue eye. Apparently, when she first began falling apart -- literally -- she stuffed her holes with flowers, hoping it would conceal it. Not only did it become a permanent part of her face, but it also became a weapon: this tangle of flowers could send any soul to sleep by simply crushing it under their nose. She has built an immunity to it, so the same trick won't work on her.

Her body, marbled and cracked all the way through, is colored in the same shades as her face, the cracks being more deep and profound. Blue flowers sprout from her left shoulder, all the way up to the beginning of her large, beautiful pink butterfly wings that match her eyebrows. They, too, have glowing gold patterns on them, but they're less... there. More hidden. More blue flowers explode from a large crack on her upper right leg, right where her thigh meets her body, and another bunch of flowers flows from her tail, which is ended by a mermaid tail that matches the coloration of her wings. She doesn't find it strange that she is this way; she thinks of herself as the 'normal' one, and that others are just jealous that she looks this way. Well, not completely; she's quite conflicted herself, and sometimes thinks that she is odd and deformed, and that others are normal, not her. She doesn't think she's ugly, but sometimes it's hard to think she's beautiful, too; she cannot seem to stray away from the fact that she isn't like anyone else. She has butterfly wings, like a SilkWing, but no antennas, and her wings didn't come in after metamorphosis; they've always been there. She has a mermaid tail, like SeaWings, but cannot breathe underwater, instead relying on her ability to hold her breath for up to an hour, much like a MudWing, which she doesn't resemble at all. No, she doesn't belong to a tribe; she's special, and no one can take that from her.


A brilliant thinker, Athena takes no chances when it comes to work. She is efficient and uses her times and words wisely (except around her friends or enemies; around her friends, she's very relaxed and speaks very easily, giving no weight to her words. Around her enemies, though, she's prone to coming up with smart comebacks quite quickly, with little thought to the possible consequences.) She can be awkward at times, but is mostly fine, and often finds herself thinking very deeply.

She is self-conscious yet uncaring at the same time. She doesn't pay attention to what others think about her, often doing stupid things with Zephyros just for the fun of it. But, at the same time, she covers herself with veils and capes to hide her cracks, her flaws. She hasn't yet learned what it means to have flaws and be open about them; perhaps she will one day, perhaps she won't.

She has learned to stay quiet, because the quiet kid notices everything. That makes her a little awkward with dragons she doesn't know, but she can take initiative to speak properly in front of them if she really tries. She relies on her logic most of the time, but sometimes makes rash decisions for the sake of fun, which are usually illogical and result in injury/other problems. She is very good and combining melodies and harmonies when composing music, and is a beautiful artist, with the ability to create intricate designs quite nicely. She may speak out a bit quick, and might not pay attention to the repercussions of saying something (in relation to the other dragon's feelings), but she is able to help a friend in need when they're in obvious emotional distress.

One of her favorite things to do is sing; she writes songs about the pains in her life, and it helps her. She plays multiple instruments (such as the violin and the guitar), and is well known throughout the town as the dragon that will be famous someday. Her passion not only extends to recreation and to her career; it extends to helping others, and generally making life better for everyone. She hopes to use her influence to change other dragons for the better.

She can sing a full ten octaves, hitting notes normal dragons wouldn't be able to. Her voice is as smooth as Ariana Grande's, as strong as Adele's, and her songwriting skills are like that of Taylor Swift, although she doesn't enjoy listening to any of these singers' respective genres, instead focusing on indie rock or rock pop.

Although she possesses many good traits, she has a few flaws; she is quite clumsy, brought upon by nerves and the need to fit in, which results in her feeling too big and out of place. She overthinks almost everything, from the foods she eats, to a dragon missing from class. Her mind immediately goes through all the possibilities; she knows this isn't healthy, yet she does it anyway.

  • Marble Rosetail: Marble Rosetail is her full name.
  • Marble: Marble is the start of her name.
  • Athena: Athena is a nickname she was given by her friends because of her BRAINCELL POWER!! She also quite likes it and actually prefers it to her actual name (to many actuals over there but okay)
  • Singing
  • Listening to rock/indie music
  • Writing rock/indie music
  • grungy/dark type clothing/accessories
  • art
  • The colors gold, pink, purple, blue, and aquamarine
  • The sunset/sunrise when the clouds/sky are pink
  • That one bio-luminescent algae that exists/glows bright blue when you touch dark water
  • Ancient pottery
  • Marble statues
  • potholes/cracks in the road (don't ask; they remind her of herself)
  • Kintsugi art when she breaks pottery/statues
  • Stuffing flowers in large cracks when she breaks something
  • Athens
  • Thinking
  • Therapists
  • dragons who scream to music
  • okra
  • swamps
  • steam
  • intense solar flairs
  • red herrings
Intellectual Intelligence
Social Intelligence
Creative Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Musical Intelligence
Logical Intelligence

