Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Lilywatcher is a gender questioning aceflux RainWing dragonet.




  • easily excited
  • has plenty of bad habits
  • doesn't give a f**k about what other dragons think
  • a little of every personality you can think of
  • could settle on being good or wicked, but they don't plan to as they're pretty pleased with the current half-half setup
  • is very distasteful of fellow dragonets and sees them as 'idiots'
  • sees themself as very mature for their age which may or may not be true
  • can occasionally get melancholy for no apparent reason at all
  • you could say that it's because of teenage mood swings, but they won't like it much
  • by that I mean that you're going to have to start watching your back


  • grew up without parents like any other rainwing
  • spent their early dragonethood sheltering in a house near the rainforest floor
  • enjoyed their life a lot
  • looked forward to new days, even though each day was the same
  • took up an intrest in drawing, and often spent all night sketching a rainforest boar or python on the leaf mulch on the ground
  • they could stay up all night if they wanted to, as they had all the time they needed to catch up on sleep
  • one of the advantages of being a rainwing...
  • they pitied the other, weirder tribes; in their head they hardly had any time for eating or sleeping, much less innocent hobbies
  • when lilywatcher wasn't drawing, they were playing in the warm, gold-washed canopy, chasing macaws and harpies around the tops of the trees
  • oh, how they loved their life!
  • that all changed when they turned two though. you see, they were hatched like ten years post-great-war and there's a school in the rainforest now. a school for mostly rainwings and nightwings but other tribes can be accepted too. like...jade mountain but less public
  • ''i don't want to go there!'' ---lilywatcher, when their new official guardian makes them attend it



  • bookworm, prefers horror stories and fairy tales


make sure to look in the source code for full!

change the color in source!

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  • code made by me (Pluto), with help from Mezepheles and Pointless circle

put description here

Aloof and sarcastic, Lilywatcher is your average edgy teenager. They typically snipe at those who they don't like, and even those they do.

scroll for down for info, and scroll right for more tabs hehe <3

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