Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


There is a good chance that this page is extremely outdated. If you see something outdated or absurd (like a large age gap between a partner, for example) it's just an example of my laziness and will hopefully be fixed soon!

~ Luna

Whipped Cream Pfp Headshot by CHICKENICEWINGTHINGY NoStealZStarChaser Template 1


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This page is under the ownership of Luna. Theft is not, will not, and never shall be tolerated. Take heed of this and perhaps I wont send the vengeful spirit of Quickstrike after you.
Content Warning
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Entry for Scroll's Song Based OC Contest.
Flash Warning Below!
Don't go in there; you'll become one.
Lightout TN Gif
Lightout Bg ZStarChaser 1
Lightout Headshot 1 ZStarChaser
Creator ZStarChaser
Artist ZStarChaser.
Code Base Himmalerin
Attribute Being Creepy
Element Monsters
Color Sickly Yellow
Animal Monster
Age 21 (DY)
Gender Male
Orientation Pixel Flag Straight
Occupation Just a hybrid who scares other dragons for fun.
Tribe Sand/Night
Residence Unknown
Relatives Unknown
Allies Other Terrifying Dragons.
Likes Scaring Dragons.
Dislikes Nice things, peace, "mortals."
Powers Extendable Tongue, Retractable Teeth/Claws.



~Eyes of yellow, scales and feathers, tails and teathers...
Turn the lights off.~
Lightout has dull yellow circles all over a brighter variety of the same color scales. His sail and wings are aqua teal that are slightly darker around the edges with light green circles all over them. His tongue and eyes are blue, and his underbelly is a shiny red. His horns and claws are a weird blue/gray. His ears are pink, and the edges of his wings are wavy and feathery.


Lightout is... insane, to say the least. If he ever met Burn, she may have spared him to her weirdling collection to make other dragons be more petrified of the tower. His shivery, rattly, slithering voice makes shivers crawl up other dragon's spines. He likes to say things like a maniac while creeping up on other dragons, and usually has his tongue extended out of his mouth to make him look creepy. He is a shady dragon in the Scorpion Den, a dragon Queen Thorn never got her claws on. He is a criminal as well, known to have committed several murders and violently dismembering dragons, usually ones that usually are attached on by other dragons, such as adventurous dragonets or sick elders. One time, a mother in the Scorpion Den was looking for her dragonet with Thorn, and found him with his throat slashed, mouth agape midscream, and his eyes gorged out. Thorn called a meeting and asked if anybody heard or saw anything suspicious, and a male Sandwing stated that he heard screaming at midnight. Thorn assumed he was guilty and killed him on the spot, before knowing that he was innocent.


Nothing... major is told from Lightout's history. Nobody could get close enough to talk to him about it anyway. But Thorn...
Thorn never got her claws on him, but she did manage to drag some information out of him.
The brown-speckled Sandwing was soaring across the dunes, scanning the ground with such ferocity her eyes might as well have been falling out right then.

There! A pale lemon Sandwing with green wings was trudging along the sand.

Is this the murderer? Thorn asked herself. I guess it would be good to ask him some... questions.

Thorn flew down to confront the Sandwing, who looked weirder and stranger as she flew down. Not only did he have green wings and miscolored scales, he also had a red underbelly, midnight blue eyes, and several Nightwing features.

Thorn had a moment of fear that this was her dragonet, the one that she had lost years ago, but then she noticed how old he looked; at least 20 years old.

"Hello?" Called Thorn.

The hybrid dragon looked up, confusion and a faint trace of... something in his expression that Thorn couldn't put a talon on.

"Ehh?" he said. His voice was high pitched and weird.

Thorn tried to talk like him, moving her voice pitch up and down. "Did. YOU. MURder. a. Sandwing?"

The Sandwing grinned something like a demon. "Heeee, heeee, yeeessss," he gasped.

This is him! I feel like I can trust his words, but not him himself. Be careful Thorn.

Thorn pointed at him. "Whooooo, youuuuu?"

"Me-me-meeee. Lightout," hissed the maniac-like dragon.

"Whyyyyy, murrrrderrrr?" Asked Thorn. "INNOCENT. DRAGOOON. DEEAAAD!"

Thorn couldn't help but notice that his tongue was slooooowly getting longer. It was creepy.

"InsAAAAAANE," growled Lightout as if she should know that he was insane. "MEEEAAAAAN. P-par-parents- heart-brok-broke!"

Thorn got the impression that she should be running then.

She took to the air, and Lightout called after her, calling, "EEEEIIINNSANEEEE! INSANNEEEEE!" like a dragonet.

What a weird dragon, thought Thorn uneasily. I should keep and eye out for him, as well as my guards.



Thorn hates Lightout for killing several Scorpion Den members, even though she has only seen him face to face once, and never got the chance to throw him in prison. She posts extra guards at night to watch out for Lightout, which lead to some of her subjects to think that she was just paranoid. But the real reason was to prevent her kingdom from being hurt, if not killed, by Lightout.

His family:

As his history states, Lightout's family seems to have been ab*s*ve, which pretty much lead to Lightout's insanity and criminality.
As you can imagine, nobody thanks them for that.
I think you can guess what Lightout's relationship with them was.

The Scorpion Den Residents:

The Scorpion Den Residents not only hate him, they fear him. Lightout loves it when the dragons of the den shiver their scales off when he committed a new murder. The best part was, in Lightout's opinion...
They have never seen him.




  • Created for this contest.
  • To be honest I'm attached to this lad. Gosh dangit thanks Scroll
  • "Thorn called a meeting."
    hOw SuS eH?
  • Text