As the Deity of Statues, Marble, Flaws, Strength, and Subsistence, Athena can break herself apart according to the cracks on her body and attack others, and use her telekinesis to hover mid-air so that she doesn't get hurt. She can pull herself together again with her 'gold core' which she uses by pooling her gold blood through the cracks to keep herself together (literally. It's kinda gross honestly). She can see others' flaws, as well as their strengths. She also has incredible advice as to how to keep oneself together (figuratively, as in maintaining good relationships/grades. Her advice actually works really well, surprisingly).


Her story began when her adoptive parents, Livida and Spotfin, went on a honeymoon to a small SeaWing village at the beach, and discovered her pink and gold marble-patterned egg buried in the sand. They didn't think twice before deciding to take her in; she was a solitary egg laying in the sand, no mother in sight. It would take months, if not years to locate her biological parents, and by then she'd be fully attached to her caregivers.

She was given the name Marble Rosetail, because it was a species of Betta fish, and both of her parents were already named after such fish (they were SeaWing/SilkWing/SandWing hybrids. It became very clear that she didn't belong to any particular tribe, but her parents didn't care; they loved her with all their hearts, and she loved them too. They didn't have a care in the world. Her parents found it odd that her body didn't have a scaly texture, but they blamed it on bad eyesight and loved her nonetheless.) She hatched with butterfly wings, that marked her as being part SilkWing, but, at the same time, she hatched with them, which wasn't normal for SilkWings, who usually went through metamorphosis in order to achieve the desired wings. Tribeless was what she was, but her parents didn't find it odd; they found it beautiful. A beautiful little bundle of joy for them. Even if she was deformed, they didn't care; she was their dragonet, and nothing would change that.

At the age of 1, she fell down and cut herself, resulting in a small bleed. Her parents saw her and were dumbstruck; she had gold blood. They showed it to a doctor, but the doctor had no idea. He simply told them it was odd and that their dragonet was special.

They soon sent her to school (well, they dragged her there screaming and crying), and her first year went well. She was excelling academically, and met her best friend, Zephyros, a shy Leaf/Silk/Hive/Sand who flew backward every time he sneezed. There, she also met Cassie, Jake, and Cheshire, who she kept her distance from, mainly because she didn't know them very well. Zephyros would occasionally talk to Cassie, but Jake and Cheshire remained distant figures.

By the second year of school, she quite enjoyed chatting with her friends. She was still a star student, but, at the same time, she felt the weight of homework and social life a bit more than during her first year. At this point, she'd already gained Zephyros' trust, and told him that she had a teensy-weensy crush on Jake, the most popular guy in their year, and Zephyros was completely fine with that, and promised he'd keep it a secret, which he did. He didn't tell a soul, which further reinforced their friendship. Cassie became slightly closer to her, and they were actually lab partners once when Zephyros was sick. Zephyros also told Athena about his crush on Cassie, and Athena teased him about it. She knew Cassie already liked him, from the way she acted, and tried to set them up (with little effectiveness; Zephyros got nervous and proceeded to quiz Cassie on the Scorching, and Cassie looked queasy and nearly threw up because she ate rancid nachos for lunch (she didn't know they were rancid, okay? Don't bother Cas she's just a little silly.).).

During the third year, Athena felt like she blended in perfectly with the student body. She was one of the only singers there, and was famous for writing and singing her songs at the school's annual talent show. Everyone knew her as the singer, and, although that set her apart from the other students, it made her feel more like she belonged, because she was known for something, much like the others at her school. She was also known to be an exceptional student, and an amazing author and artist, and really stood out in terms of her talents.

The fourth year was pretty smooth sailing, until the Jake disaster. Athena and Jake began to date, mainly because Jake had recently broken up with a cheerleading dragoness named Opalescent and he needed a break from cheerleaders. Also, he'd had a crush on Athena for a pretty long time, so that was a bonus. Around that time, cracks and chunks of Athena were breaking and snapping off, and Athena resorted to stuffing the holes full of poisonous flowers that didn't seem to affect her at all -- they did affect others, though, but she gave them some immunity somehow, and they were fine after.



Extremely Positive

A best friend since hatching, Zephyros has always been there for Athena, whether to joke about her in the worst way possible just to annoy her, or to actually help her when she needs it. He has stuck by her through thick and thin, through good days and bad, and has no intentions of ever giving up his place as her best friend. He was the only one who understood her when she needed it (except for maybe her parents, but who really tells their parents all their secrets anyway?) and the only one who actually cared. He was awesome, really, and Athena wouldn't trade the world for him.

Extremely Negative

Jake is Athena's ex. After cheating on her with Cheshire (who she knows knew about their relationship), Athena had no sympathy for him whenever something 'soul-shattering' happened. He wasn't a good boyfriend to begin with; he rarely told her how beautiful she was, and often left her hanging after making plans. He was the typical, handsome jock-type character, and she was the odd, weird singer-girl who always had dragons in raptures after her performances (she wrote all her own songs; he didn't help her at all). She noticed how Cheshire always looked at him, and how he didn't particularly care when she made it her job to flirt with him. She grew frustrated, and eventually was forced to end things. Popular on the outside, terrible on the inside -- that was Jake. She was glad they were over.

Extremely Positive

Cassie used to be Zephyros' girlfriend. Cassie is kind, open-minded, and generally a good dragon. She always acknowledged that Athena was in the room, and never left her out of conversations. She made it better when Athena was forced to third wheel (Jake repeatedly left her hanging in favor of his jock friends, and made up excuses constantly). She made Athena feel like she wasn't alone. Zephyros and her eventually split because of different life goals, but she still remains one of Athena's closest friends to this day.



Cheshire wasn't exactly Athena's nemesis, per se, but she wasn't nice either. Once, in the first or second year of school, Athena vaguely remembers really wanting this toy that was pretty popular, and that all the cool kids had, but her parents were struggling financially, so they couldn't get it for her. Instead, they gave her a different toy that looked similar, and she thought it was pretty cool. She went to school, showed it to her friends, but was met by laughter by Cheshire, who thought it was knock-off junk and that Athena was stupid. But, apart from that, there were no problems between them.

Until Jake happened.

Now, Athena doesn't know what to think. Jake cheated on her with Cheshire, who knew perfectly well that Jake was already with Athena. After much thought, Athena realized that Jake would probably cheat on Cheshire too, because he fell in love with any female dragon that came along. Well, Athena would wait then, and she could only pity Cheshire in the meantime.


Extremely Positive

Livida is Athena's mother. A kind, caring presence, Livida is hardworking, attentive, and always there for her daughter. She is an incredible chef, concocting all sorts of odd, but delicious, meals. She works as a Nurse, and listens to Athena's wants and needs, weighing them and every other possibility to ensure that her daughter is happy, but also well-behaved, and doesn't get too needy. She explains everything to her daughter as simply as she can, because she feels that Athena should know if there are any problems, although that did cause Athena to grow up too fast, especially during a time of financial difficulty when Athena learned things she shouldn't (like how to not beg for things she wants, instead spending on things she needs, like food and other necessities. Keeping her parents with money in their wallets basically was her childhood).


Extremely Positive

Spotfin is Athena's father. A caring, kind figure from childhood, Spotfin never fails to find a way to make dad jokes, or to make his daughter feel like her lungs will die from all this laughter.












The exterior is a sprawling beachside mansion, with terracotta-tiled roofs, sandstone bricks, and balconies overflowing with greenery and flowers. Faint whispers of salt dance on the seaside breeze, bringing the wistful feeling of the ocean to the grand home. Herbs and vegetables overflow from rioting, colorful gardens, and the bright flowers seldom stay in their boxes, instead choosing to climb up walls, leaving trails of bright flowers scents' to grace the night air. A path winds up and away from the palm trees and thin vineyards and cherries and plums, all the way to the main town, paved with rough beach stones, but smoothed away to ensure that no dragon is harmed by what could have been sharp rocks.


Painted in simple, light beige tones and decorated with tasteful, colorful furniture, the beachside home is obviously a place where a little dragonet lived, with the random stuffed animals scattered about the place, and the never-ending supply of food in the refrigerator. The first floor holds the entrance, fitted with rugs, chaise lounges and armchairs on which to prepare yourself for a trip outside, a coat rack, a hat rack, and a shelf filled with various items, whether they be family photos, colorful glass bowls that had broken and been fixed using the kintsugi method (the story goes that Athena was playing with her cousins Angel and Angler, tripped, and then smashed into the aquamarine seafoam bowl, and the magenta amethyst bowl, and broke them both. She had a fun time fixing them though!).


Walls of sand-tones, with paintings of pink and gold marble covering the walls (most of them are stuffed with purple-blue-aquamarine flowers), Athena's room is perfect for any dragon. Polaroid pictures attached to yarn via pink-and-gold-seashell covered clothespins decorated the walls, and books on shelves decorated with fairy lights really lit up the space. A large canopied bay-window bed in tones of pink and gold and purple-blue-aquamarine lay on the far side of the room, with







  • was originally going to be an reclusive Deity
  • doesn't know how to act so yeah
  • Has asthma

  • Takes One to Know One (The Beaches): It pretty much describes the relationship between Athena and Zephyros. Athena literally did throw Zephyros' art supplies in the trash to get a reaction. When she went on a double date with her then boyfriend Jake, Zephyros, and Zephyros' girlfriend Cassie, Zephyros threw up because he really didn't like the food (and Jake was being annoying), and then he threw a tantrum (because Jake made fun of him). Zephyros definitely did scratch one of Athena's inventions, so she laughed at his art and made fun of him. What a healthy relationship, am I right?
  • Blame Brett (The Beaches): After Jake cheated on her, Athena was really angry. She felt like if he was willing to cheat, he should have at least warned her. He told her, "don't worry, there are plenty of fish in the sea," to which she replied, "red herrings, you mean?" She replied 'red herrings' because that's exactly what he was; he mislead her, and now he was telling her to, 'go find someone else'. Soon after, a study came out stating that dragons will usually mirror the behavior of others around them. That made Athena worried; what if she cheated on Zephyros like Jake did to her? So she decided the only right thing to do was warn Zeph that it wasn't her fault; it was Jake's. Zeph should blame her ex.
  • Labour (Paris Paloma): Athena was nothing but caring to Jake, and expected nothing in return. He wasn't nice though, and Athena felt like she was doing all this work for nothing. He left her hanging when she needed him the most -- eventually she just grew tired and ended things.
  • That's So True (Gracie Abrams): Athena doesn't feel like she needs to go back to Jake. No, not ever. She does, however, feel like she should warn Cheshire about him. After all, she is his new girlfriend; Athena feels that he might cheat on her too. Even if Cheshire thinks things are all good and sweet now, Athena is afraid she might get hurt, even though it was mostly Cheshire's fault. She can't shake the feeling that Jake will do something awful to her too, and it might make a difference if Athena warns her. Athena has had to keep her distance, though, because Cheshire seizes every opportunity to remind Athena that Jake is her boyfriend now, and that Athena has no say in their relationship.
  • Dandelions (Ruth B): Before Athena and Jake dated, Athena thought he was a cute, handsome dragon, which was what everyone thought about the most popular dude in school. Athena always wished for them to be together, because of the way each conversation made her feel. She even wished on a dandelion once, but Zephyros warned her that she'd get hurt. In the end, he was right; Jake was a horrible boyfriend to her, and she didn't end things until it was too late, and he'd already done his damage.
  • Angel Of My Dreams (JADE): Athena had had a crush on Jake long before their relationship began, which directly links this song to her. Jake barely noticed her, causing fury and longing all at once. She loved him and hated him all at once, and felt that it wasn't fair that she didn't have a chance with him. She only realized after that this so-called 'angel' was really a devil in disguise; he'd hurt her, and that was the unfairest thing of all.
  • Oscar Winning Tears (RAYE): Athena knows that Jake spent most of his time lying to her, so it didn't come as a surprise that he also faked his sadness, too. He put on a show every day, another lie Athena spent most of her time ignoring, until finally Athena snapped. She couldn't listen to his performances anymore, the words that could win him Oscars if it weren't for them being in a world without, well, Oscars. Plus, Athena highly doubted that he was being authentic; it was all another game in his world. She thought that, at least, he could use his talent to become an actor.

"You're cracking me up! I'm falling apart. Literally." -- to Zephyros after he made the stupidest joke on earth and Athena couldn't stop laughing, resulting in the diagnosis of asthma.

"Sticks and stones literally cannot break my bones... oh, um, I'm pretty sure it's because I'm made of hard marble, and my bones are medically diagnosed as nonexistant... I mean, when I use my abilities, there doesn't seem to be many organs or bones or blood in there. I'm, like a superdragon." --to Zephyros whilst they were singing a song.


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